Italian Banners (3 Viewers)


Mar 30, 2003
I have always wandered what a lot of them massive banners meant that you see in Italian stadiums, could someone translate some famous ones and post them here, thanx.

here is an english one at a juve match:

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
That's a Banner for one of the Juve's biggest Fan Clubs called:

"Black and White Fighters Gruppo Storico 1977"


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I saw a banner in the Roma-Juve game....that said

"Roma merda"...

can someone translate that plis?


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Stevie11 ] ++
I have always wandered what a lot of them massive banners meant that you see in Italian stadiums, could someone translate some famous ones and post them here, thanx.

here is an english one at a juve match:
:cool: Thanks Stevie11, i've always wondered what some banners meant too :)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Kiko ] ++

wow...what did the other half of the stadium do?

i cant believe it!!

Haha i saw it in a little banner that was a guy hanging around in the tribunes.........:LOL:

but they did a whole choreography!!! incredible!


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
We are the bests with banners and stadium coreographys ;)
I use always to go to the stadium a bit earlier to have the time to check out the banners, player portraits, ecc... who are around... sometimes you see such beautiful things! Bests stadiums 4 it are San Siro and Olimpico but everyweare you find nice coreographys.

If you want to post some in Italian of who you are curios to know the meanig... I will translate ;)

I love that one in the pic, t do not even look a stadium banner, is so perfect :)


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
Wow, that's beautiful!!!!!! <stares in awe> Mate your so lucky your in Italy and you get to go to the stadiums to watch matches. I just wish i could go for once in my life.

hey if anyone has pics of banners/portraits/displays or whatever, could you post them pls? I don't get to see these stuff and they seam really awsome :extatic:


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
Wow, that's beautiful!!!!!! <stares in awe> Mate your so lucky your in Italy and you get to go to the stadiums to watch matches. I just wish i could go for once in my life.
hey if anyone has pics of banners/portraits/displays or whatever, could you post them pls? I don't get to see these stuff and they seam really awsome :extatic:
Well from over the rainbow is a long way to come here to see a football match ;) but I'm sure you will have the oportunity to see at list one :)
It is a nice experience cause also if sometimes you don't get the match like in the TV cause you can't see replys, sometimes the action is too far, ecc... the athmosphiere is fantastic! :extatic:

I have on my PC a long collection of pictures of banners dedicated to Roby Baggio mainly from Inter, Brescia and from the NT matches but now I will try to save all the nice banners picture I find, I guess is kinda art also this... once I tried to do one but I couldn't make it... it's difficolt and it take sooooo long; I really apreciate fans who dedicate so mutch affort to make the stadium "more beautiful" 4 everybody and to make their favorite players or team seeing that there are somebody who really loves them.

My favorite Juve banner is a draw of Edgar's eyes (of course with the gasses), sometimes they schow it at the TV during the matches but I didn't find a picture of it in the net... if somebody of you have it please post it :)

The banner (so big!) in the pic is from Italy-Portugal match in Genova... actually banners are also used 4 contestations and 4 making know a coach or a team manager what fans wants... it is the only way to comunicate with them. ;)

But the funniest banners are usually the once who opposites teams schow to "insult" eachother... especially in the Milano or Roma derbys they are so funny :LOL:
Check out here:
I know is Milan site... but it schow perfectly on how San Siro schow up in occasion of the derby... so many banners and colors...


Junior Member
Dec 15, 2002
I think this is the best coreography ever! The Irriducibili are a very organized group and are responsible for most of the coreography in the Curva Nord.


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