[ITA] Serie A 2012/2013 (5 Viewers)

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The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
Muntari banned for 2 games...some ex referees saying that he should have got a minimum of 4-5 games and that anything else is a small scandal


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
So who do you think should be serie A player of the season, and why?

There are only 3 candidates for the prize, imo, and they are Vidal, Cavani and Hamsik.
Vidal because he was the driving force of a scudetto winning Juve. Tireless runner who leads Juventus stats in tackles, goals, assists and, of course, yellow cards :D. Cavani because he comfortably wins the topscorer award, and Hamsik because, similarly to Vidal, was Napoli's driving force in most of the matches, proving to be more important than Inler, and even Cavani. His stats are more or less similar to Cavani when you count Hamsik's goals+assists. Until last week he was Europe's top assistman, and he's still serie A's top assistman. On top of it, he also scored 11 goals.

Tough competition, and I expect Cavani to win the prize at the end, but as far as I'm concerned, it should be between Vidal and Hamsik.

P.S: Special mention to Totti. If his team did a bit better, he would have been just as strong candidate. He also has double-double with more than 10 goals and more than 10 assists.


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
"Iniziamo a dire che il giallo a Balotelli è legittimo. Da quel momento scatta uno stato confusionale neurodelirante di Muntari, che mette le mani addosso all'arbitro, una cosa che non si può assolutamente fare. Quello di Muntari non è un comportamento violento, intendiamoci, ma l'atteggiamento è assolutamente da censurare e da condannare. Prima ferma il braccio di Rocchi, pensando di poter evitare l'espulsione, e poi abbraccia l'arbitro anche da dietro, tentando di bloccarne la decisione. Non si tratta di un atto di lesa maestà, si tratta solo di rispettare una norma comune di civiltà e di buon senso: il rispetto dell'arbitro. In Inghilterra, credo che prenderebbe un anno di squalifica, da noi penso che se la caverà con quattro o cinque giornate. Se fossero meno, sarebbe uno scandalo, si creerebbe un altro 'caso Cambiasso' (fallo su Giovinco punito con una giornata, ndr). Si legittimerebbe un tipo di comportamento del genere".

First he held Rocchi's hand down so he can't show him the card, then he grabbed him from behind too to try and stop him. This ex-ref says that in England there is a good chance that he would have been banned for a year, and that in Italy he should get a 4-5 match ban. Any less and it would be a scandal, it would be another 'Cambiasso'
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