Israeli-Palestinian conflict (19 Viewers)

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

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اختك يا زمن
Aug 5, 2006

Hezbollah, Hamas, Turks... unite and take them out.
You can put Syria and Iran there and you'll have some good front.
IF they do take them out, and that's a humongous IF, all you non-arabs in this thread who are against Israel are gonna wish they were still there instead of Hezbollah and Hamas.

You foreigners' hippy drama gets on my nerves...
You're missed up, you really are. Trying to defend zionists when you're an arab is one hell of idiocy keeping in mind how much your country suffered in the past 20 years of this monster and still does. I honestly can't think of any other reason why you're continiously cheering for these murders and baby killers other than what I said before;idiocy.

Keep it up, and ffs next time you find yourself having too much load on your nerve don't bother to check the thread, you'll only feel smarter when in fact you're still on the same level you were when you first joined.

For all those reading Arabic, look at this article on a Jordanian site:

It seems the writer will go back to the prison of the royal family again.

Long Live, Khaled:tup:
M7adeen :touched:

yislamo abood, this guy is one of few freedom writers left in Jordan.
To be fair, Israeli people die as well and there's no pictures of them posted up here.
Do you know that the death toll of the Fortilla masacar yesterday alone surpasses the numbers of israeli civilians' deaths from the Gaza missles since the latter started? Ofcourse you don't, you can never find that on BBC, CNN, Independant...
You should re-check your false media sources, as they are constantly feed you with wrong information (and it has been happening for years).

These soldiers were attacked before they could even say a word. The other ships, which did not attack the Israeli soldiers, were safely driven to Israeli coasts in order to check the groceries they had brought to the Palestinians. Nobody was hurt on those ships. So tell me, are Peace-makers usually own knives? Do they attack people the way they did? These were not Peace-makers, but TERRORISTS.

Yup, you managed to look as stupid as it gets. A bunch of special forces soldiers against a group of innocent internaional activists were in fact attacked by the latter :lol:

Again I ask the ones who take that approach to this masacar, why the hell would those special forces zionists search the ship in the cover of darkness and in international water with a list of international activists names and pictures in their hands, the same ones who never saw the day light again. Simple really, Assasination just like the zionists have always taught us.

I will not try to insult anybody, but I just prefer other forums where people don't consider my nation as a Nazi Germany one. To be honest, I'm pretty sure you like that solution as well. The reason I posted here in 2006 was the same one as now - trying to make you see the other side. A goal I consider extremely important, because as I just said, the media feeds you with false facts.

Have a good day.
That's exactly what your media does to you and that's exactly what you're trying to do here. And your country is sure as hell looks like Nazi Germany after countless war cromes against not only Palestinians but Arabs, Europeans, Americans..etc. Your bunch of war criminals don't take any law with respect. And for that they should never be respected.

Erdogan is talking
''Don't test our patience. We could be violent as enemies''
''Calling them pirates and despot would be a compliment''
''Israel will pay the price. This time they should not get away with this. Israel are losing its' allies. They will be all alone as an abscess in middle east.''

So who is expected to back up Israel now?
Long live Hassan Nasrallah, one of the only true men left in this planet :tup:
No doubt, he still makes them shit in their panties at night.


Dec 16, 2003
You can put Syria and Iran there and you'll have some good front.
Lets not go this far.

Iran and specially Syria would never confront Israel. Syria's Joulan has been occupied for over 30years and they never seem want to free their own land, let alone fighting the Israeli's.

Even Turks wouldn't go this far. It's not their zone and they don't see themselves in it.

Hezbollah and Hamas(given what they need) can pull this out. Others are out of the question.


Dec 16, 2003
I am against Hezbollah. Period.

El sharaf wafa2 tad7iya hiyye yalle ma 7abbayta.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you against Hezbollah when we're in a war with Israel? I'm against Hezbollah INSIDE Lebanon which is a normal thing because I pick which party I want to be with and which party suites my head and mentality.

But I wouldn't be against them when facing Israel, so are you against them when they're in a battle? Like in 2006?

As to your 2nd part, you're also against the Lebanese Army? :howler:


اختك يا زمن
Aug 5, 2006
Lets not go this far.

Iran and specially Syria would never confront Israel. Syria's Joulan has been occupied for over 30years and they never seem want to free their own land, let alone fighting the Israeli's.

Even Turks wouldn't go this far. It's not their zone and they don't see themselves in it.

Hezbollah and Hamas(given what they need) can pull this out. Others are out of the question.
Im not expecting any of those to go to war, just to continue what they've been doing for quite some time now and that is support the resistant movements both in Lebanon and Palestine. And in Turkey's case, improve in that aspect and kick their zionist ambassador out.


اختك يا زمن
Aug 5, 2006
My people have suffered much much more because of you Palestinians than Israel. And if you can't think of a reason that I'd support Israel instead of you, take a good look at your identity card, you'll find a reason there.

That's what was missing... A Palestinian giving me lectures about feeling compassion towards his people's suffering is sheer hypocrisy.
:lol: :lol:

You suffered from us Palestinians huh? I find your Palestinian hate quite helarious to be honest. But humour me, what was the Palestinians role in the destruction of parts of your country in the Summer of 2006? (although Im sure if its not Al Kata'eb's terrotory then its not lebanese at all according to you :howler: )

And what have I done to your country? And what does my ID has to do with anything regarding that really? You're one unique racist piece of shit you know that.
You didn't answer my question.

Are you against Hezbollah when we're in a war with Israel? I'm against Hezbollah INSIDE Lebanon which is a normal thing because I pick which party I want to be with and which party suites my head and mentality.

But I wouldn't be against them when facing Israel, so are you against them when they're in a battle? Like in 2006?

As to your 2nd part, you're also against the Lebanese Army? :howler:
You should check his above post, you'll get what I was talking about. This kid is as idiotic as it possibly gets.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2007
I don't know about Hamas but as a Lebanese supporting Hezbollah is my duty and would be a shame not to when facing Israel.
Well, this is how I see it:

1) Hamas and Hezbollah are probably the only reasons ordinary folks sympathize with Israel in the first place
2) As I see it, their main goal is to destroy the state of Israel. What happens after? Are they competent enough to lead the country, to make it prosper? And after a history of using violence as a way to fight Israel, what is the guarantee they will not use violence against their own people when they feel like it?

I think neither Hamas, nor Hezbollah really want to destroy Israel, as once they do, there is no reason to support them anymore.

EDIT: Of course, it also applies vice-versa. Israel needs Hamas and Hezbollah to do the things they do.


Western Imperialist
Jun 18, 2006
Well, this is how I see it:

1) Hamas and Hezbollah are probably the only reasons ordinary folks sympathize with Israel in the first place
2) As I see it, their main goal is to destroy the state of Israel. What happens after? Are they competent enough to lead the country, to make it prosper? And after a history of using violence as a way to fight Israel, what is the guarantee they will not use violence against their own people when they feel like it?

I think neither Hamas, nor Hezbollah really want to destroy Israel, as once they do, there is no reason to support them anymore.

The problem is that neither Hamas nor Hezbollah are smart enought to defeat Israel.

A peace process would allow Hamas and Hezbollah to strenghten their positions relative to Israel a make the conflict more Vietnam than Grenada.

It's like nobody there has even fucking read a war strategy book.


اختك يا زمن
Aug 5, 2006
Check the PLO's role in instigating the 15 year long civil war. I'm off to do something more fruitful than arguing with a pezzo di merda like yourself. Ciao.
I specifically asked you about the Palestinians role in the destruction of parts of Lebanon in the 2006 Summer war, did we also start that? And are we the ones who assassinated Al-Harriri too? :howler:

Fuck sake, give me a break man and go sth fruitful, go all Nazi on some Palestinian camp just like your beloved party did in Sabra and Shatela. And im calling an idiot for you obvious racism regarding Palestinians in general and me as part of them.


اختك يا زمن
Aug 5, 2006
Man, who ever thought the Jews would simply become fascist themselves?
Some zionists don't even consider themselves jews, many of them are in fact atheists who joined in for the sake of bloodshed. And on the other hand, many jews join the Palestinian cause everyday. In fact one Holocaust jew surviver is on board one of those ships heading for Gaza. Hope he's still alive.


Western Imperialist
Jun 18, 2006
Some zionists don't even consider themselves jews, many of them are in fact atheists who joined in for the sake of bloodshed. And on the other hand, many jews join the Palestinian cause everyday. In fact one Holocaust jew surviver is on board one of those ships heading for Gaza. Hope he's still alive.
Are you trying to insinuate that being an Atheist is a motivating factor?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2007
The problem is that neither Hamas nor Hezbollah are smart enought to defeat Israel.

A peace process would allow Hamas and Hezbollah to strenghten their positions relative to Israel a make the conflict more Vietnam than Grenada.

It's like nobody there has even fucking read a war strategy book.
Think about what they would gain if they destroyed Israel. "The revolution eats its own children."


Western Imperialist
Jun 18, 2006
Think about what they would gain if they destroyed Israel. "The revolution eats its own children."
  1. Israel Destroyed.
  2. Iran becomes regional power holds influence of all the countries in the region.
  3. United States is denied oil
  4. China possible denied Oil
  5. Russia refuses to help Iran
  6. Iran scullfucked, Millions dead, Europeans,Americans and Chinese richer, middle-east is effectively destroyed.

Sounds like a plan to me :tup:


اختك يا زمن
Aug 5, 2006
Are you trying to insinuate that being an Atheist is a motivating factor?
Are you trying to put words in my mouth? :D

All Im saying, Judaism as a religion has nothing to do with Zionism but the latter has a lot to do with the person's sick minds that would go to such paths with only blood as an aim.


Dec 16, 2003

Shame. Real shame to see someone against a resistance and supporting Israel to destroy his own country, which makes me doubt your real nationality and your real location. Big time shame.

As to the 2nd part.

I'm against General Michel Aoun and I'm pro Bachir Gemayel;). No one has suffered more than us Shi'aa from Palestinians Yasser Arafat and his fighters during the Lebanese war. And it's because of Palestine the Lebanese civil war took a place that's fact.


That doesn't mean I should take Israel side over Palestinians. The Palestinians in Palestine did nothing to us, were never a part of the Lebanese civil war and if given a chance I would help any Palestinian in Palestine against Israel. It's their right it's their goddamn land. That's a fact.

If you want to hold a grudge in what happened during the Lebanese civil war then do this against the Palestinians IN Lebanon. Not the Palestinians in Gazza. They have nothing to do with this and no man with a heart and a bit of sympathy would want them hurt or dead.

And think of it, the day Palestinians regain their land(their right) will be the day the Palestinians in Lebanese camps will have to leave back to their country and it's all good.
Jul 2, 2006
Turkey began the week with bad news from the Gaza-bound aid flotilla, which set off from İstanbul to carry humanitarian aid to the suffering Gazans.

Although Israel earlier warned that “Israel’s navy was ready to prevent the convoy of ships from entering the blockaded Gaza Strip,” no one expected such a harsh reaction from Israel.

Soli Özel from Bilgi University says the worst-case scenario has come to pass and will lead to a revision of Turkish-Israeli relations, which were already strained by Israeli actions in Palestine over the years.

“The power balances in the Middle East will never be the same again. Israel’s legitimacy was very weak anyway and now this legitimacy will be discussed even more. The world will react to that,” he told Today’s Zaman.

The Palestinian territory has been under a tight Israeli and Egyptian economic blockade since 2007, when Hamas took over the territory after being elected in the 2006 elections. The blockade was enforced to put pressure on Hamas and to stop weapons from being smuggled in.

Professor İhsan Dağı from Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) also thinks Israel’s bloody interception will be a turning point for Ankara-Tel Aviv relations. “From now on, any establishment in Turkey, including the army, will not be able to explain any kind of cooperation with Israel to the public. This interception killed the possibility of working together on any subject. This tension will continue,” he told Today’s Zaman.

Turkey has in recent times taken various initiatives to ensure peace in the Middle East, seen by many as the cause of Israel’s harsh reaction.

According to Dağı, Israel’s reaction is not only related to the siege of Gaza but to Turkey’s raising role in the Middle East, especially regarding Iran.

Recalling that Turkey and Brazil recently signed an agreement with Iran over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, a search for a compromise which is not welcomed by Israel, Dağı said: “Israel will spread the propaganda that the position of Turkey, which will have awful relations with Israel, cannot be trustable regarding Iran,” Dağı said.

In strong criticism of the Israeli move, Sinan Oğan, chairman of the Turkish Center for International Relations and Strategic Analysis (TÜRKSAM), said even pirates in Somalia act more humanely than Israel, adding that Ankara-Tel Aviv relations will be damaged irreparably.

“It is obvious that Turkey will react very harshly. Israel was complaining about the suicide attacks, but with this interception, they committed a suicide attack,”
Oğan said.

Israel’s move was unacceptable for many since the flotilla had only humanitarian concerns and the operation took place in international waters.

“For better Turkish-Israeli relations from now on, Israel has to review its own policies and make radical changes. Otherwise there is no reason to expect any improvement in bilateral relations,” Uğur Ziyal, an experienced diplomat and a former Ministry of Foreign Affairs undersecretary, told Today’s Zaman.

‘War ships could have accompanied flotilla’

Although the flotilla was not sponsored by the Turkish government but was a civilian initiative, some question whether Turkey should have taken more steps to safeguard the convoy.

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) Bursa deputy Onur Öymen, himself a former diplomat, says Turkey should have deployed war ships to accompany the aid convoy.

“There were statements that Israel was going to resort to violence to stop the flotilla. What did Turkey in light of these statements? Did Turkey take an initiative considering the possibility of such an attack?” Öymen asked in an interview with Today’s Zaman. Stating that the current situation shows that Turkey did not take necessary steps to protect these ships, he added that what is upsetting is that the government neither deterred Israel from an intervention nor properly protected the convoy.

Bilateral relations between Ankara and Tel Aviv will never be the same again, as well as the situation in the Middle East, after the Israeli navy's bloody interception of an aid convoy heading to Gaza to break an Israeli-imposed siege on the territory, according to experts.

Israel’s storming of the flotilla has already drawn criticism from friends and enemies alike, with a number of governments and international organizations, including the European Union, the Arab League and the US, condemning the attack. Analysts say this incident will deteriorate Israel’s image in the world.

Professor İlter Turan from Bilgi University says Israel is in a panic and that this is why it has been engaging in controversial acts which are against international law. “Israel is most likely to tell the world that it was right. But, it is certain that there will be sharp international reactions directed at Israel. I think it will be hard for Israel to find support around the world,” he told Today’s Zaman.

However, according to political scientist Doğu Ergil from Ankara University, so long as the US continues to see Israel’s acts as legitimate, Israel will continue to carry out such bloody acts. “Israel is now over in moral terms in the eyes of the people of the world. The world should oppose Israel’s inhumane acts,” he noted.

İnal Batu, a retired ambassador, also questions the US’s stance on Israeli acts. “I wonder what kind of warnings the US delivered to Israel before this incident. Turkey should have influence on the US when it comes to this issue,” he said.

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