This is not a serious discussion. These are also facts:
1- current Iranian regime is a death cult. Them deciding on choosing Israel as their biggest enemy is deeply rooted in their religious beliefs. Israel did help Iran during Iran-Iraq war in 1980s. "Death to Israel" and "Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth" are not just empty slogans. See this for example:
2- Israel, in turn, is another death cult. Them avenging October 7 by going on a killing rampage cannot be justified in any way.
3- Iranian regime is not backed by its people, but if Israel chooses to avenge the events of yesterday by significant damage to Iran's infrastructure that could rapidly change. Israel, on the other hand, is a democracy and chose to keep electing Netanyahu.
4- If you choose one side or the other without having any dog in the fight you should check your morals.