Grazie Cuper, he did make us a respectable side in Europe once more. Albeit, He almost never produced "pretty" soccer, but he made the team damn effective. They learned to capitilize from errors and revived catenaccio.
Well his time is over now, and I bid him Adieu, we had some good times with him (Arsenal) and some bad ones (5th of May), which by the way still seethes in me. I think Moratti had more than enough patience with the man, I do disagree with the fact that he was sacked this early in the season. I mean, if he was not planning on sticking with him he should have let him go this summer, and got a coach that better suited the players we have. Our transfer market is a joke now, I mean...we did not get the right players suited for Zac. Anyway, I can go on and on about Inter's faults, but Im sure the whole world knows by now.