Inter looks to take over the World (1 Viewer)

Jul 12, 2002
10/10/2003. According to reports in the English media, Bayern Munich's Michael Ballack will be an Inter player from next season.

However Bayern will not let the German midfielder go for less than 25 million Euros.

Inter are trying to form a central midfield composed of Ballack and another future purchase, Dejan Stankovic, who is rumoured to be joining the Nerazzurri already from January.
SA Italy

If this report turns out to be true, then Inter could field a midfield like this:

Van der Meyde------Ballack----Stankovic-----Kily

Cuper looks set to leave and he was their problem all along. A midfiled like that feeding balls to Vieri and Adriano would be unstoppable. I don't even need to mention the fact that they have a world class defence and keeper too.

Any thoughts?

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Nah, they'd probably feck it up :D

No, seriously, I'm not scared of Inter. They jusm lack something. It's not the players, its the whole mentality, the way their tem is run, it just isnt as professional as Juve. I think it's Moretti's fault too, he buys who he want and when he wants and just seems like he isnt quite up to the task. IMO at least.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
the players are slack concerning discipline and desire for trophies. i think hedonistic is a word that fits in well with inter.

but that midfield would scare the hell out of most teams ur right. the only thing that could get in the way is bad form/injuries

who do they have on the bench?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Over the past few years, inter have had players like Ronaldo, Baggio, Vieri, Recoba, Crespo, Keane, Bergkamp... to name a few.

Even so, they can't seem to come together as a team and consistently produce results. If it weren't Inter, I'd almost be sad for a team that promises so much, but produces so little.
Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #5
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    the players are slack concerning discipline and desire for trophies. i think hedonistic is a word that fits in well with inter.

    but that midfield would scare the hell out of most teams ur right. the only thing that could get in the way is bad form/injuries

    who do they have on the bench?
    You're all missing an important thing. If Cuper doesn't win the Scudetto this year, he will be sacked.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    and if they achieve to find this mid field,,,plus a good DT who aim to score and not to defend....INter will be the real shit dudes.:eeK:

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

    You're all missing an important thing. If Cuper doesn't win the Scudetto this year, he will be sacked.
    lets just hope not. it will peg them back another 13 years :LOL:

    Inter have a terrible history but they wont win this seasons Serie A unless something awful happens to Milan and Juve.

    Im secretly hoping both us and Milan have a disastrous serie A but beat the living daylights out of CL bigwigs.
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    lets just hope not. it will peg them back another 13 years :LOL:

    Inter have a terrible history but they wont win this seasons Serie A unless something awful happens to Milan and Juve.

    Im secretly hoping both us and Milan have a disastrous serie A but beat the living daylights out of CL bigwigs.
    I don't recall a Juve side that ever put the CL in front of the Scudetto, and I doubt that it will ever happen. We're always going to challenge for both. I think that the double is the goal every year for Juve.

    BTW congrats on your 5000 post.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    inter will have to buy a ew defense soon anyway, canna, toldo and even materazzi are all on the slow end of their careers.yes they are still top draw, but for how long????

    btw congrat Lac, even tho i thort a champion like u wudda past 5k ages ago:cool:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    As classy as Stankovic and Ballack are, Inter will find some way to mess things up. I think that they should sack Cuper and hire Zaccheroni.

    Zanetti Cannavaro Materazzi Cordoba
    Van der Meyde Stankovic Ballack Kily
    Vieri Adriano

    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++
    As classy as Stankovic and Ballack are, Inter will find some way to mess things up. I think that they should sack Cuper and hire Zaccheroni.

    Zanetti Cannavaro Materazzi Cordoba
    Van der Meyde Stankovic Ballack Kily
    Vieri Adriano

    Yeah, that's a pretty sick line-up. And considering who that would put ont he bench, they'd be unstoppable with a new coach.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    this topic was on the xtratime forum and was debated by many.

    i dont see Stankovic and ballack joining, especially since Emre and zanetti are there already.

    but if they were to sign both those players, i dont see why ballack, stankovic and emre couldnt form a midfield trio. that might mean that VDM or Kily might get benched to field Vieri and another forward, but still, no one can doubt that midfield trio being one of the best.







    same defence:




    something along those lines may work.


    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++





    Even Real Madrid don't play as offensive as this team :D Stan, Ballack, and Emre are all good midfielders but none of them are strong defensively ala Tacchi, Gatusso .. thus the midfield will be run over and crushed easily by big teams and the defence will suffer .. I'd give up Recoba and play with C. Zanetti or Almeyda as holding ..

    Another point is that Inter have signed 3 wingers this season (Kily, VDM and Luciano) and none of them would fit in this tactical set-up ..
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++

    Even Real Madrid don't play as offensive as this team :D Stan, Ballack, and Emre are all good midfielders but none of them are strong defensively ala Tacchi, Gatusso .. thus the midfield will be run over and crushed easily by big teams and the defence will suffer .. I'd give up Recoba and play with C. Zanetti or Almeyda as holding ..

    Another point is that Inter have signed 3 wingers this season (Kily, VDM and Luciano) and none of them would fit in this tactical set-up ..
    Exactly. Cuper wants to play a 4-4-2. Inter's defence is already very good and set up to play a four man system quite well. The midfield, playing a flat four with the addition of ballack and stankovic would be impressive going both ways. And a stike corps of Adrianno and Vieri is ridiculously good.

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