In viaggio con Del Piero & la Coppa del mondo (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Let's start with the translation:

Stefano Del Piero: The more we age, the more we resemble to each other. When we were younger we looked much more different.


Stefano Del Piero: The WC is here, they showed it to me… Each of us had his room. I had the bigger one, cause I was the eldest, he had the smaller one, cause he was the youngest… I have many memories of back then. We played just for fun, it’s not like we aimed anything. Well, there were the times someone said “I will play in Serie A. I will do this and that”, but it was just to say, no one really believed it… There has always been a ball at home, but since it did damages, one day Bruna (their mom) sewed some rags together, in the shape of a ball, and we could bunch that one on walls and doors, without fearing of breaking anything…I noticed it (Ale’s talent) right away, cause already when he was 4-5 years old you could see he didn’t fit with children of his same age. Then, growing up, it was clear he had something more, an idea, a ball control, a wittiness, that the rest of us didn’t have…We have a strong bond with our land, our roots. We like to travel, but we are anyway bound to this place. The fact that after years we still live in this house demonstrates it. This attachment is important… Ale was born here. This is the net disrupted by the ball shots, some by me some by him, that was never replaced… We start over there, where, since some years ago there was a big vineyard, with a lateral piece of land, long and large, and we often went there. The owners of the vineyards were less than enthusiastic, who found their grapes on the floor, caused by our numerous shots. By the way, a famous local painter dedicated a picture to the piece of land where we played (you see it at 06.22 of the video): It was like this. We came home always later at night, 8.30pm, 9 pm. When it was dark outside, we were still there with our friends. So one day my dad put some light bulbs there, like in the European cups’ matches, there was still no Champions League or such, but it gave that feeling of a nightly match, that made the children, especially the youngest ones, very enthusiastic… Like Ale said, he started form here some time ago and now he’s coming back, closing a cycle. His first nightly match was here and in Berlin he concluded a part of his life.

Journalist: And if you think about what he achieved…?
Bruna Furlan (Ale’s mom): It’s seems impossible to me, really unlikely. He has won the WC, it’s something that.. Sorry, just a moment.

Ale: Are you gonna film also when I go to the bathroom?

Antonio Da Dalt (San Vendemiano’s president): This is the badge of AC San Vendemiano of when Alessandro Del Piero took his first steps in this club… When I started helping out in this club, I worked in the youth teams, I saw this boy, I saw him grow up. When he was 14 he went to Padova and from there he started his brilliant career… It’s surely a great emotion, for people, but especially for the children… These youngsters see their idol, world champion, coming here in San Vendemiano for a day and it’s something they are very proud of, like we are proud of it and we hope this won’t be the last time, we hope he’ll come more often.

Woman: It’s great! He’s an idol, my idol. Del Piero’s a myth, both as player and man. Many players and many people should learn from him.

Umberto Prestia (Ale’s first coach): His mom wanted him to play as a keeper… She brought him to me when he had just turned 6, cause he was born in November. She brought him cause he was breaking down her house… I like him as an athlete and he has enchanted me for the person he is.

Max Pisu (Juventino actor): Thanks for having come to this wonderful event dedicated to a guy who has received a lot from this town and is here repay some of it. We’ll meet on this stage the people who have done a lot for him, who have been important for his career, cause he started from here, the roots a re here. You all know who I am talking about, don’t you? So let’s do like in the stadium, when everyone is waiting for the nr 10. Ladies and Gentlemen, with the number 10, Alessaandro <Del Pieroo!> .

Ale: I’m very happy to be here tonight and to see all of those people. I didn’t think you would have been this many, so I really want to thank you.
Max Pisu: You know Ale that you’ll meet many people who have been part of your life, your professional life and your everyday life.

Max Pisu: You seem Inter!

Man on stage: He remained the same he was as a kid.
Max Pisu: The height hasn’t changed either. :D
Ale laughs.

Max Pisu: How is it going. Are we doing well? :tup: Thanks.

Man on stage 2: For the emotions you gave to us.
Ale: Thanks
Max Pisu: You see, we are going to start crying..

Max Pisu (to the guy with the Azzurri shirt): He has to sign you an autograph!
Ale: Voilà!
Max Pisu: How beautiful! Bravo Gio!

Ale: Vittorio, thanks!

Max Pisu: We have some journalists here, we will be able to ask some questions. Ale will answer and then it’ll be the public’s turn to ask.

Ale: What I felt… I don’t remember much of the first 7-8 seconds after the goal Cause I was in ecstasies… That goal made us reach the final, so the joy I expressed…
Max Pisu: There was also anger in there, isn’t it?
Ale: Yeah, in that scream there was s lot of happiness, there was anger, there was stress, there was a bit of everything and I think it was pretty obvious to see.
Max Pisu: Even if you had your back to the camera..
Ale: Yeah

<Juventus has now the certainty of the first place, for the moment being, Juventus is Italian champion for its 29th time. We’ll see in the next few days what we’ll happen after the sportive justice>

Ale: On May 14th, when we won, it was great. We felt like the Italian Champion we are. So… (the public agrees)
Max Pisu: You’re right.

Girl: The evening of the celebration of the WC in Rome, we saw a part of you that you usually don’t show. (Ale starts undressing :D ) You were bare-chested on a railing. Who’s the real Ale?
Max Pisu (to Ale unbuttoning his shirt): What are you doing?
Ale: The real Ale.. They are both real, there are moments that…
Max Pisu: Like everyone has their moments…
Ale: I was talking here :wink:
Max Pisu: Oh, sorry.
Ale: It’s not like that you have to put your nose in things every time!
Max Pisu: I know, but you are so banal…

Sonia Del Piero: This is what emotion is about!

Ale: As long as I'll live I'll be able to tell about this fantastic adventure, this fantastic victory… My passion for football remains the same. You saw me celebrating a goal in serie B, expressing the same joy as I did in Serie A or in other competitions. I just want to play as good as I can, in the right environment. When I choose this adventure, I made it as mine, without thinking on what could have happened…. With the same passion the same will of all the people who love football and come Sunday after Sunday in the stadium to see the matches. What makes them come back is their love and passion for this sport and I will always feel them, cause this sport gave me a lot. I hope that the federation will make right choices equal choices and that’s it. It’s just a wish, I don’ have certainness on what will happen… Gianluca is doing very well, he was operated, hopefully for the last time, a couple of days ago. I visited him a couple of days ago, he’s doing well, he watches all of our matches… For me football is where you are sitting, on the chairs..
Max Pisu: Practically on the bench!
Ale: On the bench (laughs). So these.. (laughs again). Ah, go to hell! Football for me is this green pitch. I’m happy where I’m there, when I play, when I’m not sitting on a bench, I’m happy when I train. And this is all football is about and the love for this hasn’t changed at all… I’m very happy, jokes aside. Honestly I didn’t expect so many people to come, not because I lacked in faith, I just didn’t expect to have so many of you here. So I want to give an ideal hug to each one of you and thanks for having expressed how much you love me, thank you.

Max Pisu: How was the “popopopo” song they silently chanted in Rome? Let’s chant it here, but much louder! Everyone!

Ale: My life is very exposed, so there are things, home family, that I like to keep for me. But there are special occasions where I do an exception. This was one… Yeah, it went very well. I usually go home to relax and rest, this was a completely different occasion and I am happy for how it worked out. The nice thing is that everything took place there, where I started playing, this was something I particularly liked about the manifestation. My mom and my brother want to keep this tradition of remaining bound with our roots alive: our friends, our acquaintances, also our house, are very important to us and that’s why my mom still lives there and when I go home I go to sleep there… At the time the only matches we saw were the Cups ones, so playing in the evening was like living in another world to us. It was very nice, also because the families gathered close to the field, while we, children living in that zone, played together. It was something magical, like Berlin was magical… I’ve already celebrated (the WC) with my friends and family, this manifestation was a way to meet all the people who are close to my family, especially to my mom and my brother. They help each other out, they exchange opinions, they support (Ale) together. Tonight was a link, a way to greet and thank each other. Tonight was something we (Ale and the San Vendemiano population) are proud about… The meanings of the celebrations are the way I feel in that moment or how I felt before scoring. They are spontaneous, there isn’t a certain gesture that characterizes them, in fact each one is different from the others. It’s nice that I have been filmed (celebrating) in so many different ways, a couple of times also that way (with the tongue). The most representative of that kind of celebration was the last season’s one in Milan… Of course the final proclaimed us WC champions, so it has a great importance to me, but, to me, the most emotional and moving one was Germany-Italy…. I knew that (Sonia) had formed a great group with the other wives, they have been very close to us, and she to me, for the whole WC. I was lucky to have her by my side… I don’t know what links them, they are two cups I care very much about. One because it’s my dad who is giving me the award, because it was my first cup, because I won it in another sport, beating older boys, so I was extremely proud of it. The other one, well, the other one is the World Cup and also this one, for different reasons, is unique. What makes them special is my unique bond to them, something very beautiful.

Sonia Del Piero: This is what emotion is about!


Two other videos (always from Sky):

Stefano Del Piero: "There has always been a ball at home, but since it did damages, one day Bruna (their mom) sewed some rags together, in the shape of a ball, and we could bunch that one on walls and doors, without fearing of breaking anything.
We have a strong bond with our land, our roots, and the fact that after years we still live in this house demonstrates it."

Ale: "It's not like I remember much, I was completely extasiatic. A goal in the semifinals is not an everyday thing.
I'm very proud of it. As long as I'll live I'll be able to tell about this fantastic adventure, this fantastic victory".

Ale (Sept 19th 1993): "It was first Seria A goal, the debut in Delle Alpi, since I debutted in Serie A last week in Foggia. It's surely an important day for me".

You can see the notepad of the guy who noticed Ale for the first time and 3 Xs next to his name, meaning he was a great talent, the form filled in by the talent scout, his junior high diplom, a short interview after his first goal in A (he's so shy and sweet!)..

I also love the lyrics of the song that "accompains" Ale's life till his first goal for Juve. It goes like this:

Close your eyes
And imagine a joy
Most probably
You'd think about a beginning

Ah, if it was possible to live only of beginnings
Of first time excitations
When everything surprises you
And it's not a part of you yet

You'd think about the smell of a new book
About the one of fresh painting
About a present to open
About the day before the party

About March 21rst, about the first hug
About a new pencil, about spring
About the fear of a beginning
About the shivers of a debut
But between start and the finishing line

There is everything else
And everything else is day after day
And day after day is
Silently building...

It fits perfectly :agree:


Some pics uploaded by j1897 users who were in San Vendemiano that night:

Continues here:

Always from j1897, the summary of what Franca80's wrote about her experience in San Vendemiano:

There were many people there 5-10.000.

There was his first coach, the one that brought him to Padova (and called him tonight, by mistake, Alex Di Pietro). There were many chants for him, Max Pisu was funny..

He said that it's right for Moggi to defend himself and Juve in anyway he can and that he hopes Coni will lessen the injustice. He said he has a strong bond with Nedved, Gigi, Chiellini, Trez and Camo and that now it's very important for them to be as unite as ever.

Here comes the good part: :D

At a point Alex, from the stage, tells the audience Inter had lost with Grosso, Mihailovic and Ibrahimovic sent off.

And there she knew it: they enjoy it as much as we do when Inter lose. Alex was surely very happy about it!

At the end journalists and common people could ask their questions and a woman said: "Alex, my 10 years old son lost a match with his team 10-1 and now he's sad and cries, can you say something to him?" Here is his answer: "Little one, you can't always win, losing sometimes is normal and think about how much sadder than you are the interisti tonight!" :D

Then he sang with the crowd "I campioni dell'Italia siamo noi!"

Franca80 says he was very funny and nice and that he asked them to wish happy birthday to Totti and laughed when they all remained silent :D


Forza Del Piero
Jan 13, 2006
but if you download all the parts and unzip it, than i can't open it in windows media player because its saying that er is an error ,
so can you help me with that ?


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Tricarico#10 said:
but if you download all the parts and unzip it, than i can't open it in windows media player because its saying that er is an error ,
so can you help me with that ?
Try with VLC :)


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
Cool. Good to have a fav player who's not only one of the greatest footballers there is, but also a great great person :)


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
Thx for the translation. I liked this part:
It’s nice that I have been filmed (celebrating) in so many different ways, a couple of times also that way (with the tongue). The most representative of that kind of celebration was the last season’s one in Milan&#8230;
Earlier in the translation he was talking about the emotion of the WC goal, how it was mixed with anger, happiness, etc. He felt the same against Inter. That tongue out was a message to Moratti/Mancini for all the shit they talked prior to the match.


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2006
chieywaloo said:
I wonder why Sonia was not there during the celebration. I only saw Alex's mom n brother at d stadium.
heyy why not there sonia. &#305; know there is family party true? where she is?

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