Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (65 Viewers)


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2010
All of you that don't agree with Rab, just watch this vid. I've never seen Ale so cold to someone. He can't stand AA's face, just want him to go away. Not surprising at all.
yeah, basically if one can't read between the lines, at least I think one should be able to read behind the facial expressions.
I've never believed for 100% the so-called "personal issues" between Ale and Andrea until I saw this video..
I wouldn't say Ale wanted Andrea to go away, but he definitely seemed very much unsettled after greeting Andrea

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Grazie Ale
Nov 9, 2006
juventus is not the same without del piero...i felt it in the pre season...the season..the champions league... the scudetto ceremony. when i was a young boy i always wanted to catch the first minutes of broadcasting juve's games just to see del piero in the start line graphics (next to trezeguet). right now i'm feeling angry when i see matri or quag or gio instead of del piero. i'm mad cuz we sold trezeguet instead of keeping him. we had bendtner, anelka, borrielo instead of 200 + goals juventini. it's sad and juve is not the same. this leadership got us back in the big league, got us 2 scudetti, but left us all a bitter taste because of a poor and unforgivable management with heroes of this club. in 2 years they will make gigi fly in the same way. i'd better still have del piero and trez than getting these last trophies.


Dec 16, 2003
Rab, I've never said Del Piero wasn't pushed away. It wasn't Agnelli who worked on that, though. Andrea gains absolutely nothing from ousting ADP, in fact, he loses some revenue by doing that.

It's Conte all along. He didn't play Del Piero enough and didn't want him past one season. Again, it happened over and over again throughout the years. Lippi-Baggio, Capello-ADP, Mourinho-Raul, Pep-Ronaldinho and Allegri-Pirlo being few of many examples.

Managers always look into having full control of dressing rooms, ADP is not a nobody. He's HUGE. People would listen to ADP and ignore Conte, I'd assume.
I don't think Conte was in any condition to push Del Piero out when he was in-charge for only 60days mate. He didn't want Ale anymore? Probably. He wanted to be in-control of everything? Yes most likely, but did he push him away? I doubt it, specially not when his replacements are freaking Bentdner and Anelka. I believe if you have the power as a coach to push out someone like Del Piero then you must have the power too and hand in the transfer market and for Del Piero's replacement which wasn't the case.

And lets assume Conte wanted Ale out at any cost, I believe after just 2months at the club back then if Andrea Agnelli had stood by Ale Conte wouldn't have the balls to go for it all the way. Juve won the Scudetto with him last season, they won it this season too (so achievement is the same), they played Coppa final whereas Giovinco missed an open net vs Lazio in the semi's. Juve also lacked some experience in CL this season upfront, so if anything Del Piero's departure did harm more than good for Conte, players, club and fans.

Last but not least, I don't remember Conte was the coach when Stefano Del Piero had problems with the Mang renewing his brother's contract. I don't think Conte was in-charge when they cut his wage really low under Ciro Ferrara.

If he repeats it 32 times more then it will indeed become fact.
You know, we say repetition teaches the donkey. Lets hope that's your case.:hellyes:

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
I hope Conte loses his fake hair so he will have to borrow Agnelli's eyebrow hair for a hair transplant. Nedved will also hopefully get lost in a desert looking for camels. I'm leaving Marotta alone for the time being.

You know, we say repetition teaches the donkey. Lets hope that's your case.:hellyes:
Aug 17, 2007
juventus is not the same without del piero...i felt it in the pre season...the season..the champions league... the scudetto ceremony. when i was a young boy i always wanted to catch the first minutes of broadcasting juve's games just to see del piero in the start line graphics (next to trezeguet). right now i'm feeling angry when i see matri or quag or gio instead of del piero. i'm mad cuz we sold trezeguet instead of keeping him. we had bendtner, anelka, borrielo instead of 200 + goals juventini. it's sad and juve is not the same. this leadership got us back in the big league, got us 2 scudetti, but left us all a bitter taste because of a poor and unforgivable management with heroes of this club. in 2 years they will make gigi fly in the same way. i'd better still have del piero and trez than getting these last trophies.

- - - Updated - - -

I hope Conte loses his fake hair so he will have to borrow Agnelli's eyebrow hair for a hair transplant. Nedved will also hopefully get lost in a desert looking for camels. I'm leaving Marotta alone for the time being.




Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
First of all, we dont know facts here per se. Just assumptions from what we have seen and by taking in account how things happeend.
Until someone goes out saying things like "yeah they pushed me out", or "I needed him out", we cannot say it was a fact.

Like i have stated many times... It was not agnelli alone. It was a decition from the 3. A very bad managed decition of course, and IMO, since Agnelli is the president he had a big part in it.
At the time, i was sure that they were doing it because they wanted to go in a different direction and renovate our attack etc.... and even with that decition, it was not justified enough.But after seen the bender and anelka fiasco, we can surely say that they had no idea what they were doing (if it was a sporting decition solely, of course).

Like some said, it is stupid to send him out the way they did it.... but to know the truth we will have to ask agnelli himself.... because i dont buy that propaganda that goes like "he send DP out because DP is more loved and has power with fans" blabla..... beause it doesnt matter how much DP whined.... Agnelli was still the president and could do whatever he wanted anyways. He doesnt needed to take dp out because for this, because del piero wasnt part of the management , ,in fact the only thing he could get out of that was infuriate the fans and affect shirt sales, just like it happened.

Something went on but we will not know until someone speaks.

What is obvious is that Dp doesnt like to hug Agnelli.

Ill think like Agnelli to try to understand why he did that to DP:
IMO the fact that DP was a fan favourite, meant that he needed to be played continously...regardless of tactical needs. And if the formation was going to be changed.... the "del piero effect" had to be taken in consideration when fielding players and so on. Also, del piero like any good player, doesnt liked to be benched... so this created issues with any coach that wanted to try somthing new. Del Piero also never hesitated to demonstrate his hunder to play, and the fans noticed this very fast. (with the exception of his last season here, where he calmlY accepted the bench role because he knew something was going on).
IMO, Agnelli didnt liked this.

But still, he also forgot the fact that we were talking about jUventus legend.... and they IMO needed to know how to solve his delicate situation with a good conversation instead of forcing things.


Senior Member
Nov 7, 2012
Probably tough for Conte to coach ADP. I mean here's a legend in your squad that took your captaincy. Call me crazy but I think Conte was jealous.
Actually that's what I was thinking at the end of 2011-12. But I don't think so.

Del Piero should have retired here, that's for sure. I started to follow Juve for him and Nedved, and I have the biggest sense of apreciation and admiration for Del Piero. I don't know why we didn't extended his contract, for one year, two years, who cares. It was him.

He should have ended his carreer with dignity and in the pitch here and not playing just a few games, but if he didn't wanted to retire yet we should've allowed him to stay as long as he wanted. It's the symbol, the image, the heart and the representation of our team. :cry:


Il Marrone Juventino
May 1, 2012
Yeah, he wasn't even wanting huge wages, heck he doesn't complain about playing time. Juve treated him badly in the end, we can see he was hurt by it. Still he shows how committed he is to Juve though through social media, this man HAS to be a director.

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