Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (102 Viewers)


Dec 16, 2003
Al-Jazeera sport veteran journalist and analyzer who's very close to many important figures in Calcio and he's the most reliable source I've seen in football media industry since I started watching football revealed in an interview when he was asked about Del Piero - Andrea Agnelli issue saying that Agnelli did not want Del Piero at Juve anymore. Here's what he said:

"I will say probably for the first time what happened between Del Piero and Agnelli according to many close figures in Juve and ex- Juve players. Andrea Agnelli since he took over didn't really want Alessandro Del Piero for some reasons he himself only knows, but I think and from what I know he's never too fond of having someone with so much fan-base behind him and such an immense icon in the club. Firstly, I know Juve fans are pretty good when it comes to dates, figures and history, they remember very well the problems Del Piero faced when he wanted to renew his contract during Andrea's new era and he was offered 1 million euro only when he was earning 3.5m, technically that was the first step asking Del Piero formally to not accept the contract offer, Del Piero then responded if you all remember through a personal message on his website that he's welling to sign on a blank sheet and for free, a move that squeezed Andrea and it was somehow an embarrassing situation back then for him. Del Piero won the contract battle back then, but then lost the last contract and everyone knew that Andrea wouldn't renew for him after his last contract and you all remember after just 2months from season kick-off Andrea Agnelli makes a statement infront of some Juve investors meeting saying this is Del Piero's last season. That was the move where he closed all doors on him and quietly asking him to leave. Something else, I wish I could be wrong but as far as I know and from what I heard as long as Andrea Agnelli is in Juve Del Piero will never take part of any role at the club. That's not only my personal opinion but also very close players from Del Piero share the same. "

It's exactly what I have been saying, exactly the same.

Mr Chocolate

Rubba Band Business
Dec 23, 2012
Al-Jazeera sport veteran journalist and analyzer who's very close to many important figures in Calcio and he's the most reliable source I've seen in football media industry since I started watching football revealed in an interview when he was asked about Del Piero - Andrea Agnelli issue saying that Agnelli did not want Del Piero at Juve anymore. Here's what he said:

"I will say probably for the first time what happened between Del Piero and Agnelli according to many close figures in Juve and ex- Juve players. Andrea Agnelli since he took over didn't really want Alessandro Del Piero for some reasons he himself only knows, but I think and from what I know he's never too fond of having someone with so much fan-base behind him and such an immense icon in the club. Firstly, I know Juve fans are pretty good when it comes to dates, figures and history, they remember very well the problems Del Piero faced when he wanted to renew his contract during Andrea's new era and he was offered 1 million euro only when he was earning 3.5m, technically that was the first step asking Del Piero formally to not accept the contract offer, Del Piero then responded if you all remember through a personal message on his website that he's welling to sign on a blank sheet and for free, a move that squeezed Andrea and it was somehow an embarrassing situation back then for him. Del Piero won the contract battle back then, but then lost the last contract and everyone knew that Andrea wouldn't renew for him after his last contract and you all remember after just 2months from season kick-off Andrea Agnelli makes a statement infront of some Juve investors meeting saying this is Del Piero's last season. That was the move where he closed all doors on him and quietly asking him to leave. Something else, I wish I could be wrong but as far as I know and from what I heard as long as Andrea Agnelli is in Juve Del Piero will never take part of any role at the club. That's not only my personal opinion but also very close players from Del Piero share the same. "

It's exactly what I have been saying, exactly the same.


Dec 16, 2003
i told you once i will tell you again..a big shame and $#@! you to all who sang agnellis name when dp has his last match. incredible
But don't go that far, even here at Tuz some would go as far as saying that there's nothing at all between the two it's all media bla bla and they both happily decided to split apart. It's sometimes when you want to sound too objective that makes you more biased than the real biased ones.

It was obvious since that board meeting, wasn't it?
It was obvious indeed since that meeting yes, at least for me and at least to what I've read into Del Piero statements or interviews in the last 12 months.

clear as crystal even to an outsider
But don't you know? It's the media and press making a fuss out of this, Del Piero wanted to leave but Agnelli begged him to stay and after several months of convincing the club President they decided to happily ever-after to terminate all this because it was always Ale's dream to play in Hydunai league play-offs with Sydney and Mc Fluffin.
Dec 31, 2008
What a fucking disgrace and what a full retard decision.

Trez left and we haven't got a striker having 1/10th of his ability till now.

Ale left and we got a midget who cannot play football.

Talk about degrading the quality in attack.
Nov 17, 2012
I love Juve, I will always love Juve and they will always be my team. However, Andrea Angelli can is more than welcome go f*ck himself with the wrong end of a cactus plantation.. His Angelli predecessors would turn in their graves at this behavior... I had a hunch this was all fishy!!

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