Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (83 Viewers)

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
tacchinardi was one of my favourite juve players, its too bad we got rid of him, as for Alex, the media always try to put him down, but he always responds with class making them look like like fools, FORZA DEL PIERO!!!


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by ZAF3000 ] ++
Journalists are trying to put DP down.. It ain't gonna happen. They've been trying for more than 12 years now. During these 12 years DP pne 6 scudetti, 1 CL, 1 intercontinital cop ..etc.
They don't even give him a break during his birthday time.
When you have forwards like the ones we have noone is reserve for anyone. They are all starters, it just depends on whos more fit to play a game.
Del Piero might not have played as others players like Totti or so, but he sure did score 4 goals and is only 2 goals away for breaking the record of Juve all time top scorers. As Ale has said, he has nothing to prove. His performance and history speak for themselves. Those journalists are just jelouse of him.
definatly not. it been only the past 4 years, and ofcourse after every world cup and euro. During his young years and prime, the media was always by his side. its amazing how they try to create someone so big, and now there trying to bring him down. it just doesnt make sense.

im sure alex doesnt take any notice of that shit, and hes laughing all the way to the bank. forza delpiero for tomorrow.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
++ [ originally posted by ZAF3000 ] ++

Good to hear so..
You know what I miss the most? I miss Alessio. He really was a true friend. Whenever someone writes something bad about Ale, he used to jump out swearing at everyone.. He used to do the dirty work since he was the bad-boy of the team.

He was/is a true Bianconero that deffended the team with all his heart.
When someone gets hit in the field or treated badly by another player he used to to go a give that player a lesson he won't forget.

I will never forget the game between Milan and Juve when Nedved was knocked down close to Milans PK box, Pirlo took the ball and ran in a counter attack without any concern to Nedved's health (it was an obvious intentional knock by someone, can't remember who). Tacchinardi ran after Maldini and Pirlo (they were both doing the attack). He tackled Pilro then stopped Maldini and grabbed both of them from their necks like chicken lol..
Even Gattuso did not have the balls to come near him... Tacchi was wearing the Captain band that night.. He sure was one.
i miss tach you always knew he would fight for the cause and take no shit


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
4 years ago he was part of one of the most prolific forward duo Juve ever had. It started earlier, probably with the gay rumor and after the bad WC in '98.
But, you are right, he always have been intelligent enough not to care about it :)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Codino ] ++

definatly not. it been only the past 4 years, and ofcourse after every world cup and euro. During his young years and prime, the media was always by his side. its amazing how they try to create someone so big, and now there trying to bring him down. it just doesnt make sense.

im sure alex doesnt take any notice of that shit, and hes laughing all the way to the bank. forza delpiero for tomorrow.
its the same i every country,remember in engerrrland how they built us gazza as "the greatest player in the world" and them systematically destroyed him,they are now doing it with beckscum and will do it to rooney who they will have a field day with


May 11, 2004
I have a feeling Del Piero will take Totti's role in the coming WC. He will be able to impse himself and get the 10 shirt and play as a starter.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
wtf I would prefer totti to take the role anytime,his problem is to behave like a human,other than that he is the best for that role.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2002
Nazionale: Lippi Rinnova La Fiducia a Del Piero
Sab 12 Nov, 1:57 PM

(AGI/DS) Amsterdam (OLA),12 nov. - Marcello Lippi smorza i toni della presunta polemica che riguarda Alessandro Del Piero. Nella giornata di venerdi' il giocatore bianconero aveva dichiarato di non sentirsi secondo a nessuno con la maglia azzurra e di giocare solo e soltanto per i suoi meriti. "Nessuno lo conosce come me, che l'ho allenato otto anni" ammette il Ct azzurro. Ribadendo la stima al giocatore Lippi ha anche detto che Del Piero "Gioca poco ma gioca sempre bene". Lippi ha anche lasciato intuire che il rapporto con la nazionale potrebbe proseguire oltre la scadenza del contratto per il 2006, rispondendo ad una domanda su quanto sia legato il suo futuro di ct ai risultati del mondiale: "Nel momento in cui ho siglato il contratto non e' stato chiesto un legame diretto con i risultati del mondiale. Credo che stia nascendo qualcosa di importante". -

Seems like Lippi lends a hand to Ale by renewing his confidence!


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
++ [ originally posted by axlrose85 ] ++
does anyone know if tacchinardi would be eligible to play against us if we play villareal in the CL?
i doubt it we would have covered ourselves in the agreement,even if we did not i think he would pull out with an "injury" i dont think he could face playing against us

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