I just had a car crash! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Was going in the far left lane, hit the throttle a bit to cross to the middle one, saw the guy that was on the traffic light too late, tried to brake and avoid him, and hit him at some 20 km/h. My right light is fecked, the front mask and the right... you know the thing over the wheel. At least some 750-1000$ of damage, and you cant get parts in Bosnia, only in Croatia or Serbia. But I'm calm, the only I'm not worried about the car, I just cant listen to my parents. i just got back from my school trip yesterday, drove the car for 30 minutes today before hitting it. In my defence, I wasnt driving over the limit, the guy in front of me didnt start, altho the light was on yellow, going on green and I could have probably stopped if I had decent tires instead of my fecked ones. My dad has taken my keys, and I'll probably get at least a 150$ fine. There were 4 of my mates with me in the car, and we're all OK, including the guy I hit. The car is still drivable BTW, and I know it's my fault. All I want my dad to understand is that it's happened to better drivers than me, and that it could happen to anyone. Fvck, he hd a car crash when he was 17 driving without a licence!

Why the fvck did this happen to me??? I really didnt need this...

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Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
Well, all drivers have accidents sooner or later.

The way I look at it- you have to be thankful to God that you hit that car at 20 km/h, not 80, and that you sit in front of a computer screen right now, drinking Dr. Pepper, and not talking to your parents from a hospital bed.


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
Why the fvck did this happen to me??? I really didnt need this...
well life ain't fair. so deal with it :D

i had 2 crash's. the first one was that stupid *****'s fault who suddenly paused in front of me and the second one was a really stupid one of me which i hit the car while reversing to get the car out of the parking space (in my defence it was too dark. couldnt see the stupid car). :p


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #5
    Yeah, well, thats true.

    And it was really stupid of me, I just got my license 2 months ago, and I just drove this car for the first time after 8 days.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #7
    I dont think it was about the speed, I've driven faster, over 140 km/h on the highway, and did this thing loads of times before, I just ahd a bit of bad luck. But like I said, it was entirely my fault. It can ahppen to anyone, and it has happened to most drivers.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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    And TBH, I would have preffered if I had been hurt, just me not my mates. At least that would get my parents off my back for a while. But oh well, this will pass, like everything else. If you find parts for a mettalic dark green 1992 Daihatsu Applause anywhere, think of me.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    I dont think it was about the speed, I've driven faster, over 140 km/h on the highway, and did this thing loads of times before, I just ahd a bit of bad luck. But like I said, it was entirely my fault. It can ahppen to anyone, and it has happened to most drivers.
    Yeah like you said even the best drivers get into accidents like these. Nothing to worry about mate. :)

    BTW Z, are you writing for goal.com?


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    Yeah, I know. I've lost my car and I wont be getting another one uless I buy it myself. Fvck, how could I have been so stupid. Oh well, no point in dwelling over it now, whats done is done.


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    Yeah, I know. I've lost my car and I wont be getting another one uless I buy it myself. Fvck, how could I have been so stupid. Oh well, no point in dwelling over it now, whats done is done.
    Didn't you have insurance?
    Mar 14, 2004
    Which car did you wrecked? Maybe I could help with the parts....I know some people here. I wrecked 3 cars by now(total damage): Honda TypeR,Legend and Mercedes CDI320(company car,not guilty :D). In neither of these accidents speed wasnt less then 160kph :LOL: Lucky or what?

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