Huge difference between juve and milan this season (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2003
++ [ originally posted by desireless ] ++
I think the differents between Milan and juve is only at Pirlo.

I was hoping that someone would bring up Pirlo and Gattuso. IMO those two guys are the two best defensive midfielders with an exceptional attacking flair. They are the back bones of Milans mifield and attack. They control the game possession and the flow of milans attack. The defensive midfield is the MOST essential part of any team. We lost Davids and look at what happened to us. Some might argue this point, but a vast majority of our failures thiis season are due to the loss of Davids. Im not saying Davids as a person, but the player he was, was fundamental to Juves attacks, defensive moves and overall mentality. Im not gonna start a whole new Davids saga talk, but what im trying to say is that the defensive midfield is the biggest thing that has seperated us from Milan this year. Some might argue the defense, but I believe its the dm.

Look at who we have right: Tacchi, and Appiah. Tacchi is a rusty, clumsy player who does useless tackles sometimes. He hasnt got that hard grut energy that Gattuso has. Appiah has lots of energy, but he hasnt got that creative flair that Pirlo has in the defensive midfield. Not to say that the DM is fundamental to any teams defense. Remember last season when we played RM in the first leg of semis and Davids was suspened? Our defense was very exposed in that game and we had trouble containing the RM forwards. But in the 2nd leg when Davids came back from suspension, he helped out the defense big time. Biridellis job was cut in half.

So if you ask me, DM is what truly seperates this years Juve from Milan. Our forwards are just as great as milans. DP has Shevs flair (not whens hes off form - which is most of the time) and Trez has the same aerial and finishing capacity of Inaghi. Di Vaio and Tomasson are both capable subs.

However, the attacking midfield of Milan is a little more creative and they have quite a bit more options, but our midfield isnt that bad. Milan have Kaka, Rui Costa, Serginho, Seedorf and we have Nedved, Camo, Miccoli. THere is a difference in quality, but Nedved and Camo can be quite the midfielders on their days.

Our defense this term has been bad, but it is a result of a lack of concentration and understanding. Our defenders are ALMOST as capable as MIlans defenders but they are not 'clicking'. ALso Milan have more depth in their defense as they have more options on the wings and in the centre.

All in all, the fact of the matter is that Ancelloti has made the right move and decided to make milan an attacking team. While lippi has not converted fully to the attacking mode which Juve need to adopt soon. I give props to Ancelloti for contiually fielding and strong line-up and using great tactics. ONe thing about milan also is their team unity. If any of you reconized last year in the final, all the milan palyers were together during the penalties, while the juve players were just sitting around. TThis might sound kindergartenish, but team unity does truly affect a teams performance. And form what ive seen, Mlian have a greater team unity and understanding.

Black and White for LIFE!
Aug 1, 2003
Man, if only we played Davids, things might just be better.

Our defense still sucks though. Ageing or not Milan's defence isn't all that young either but they're still going strong. Damn.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Milan are only going to be going downhill from here on in. They have quite a few aging players in the squad. But their main core is definitely going to be a problem next year.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002

yes Milan do have a lot aging players but their key players Pirlo, Rino, Kaka, Sheva, Nesta, have just reached peak (Pirlo, Rino), or hasn't (Kaka) and are just in prime and have couple of more "very very" good years left (Nesta and Sheva).
Although role players are important to the success of the team, and one of the reason why Milan has performed so high is that Cafu, Pancaro
and others are playing beyond expectation, the matter of fact is they can easily be replaced which cant be said of their core players.
And that is why I believe Milan is more than capable of sustaining their high level of performance for next couple of year very least & our job is to catch up the high standard they set this year.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
last year, Milan ended 3rd with 65 points.. and today we have 66 points and 8 matches to go.. so, statistically, we are better than last year's Milan.. so our chances of improvement next season are greater than milan's chances last year..

that is an enthusiastic thought.. :excited:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Good, we need a good kick up the ass. The longer we feel good about ourselves, the worse our results are gonna be
Mar 8, 2004
i think the difference is that they go for the right players and they maintain the good ones they have. while we mistakenly sold out one of our best and refuse to buy the good ones like pancaro, cafu and of course kaka. that is just the difference i guess.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Lets get no so dramatic in here.

Very probably Milan will get the scudetto this year and they for shure having a high level of performance now, but that doesnt mean they can sustain this pace indefinitly. like we didnt.

In england is happening the same situation with Arsenal and Man U. The gunners are having a terrific season and the red bastards are going down the drain....but...thing will change...

The real difference between Milan and Juventus is matter of spirit.

Milan is a very rich, very sophisticated superstars team of "artists" owned by billionare politics that does not matter to have is team finances in red numbers, because he uses the team as a advertiment of his own public image.

Juventus is a team that search for excelence in every respect. that means not only wining the great majority of games they play, but keeping his finances healthy, cause they know that, in the long run, is the only way to be solid and strong.

But,over everything else, juventus, has a philosopy of courage, character and dignity that Milan lacks. Our team is well know in Europe as the team that "never surrender" a kind of sport warriors absolutely proud of the shirt they use and knowing what it means to play for the old lady.

Berlusconi doesnt have enough money to buy that.
Dec 27, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++

But,over everything else, juventus, has a philosopy of courage, character and dignity that Milan lacks.
Milan has all that and goes even further : character is not enough for us as we also want style.

++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++

Our team is well know in Europe as the team that "never surrender" a kind of sport warriors absolutely proud of the shirt they use and knowing what it means to play for the old lady.
The list of amazing comebacks reflecting our great tenacity and refusal to surrender is too long for me to write it down now, so I'll just take our last two games : Milan-Chievo from 0-2 to 2-2 and Milan-Depor from 0-1 to 4-1. Enough said.

Milan counts as many if not more "proud of their shirt" players than Juventus. Baresi accepted to play two seasons in serie B with Milan when half the serie A was courting him. Also, the three players that hold the record of most serie A games played with the same team are Bergomi, Rivera and Maldini. One interista and two milanisti. No trace of Zoff, Scirea or Boniperti.

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