How can DP be made scapegoat? (1 Viewer)


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
What is it that Del Piero did in this tournament that cost Italy? He missed 2 fairly good chances against Sweden, but played a good game. If any of the players should be blamed it should be Francesco Totti. But instead Italians seem to have chosen for Del Piero yet again as a scapegoat. I understand this even less than when he was made scapegoat in 98 and 02.

TOTTI SPIT AT SOMEONE! How on earth is Del Piero more responsible for losing than Totti? Wasn't this guy going to be our 'Van Gogh'? Wouldn't his artistic touch lead us to the final? So if anyone should take the blame it is Totti (Vieri sucked, but at least he didn't get suspended).

I don't know why, but everyone always says Del Piero is a mediocre football player, well then WHY DON'T YOU EXPECT MEDIOCRICY?

No, Del Piero isn't the one to blame. Totti is.

Buy on


Junior Member
Jul 20, 2002
++ [ originally posted by olkiller ] ++

Del Piero has replied to Trap's words about Totti: "I have nothing less than him"- Obviously, Trap's praise towards Totti whom he defined as Italy's Platini didn't please to Del Piero, who has today replied to the national coach: "I don't give much importance to Trap's judgement-said Juventus' "fantasista"- Anyway Totti is Totti and I am Del Piero. But If you asked me, I'd say that he is no better than I am" Then Del Piero added: "I count on the surprise effect, because not having the leader's task lying on my shoulders anymore will help me live this adventure in a better mood. But I know that whether I play ten ou ninety minutes, my performances will be watched and analysed quite closely" Commenting on the result of a survey led by Sole 24 according to which he is Italian soccer's most representative emblem, Del Piero said: "I am very happy, even though I do not think Trap has voted for me"

Thats why I am blasting him, all this talk all the time fro him, not just with the national team but also during the seasons with Juve. He is always talking about being one step from top form, but he hasn´t been palying great for 5 years now and this is why I wasn´t expecting much from him, especially with Italy, he has never performed in a big Internationell tournament, somebody said he always performs great in the Qualifies, But its a different thing playing teams like Iceland and Wales and playing Brazil or France.

But I do not however blame him for Italys cup exit, nore do I blame Totti, even if he did let his country down. Look at ZZ, he hasn´t beenn playing that well, but he takes responsibilty by scoring those important goals, look at Nedved, the way he leads his team. These players are worldclass and I repeat, I think its an insult to REAL worldclass players by putting them in the same categori as Del piero


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #3
    The problem is we don't put Del Piero in the same category yet we do blast him as much as we would do with people in that category. So if we say he isn't in the same category, we shouldn't blast him now.

    We place Totti in the same category and Totti let us down, so Totti is the one to blast.


    Junior Member
    Jul 20, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by AndriesGobert ] ++
    The problem is we don't put Del Piero in the same category yet we do blast him as much as we would do with people in that category. So if we say he isn't in the same category, we shouldn't blast him now.

    We place Totti in the same category and Totti let us down, so Totti is the one to blast.

    I dont agree with that, people have the tendency to look at Del Piero as the savior. Just take a look at the posts after the news that Totti was going to be suspended. Everybody said it didn´t matter anyway, Because DEL PIERO was going to deliver, many people said they had a feeling of that. Once again, then your expecting things, He didn´t play bad in the Sweden game, but neither did Perotta or Linderoth and surely nobody calls this players world class.

    But the big thing is that Del piero himself puts himself in that category, talking about how he was ready to lead his country to glory and how he will be a EURO STAR. But when they were kicked out, he said dont point fingers at me, blame us all. I really lost much of my respect for him and he is my favourite player. Obviously you lose as a team, but there are reasons why certain players earns the amount of money they do. Many blasted Trez for wanting more money even do he is one of the worse paid players at Juve, but at least he does his job, scoring goals, but Del piero wanted a worldclass contract from Juve so he should play as aworldclass player aswell then or shouldn´t he?

    Dont get this the wrong way I´m not saying you should play after amount money you make, I´m just saying that there is a reason why certain players earns the money they do!


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #5
    They should blame all. Del Piero wasn't Italy's worst player in the tournament. He did and does deliver for Juventus, you can't argue about that. Remember his goal against Real Madrid and all his goals in Serie A.


    Junior Member
    Jul 20, 2002
    I´m not saying he does nothing for Juve, but when the matches get hard, its Nedved and not Del piero we should hope for. I just want juve to threat Del piero equally because nobody is bigger than the team. Di viao was in top form and scoring goals all the time, del piero returned from his injurie and Di viao was benched, how is he to feel support from Lippi? And this causes turbulence witihin the squad.
    Sep 14, 2003
    I don't think anyone is singling Del Piero out, he was neither great nor awful. Vieri was terrible, the Totti spitting incident, negative/ bad tactics, and a little bit of bad luck all contributed.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    He should not be made a scapegoat but he was trash and even his staunchest supporters would attest to that

    Missing sitters, been in the wrong places, complete lack of speed or fitness and strength

    Its sad to see him like this but he has to get a lot better than this as for me he was rubbish


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by AndriesGobert ] ++
    The problem is we don't put Del Piero in the same category yet we do blast him as much as we would do with people in that category. So if we say he isn't in the same category, we shouldn't blast him now.

    We place Totti in the same category and Totti let us down, so Totti is the one to blast.
    I agree, and that's extremely unfortunate for Del Piero. He doesn't get as much praise as Totti does, but gets much more bashing. Totti was supposed to be the one to lead us to Euro glory, not DP, but now that both Totti and Ale have let us down, the Italians still choose to pick on Alessandro.

    @Holdon: That's not true. When the Azzurri arrived home yesterday or whenever it was I saw someone holding up this sign saying 'Eliminati qui Del Piero' or some shit like that.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    He should not be made a scapegoat but he was trash and even his staunchest supporters would attest to that

    Missing sitters, been in the wrong places, complete lack of speed or fitness and strength

    Its sad to see him like this but he has to get a lot better than this as for me he was rubbish
    He wasn't complete rubbish imo as he put in a great performance against the Swedes, buy you're right, he really does need to make a big improvement if he wants to keep a place in the Azzurri set-up (which will be very hard with Cassano pushing hard) and even the Juve starting line-up. He was anonymous against Denmark, and crap against Bulgaria. He really has to work on his finishing, because surprisingly that's the part of his game that's been lacking as far as I'm concerned.
    Sep 14, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++

    @Holdon: That's not true. When the Azzurri arrived home yesterday or whenever it was I saw someone holding up this sign saying 'Eliminati qui Del Piero' or some shit like that.
    Well that's sad as he was far from the worst. I think in his case because he was blamed for Euro 2000 and WC98 it's easy to attack him again for the sake of it.


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    I didn't think he played that bad against Bulgaria....he missed one very good chance, that was all...other than that, he was average...


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    I don't think Del Piero will recover from this. He gets blamed all the time so I wouldn't blame him if he says he doesn't want to play for the Azzurri anymore. And apparently everyone so easily forgets Del Piero scored 5 goals in 5 games in the qualifiers.


    Junior Member
    Dec 29, 2002
    As one of his supporters for many years, I wish he decided to retire from the NT now. What's the use of staying there. He is not good enough or useful to the NT anymore and is always a No. 1 attacking target. Let the new talents do the job.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by survivor ] ++
    As one of his supporters for many years, I wish he decided to retire from the NT now. What's the use of staying there. He is not good enough or useful to the NT anymore and is always a No. 1 attacking target. Let the new talents do the job.
    true. i d rather see him retire than get on the bench or not called at all.


    Senior Member
    Mar 28, 2004
    The truth is that, with Lippi being the new boss of azurri, it seems that a place for Del Piero will keep opened in the future. Alex has been a favorite player for Marcello for many years...


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Holdon ] ++

    Well that's sad as he was far from the worst. I think in his case because he was blamed for Euro 2000 and WC98 it's easy to attack him again for the sake of it.
    Exactly. Because of what happened in Euro 2000 Del Piero's reputation with the NT will always be that of a choker, which is very unfortunate for him. I don't think there's anything he can do to remove the choker status from underneath his name anymore :down: Poor guy...

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