History of the internet (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
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    Yeah this site is amazing. How is it possible that so much is archived? :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    What's sad is when I open cnn or other sites that are always changing, I recall the exact same stories and the pictures associated with them!


    Sep 23, 2003
    That's courtesy of Brewster Kahle. Based out of the Presidio area of San Francisco, he started the Internet Archive project a number of years ago. Lots and lots and lots of disk.

    Brewster's a pretty cool guy too -- he was among the first I knew in San Francisco who opened up a wireless connection for anyone in the Presidio to use. Nowdays that's no big deal. But back in 2000 or so, that was unheard of.

    But if you guys really want to talk ancient Web crap, and just to date myself, you gotta check out the first Web pages at SLAC, where I used to work:

    These were the first Web pages hosted in the U.S. -- back in May 1991, around when I first came to work there. Everything on the Web was like "gopher" back then (a protocol from the U of Minnesota that most of you probably never heard of). It cracks me up to think back at that time back at SLAC ... or even just back to when grown men and women on TV started saying crazy &#%^ like "http://www.blahblahblah.com". I pissed in my pants laughing so hard in disbelief when I first heard a non-high-energy-physics geek even mention characters in order like that.

    I'm going to go now and put my teeth in a glass...


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Yep that's the good stuff :D Looks totally shit with all the images missing thou.. :D

    Look at the headlines in the news section: Inzaghi "Atalanta in my heart" :D

    Mr. Gol

    Senior Member
    Sep 15, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    No frikkin Way!! :eek:

    check out juventus.com from 2000 :touched:

    I thought I'll never see that old layout again!!
    Check the squad:

    Birindelli, Ferrara, Iuliano, Montero, Pessotto, Tudor, Maresca, Tacchinardi, Zambrotta, Del Piero.

    It's incredible how many players have stayed fve years later!

    And the Inter players who are still here from 2000:

    Only Cordoba, J. Zanetti and Recoba!!

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