Hi! (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 4, 2005
Hi! I'm new here and i don't know where to begin lol... I'm 17 years old and I'm Canadian... a big part of the family is Italian. I wish to talk italian someday lol. But I'm practicing my english with you because I'm speaking french hehe... So I love soccer and La Juve! My favorite players are Del Piero and Cannavaro. These are the best... and no I don't forget Gigi! :D
I read some topics and the members out there looks so cool! And so funny lol! Ale Juve!

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++ [ originally posted by Veronique ] ++
Hi! I'm new here and i don't know where to begin lol... I'm 17 years old and I'm Canadian... a big part of the family is Italian. I wish to talk italian someday lol. So I love soccer and La Juve! My favorite players are Del Piero and Cannavaro. These are the best... and no I don't forget Gigi! :D
I read some topics and the members out there looks so cool! And so funny lol! Ale Juve!
Ironically a Milanista is welcoming you to the forums … Welcome Veronique and on behalf of the “Nick against the World” group and the Four Horseman of Juventuz.com we hope you become a part of this community. More over, there are plenty of Italians here (including myself) who would be more than happy to teach basics in Italian.
Lesson number one: Be creative and original. That’s all I ask


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Welcome Veronique, glad to have ya. It's great to have more members from North of the boarder. Whatever you do, don't ask Sergio about is camel operations.

Nick, you unregistered idiot. I always knew you lacked common sense. :D


++ [ originally posted by Unregistered ] ++

Ironically a Milanista is welcoming you to the forums … Welcome Veronique and on behalf of the “Nick against the World” group and the Four Horseman of Juventuz.com we hope you become a part of this community. More over, there are plenty of Italians here (including myself) who would be more than happy to teach basics in Italian.
Lesson number one: Be creative and original. That’s all I ask


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
I disagree.

You might die at the hands of evil gingerbread cookies alone without moderator support. But have a database error or login problem and moderators are a helpful bunch :D


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Emma ] ++
I disagree.

You might die at the hands of evil gingerbread cookies alone without moderator support. But have a database error or login problem and moderators are a helpful bunch :D
Evil gingerbread cookies? This wouldn't have anything to do with your avatar would it?

I actually zapped into a movie with a gingerbread cookie that came to life :scared: That was your creation wasn't it?!?!?!

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