Henry to remain at Highbury (1 Viewer)

Sep 28, 2002
it's obvious he doesn't want to leave. he is loved there, he has great team mates.

but remember, figo pledged himself to barca, zizou to juve.

when i'll hear perez saying "we offered them 50m but henry rejected the move" i'll start believing
Jul 19, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Well, I think Henry knows what he's worth; and if Real Madrid are even thinking of sparking his interest, they're not thinking less than 80 million IMO.....and Henry knows that. Inspite of that, he refuses to leave......so, unless Arsenal just doesn't want him anymore and prefers the money (which is stupid) he's not going anywhere.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    It doesn't matter what Arsenal want, it's up to Henry. If Perez can convince him to leave, like he has with so many others, Arsenal can't keep him there against his own will, they will drop their unrealistic demands and sell him for a more reasonable price.

    But somehow I don't see Henry leaving Arsenal, the team where it all revolves around him and not to mention leaving his mentor Wenger..
    Jul 19, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #5
    That's what I was saying....I meant that unless Arsenal mgmt just comes right out to Henry and tells him "we don't want you" (which is impossible), he won't leave.
    Sep 28, 2002
    arsenal are building their new stadium. that need some money. let's say they'll screw up this year. now thet desperately need money. real offers 50m for henry. wonder what number will he get since guti is #14?

    you think nesta wanted to leave lazio for milan?


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Like i said before..........

    "IN the Florentino Perez´s dreamland, everything can happen!!"

    So dont get surprised if before the last 10 seconds of the transfer window.. they announce Henry´s deal.

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    you know what would be perfect? Henry n Perez discuss terms in Perez's jet plane from london to Madrid, on the way the plane become a boat. and not a good one at it.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    I cant imagine Henry leaving Arsenal,but when F.Perez says he's going to buy a player he always buys him,so........:scared:


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by -CSD- ] ++

    why are you trying to calm fred down!? :wallbang:

    Because our dear Fred is much too young to have a heart attack, Deej.

    Henry is just entering his prime, and unless the financial difficulties with their new stadium are totally accurate, I can't see them selling their biggest asset.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
    Henry is just entering his prime, and unless the financial difficulties with their new stadium are totally accurate, I can't see them selling their biggest asset.
    The financial difficulties are real, but they'll still fight tooth and nail to keep Henry.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
    Cisse is shit compared to Henry. I'm not saying Cisse is a bad player....actually, he's amazing, but he'll take Arsenal nowhere.
    And that's different from Henry how? :D

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