Help me with some latin. Kaiser Franco, Ian, anyone? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Right, as the title says, help me translate a few sentaces from latin to english, with word by word analysis if possible. If not, thats OK too.

Your help will be much appriciated.

Here they go:

1. Ars scribendi iam antiquissimis temporibus inventa est.

2. Romani ad bellandum semper parati erant.

3. Fabius dictator Hannibalis impetum cunstando/cunsdando (not sure which one it is, I cant seem to read my own handwriting) fregit.

4. Helvetii pocis causa legatos ad Caesarem miserunt.

5. Imperator Probus multa milia militum ad poludes siccandas in Panoniam dursit.

6. Philosophi de contemnenda morte saepe disputabat.

7. Caesar milites aquatum et frumentatum misit.

8. Atheninses legatos miserunt consultum Apollinem.

9. Multa faciliora sunt dictu quam factu.

10. Nefas est dictu senectutem miseram esse.

Thank you in advance, and I apologize for any spelling errors :)

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Pfft, who needs people?

1. The art of writing now antiquissimis temporibus contriver is.
2. From Rome to bellandum always prepared were.
3. Fabius dictator Hannibalis vehemence cunstando cunsdando not sure which one it this I chant seem to read my own handwriting fregit.
4. Helvetii in order that case at law legatos to Caesarem wretched.
5. Commander in chief Upright long thousands ground to pole siccandas upon Panoniam dursit.
6. Philosophi about contemnenda morte sepe debate.
7. Caesar of a soldier water and frumentatum to send.
8. Atheninses legatos wretched decree Apollinem.
9. Long easy are word how deed.
10. Wrong is word old age sadly to be.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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    Wow, that makes, like, so much sense. Once again, thank you for your contribution gray, which wasnt at all useless :D ;)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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    Bah, you guys are useless, this forum is no help at all.

    Luckily I have my best friend to help me. I swear, this guy has gotten me through the last two years of highschool, I dont know what I'd do without him :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    Bah, you guys are useless, this forum is no help at all.

    Luckily I have my best friend to help me. I swear, this guy has gotten me through the last two years of highschool, I dont know what I'd do without him :D
    Are you still in high school Zlatty? I thought you graduated...


    Chickenegro no funny
    Jan 14, 2005
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    Bah, you guys are useless, this forum is no help at all.

    Luckily I have my best friend to help me. I swear, this guy has gotten me through the last two years of highschool, I dont know what I'd do without him :D
    I have friends only because they give me assignments. Otherwise they wouldnt be my friends. Its a cruel world.
    Apr 12, 2004
    1. The art of writing now antiquissimis temporibus contriver is.

    2. From Rome to bellandum always prepared were.

    3. Fabius dictator Hannibalis vehemence cunstando cunsdando not sure which one it this I chant seem to read my own handwriting fregit.

    4. Helvetii in order that case at law legatos to Caesarem wretched.

    5. Commander in chief Upright long thousands ground to pole siccandas upon Panoniam dursit.

    6. Philosophi about contemnenda morte sepe debate.

    7. Caesar of a soldier water and frumentatum to send.

    8. Atheninses legatos wretched decree Apollinem.

    9. Long easy are word how deed.

    10. Wrong is word old age sadly to be.

    I think I got the same think as graham, damn online translators........


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    1.The art of writing was already invented in ancient times.
    2. The Romans were always prepared for war.

    I'm too tired to do the rest. It's not that hard though.


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++

    Yeah, I'll graduate in May. Hopefully :D
    You didn't study much Latin, now did you? :D. I mean, we have to read through some serious texts of Cicero, Tacitus and Vergillius and you get to do these stupid exercices?


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by barkuss ] ++
    I hate fckin's a shitty anguage with no meaning in world today except "I have don't" one....
    Well, I have to admit your final quote seems pretty right to me. Barbarian.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #18
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++

    You didn't study much Latin, now did you? :D. I mean, we have to read through some serious texts of Cicero, Tacitus and Vergillius and you get to do these stupid exercices?
    Nah. And hey, we dont really need latin, we're just learning the basics.

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