Help Me with My Public Speaking? (1 Viewer)

Aug 1, 2003
This is a crime.


I have a HUGE competition ahead of me - it's public speaking. It's a very tight competition, and the system goes like : They'll give you 1 prepared speech, 1 impromptu one, and if you get to the semis, another prepared one.

So, the THEME (not TOPIC, THEME) for my first 'prepared' speech is: *drumroll*

"The borderless world".

This has faltered my confidence greatly.

The borderless world? What am I going to write on the 'borderless' world? Many are going to write (and speak) on globalization, my best friend is doing on food (god knows what she has in mind), and I have no idea whatsoever to speak on something that has 'the borderless world' as theme.

This is a cry for HELP.

p/s : The winner gets to go to London to participate in the international public speaking competition.

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I think you should use this forum as an example :LOL:

Just picture the audience in their underwear

Hmm okay this advice thing isn't going too well...

Just make sure you're speaking, not reading, it's very easy to tell the difference by the tone of your voice. Get to know your material rather than just the words. Sounds a bit wishy-washy but i hope u know what i mean


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
The problem with this kind of thing is that the topic under debate isn't at all predictable.

A friend of mine was in Aberdeen recently for a debating competition, and the last debate was "That this house would go to San Francisco with a flower in its hair" Thanks to the first speaker, it wound up being a debate on the legalisation of beastiality. :rolleyes:

Try to find a few news & commentary articles on the internet on the following:
  • immigration
  • emmigration
  • border control & customs
  • Californication
  • The spread of English as a global language


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
  • The spread of English as a global language
Excuse me, what?

Sally - you could do it on environmental issues, global warming and the Kyoto treaty. Pretty borderless if you ask me. And original too.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
Excuse me, what?
Which language do we all share here Erik? It certainly isn't Italian. Nor Dutch for that matter. :D

Environmental issues is a good one. The thing is, you have to be prepaired for a debatre to go in any relevant direction. You can't just look at one topic and assume you're grand.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
A year ago I had to talk in front of my whole class and biology teachers about the amoeba, and I didnt know anything about it. I just learned everything and then the teacher told me I had an "excellent domination of the subject". My advice is to not get intimidated by anyone and if you get too nervous take pills!!


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
Which language do we all share here Erik? It certainly isn't Italian. Nor Dutch for that matter. :D
Well no but I wouldn't go as far as to say English is a global language or anything :undecide: I mean, sure, it's an important language due to the fact that the British managed to build a big empire but that about covers it.

English, for example, is my third language. Not my first, not my second. When I go to France, I speak French. When I go to Germany (or any European nation east of Germany), I speak German.

Spain & Italy - mostly French.
Scandinavia (from what I've heard) - mostly German.

I mean, I would argue English has hugely UNDERperformed seeing as most mass communication like the internet are from English speaking nations.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Why not try and turn the question around a little by suggesting something like...."we already have a borderless's the internet, it has no boarders,... blah, blah blah" know the pro's and cons of this pretty well, so you should be able to present a debate on a subject that you know and understand.

Also, the most important "trick" in preparing for public speaking is to concentrate on your breathing...control that and everything else should flow...good luck sallyinzaghi :cool:
Aug 1, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16
    This is SUCH a BIG competition I am sure to flunk it. Hello, this goes on all over Malaysia! I feel like I'm on American Idol!

    ... I just hope I'm not William Hung :moan:

    All those issues are very interesting, but I'm trying to make something unique - globalization and stuff related to it are very much common. I was hoping to prepare an essay which will take the judges by surprise and yet not run away from the stupid theme. Something that's different, y'know?

    I know I'm asking too much :D But whaddahell, I'll look into all the stuffs you guys mentioned. Thanks.

    ps : competition is this saturday. I'm more worried bout the bloody-helled IMPROMPTU speech.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    Go to general culture websites and read, just read a lot more than you usually do. Read the newspaper, encyclopedias, stuff on the Internet, etc.
    Aug 1, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #19
    After much consideration, I have decided to speak on ...


    I wanted to speak on the new EU policy against 'illegal' migrants first, but it might be too heavy of an issue. :p

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