Heath Ledger died... (2 Viewers)


Mercato Tourist
Aug 1, 2002
He's gonna be a badass Joker, no one believed there could be another Joker after Jack Nicholson. But Heath just looks the role.
Talented actor, he stole every movie he was in, he was destined to be a legend. His death is a huge loss.
RIP Heath


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
Im shocked.Ive watched The Dark Knight's trailer countless times,and i was sure that he would ace the role as The Joker,and im pretty shocked that the man has died,and that too at such a young age.Hs earlier movies were pretty good too.And despite the crap that he may have recieved earlier for being an actor that only teenage girls liked,Ledger was a pretty damn good actor.One of the best young actors out there IMO.It really is extremley sad.Its Ironic that the man who is going to use the line 'Lets Put A Smile on Your Face' so brilliantly in his next movie,is now leaving so many of his fans with smiles off their faces.

May Ledger R.I.P.

On a side note,will this effect the release of The Dark Knight?Or were they done with all the shooting,voice overs n stuff?If anything,i think this would make The Joker's character even more iconic.


Sep 23, 2003
never heard of him.
Whew. OK, I'm not the only one here thinking, "Who the f*#$ is Heath Ledger?? And what has he ever done for me?"...

Sorry to be so callous about it, but I still don't get why people fawned all over Steve Irwin's death either for that matter. Maybe it's an Aussie thing.

Though if you were talking about the Aussie director, George Miller, it would be a different story from me...


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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A Knight's Tale was a nice movie for me but overall not a big fan of his, there are much better young actors than him, even his gay partner Gylenhall. I still have doubts over his Joker role but we'll see.

Too young to die definetly.


Sep 23, 2003
I have to take it on faith that Brokeback was a worthy flick, not having seen it. But none of the other movies even register as worth Tivo-ing in my book.

Just not ready to eulogize a B-movie actor who, in all likelihood, played a large hand in their own death. Even Pauly Shore wouldn't get that from me though.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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I have to take it on faith that Brokeback was a worthy flick, not having seen it. But none of the other movies even register as worth Tivo-ing in my book.

Just not ready to eulogize a B-movie actor who, in all likelihood, played a large hand in their own death. Even Pauly Shore wouldn't get that from me though.
Not a fan but definetly wouldn't call him a B-actor. Only if you call Steven Seagal or Dolpf Lundgren a C actor.. :D


Mercato Tourist
Aug 1, 2002
True he wasn't a B-Actor, most of his movies were huge box-office hits.
"10 things I hate about you" was very successful, Brokeback Mountain killed at the Oscars.
The upcoming Batman movie was gonna be his biggest movie. He was on the path to great things.


Sep 23, 2003
Not a fan but definetly wouldn't call him a B-actor. Only if you call Steven Seagal or Dolpf Lundgren a C actor.. :D
Like it would be a stretch for Steven Seagal or Dolpf Lundgren to pull off an acting feat such as a role in 10 Things I Hate About You. ;)

The upcoming Batman movie was gonna be his biggest movie. He was on the path to great things.
At the start of the season, they also said that about Domenico Criscito. Now he's eating salami sandwiches in Genoa's backline.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Like it would be a stretch for Steven Seagal or Dolpf Lundgren to pull off an acting feat such as a role in 10 Things I Hate About You. ;)
No, but it would be in Brokeback Mountain(even though I haven't seen it, the general consensus is the movie is great and he nailed the role).


Sep 23, 2003
True that sometimes reputations are made on masterful performances of single roles (e.g., like we'll ever see Jamie Fox act in anything respectful again)...


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
I think its a bit far fetched to say that Ledger was Legend Material.He hadnt even reached his peak yet.He was only 28 and his best years were ahead of him.Not to draw any comparisons,but actors like Jack Nicholson,Al Pacino,De Niro,Marlon Brando..they were all into their 30's when they made it BIG and turned into the icons that they are today.Ledger as an actor,was talented,and he was definatley on the rise as far as critical success is concerned.But exactly what he might have acheived is anyone's call.He might have gone on to become an icon,or he might have self exploded.As things stand today,he'll go down in the books as a very talented actor,who died at a pretty sad age.


Mercato Tourist
Aug 1, 2002
He was on the right path to it. And believe me when people watch his performance in Batman he will achieve cult classic status


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
sucks to hear this, I saw some of his movies and I thought he was a good actor, and specially in "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson.. RIP

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