headaches (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Apr 8, 2003
it might be a weird topic for football board but...

the matter is i'm suffering from a terrible headache today, sort of migrain or so... i 've been having such attacks for ages... sometimes the pain is so dreadful...i'm sick of pills...

guys, does anyone who has the same problem know ANY real way to get rid of the pain? i've already tried a lot, but who knows... i'd be very grateful...

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Junior Member
Apr 6, 2003
i have migrains...i just ask sit on my father's massager chair and drink some nice coffee with panadol(asprin)..

maybe u need more sleep/rest?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Sorry to hear that :down:

I often get headaches from sunlight. For that shape is good (obviously), as well as cooling of some kind, water, recreation etc. But some headaches only sleep can fix. :(


Formerly known as Ali
Jul 15, 2002
Sorry ex-rasp. Relaxation should do and maybe a massage.

I thought coffee would excerbate the situation bubba. :confused:


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
don't eat cheese or chocolate and no alcohol. Get some rest and take some headache pills with water.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
I also suffer from migrains. When I have it, I kind of loose my sight if you know what I mean.

When I have the headache, I try to put something cold on my head like a wet towel (cold water) and drink some coffee just for the caffeine. And I try to be in a dark room.

I get it when I'm stressed or watched too much tv or sitting in front of the computer a lot.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
I have migrains too. Whenever I got it, my mom will grab a few strands of my hair and pull it until there's a sound (no, not pull the hair out altogether :eek: ) It's a kind of massaging. The hair-pulling is painful for a start, but after so many times, I don't feel the pain. Just like cracking your knuckles. After that I'll just lie down on my bed and try to go to sleep.



Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
a migraine is a recurrent severe headache. in many cases it's caused by some type of allergie.

Anyway ex-rasp, I've been getting bad migraines since i was 5 years old.
i never knew what caused them, but a doctor suggested that it might be from food alergies (+ other stuff). Here's what my mom did: She kept a Journal of everything i ate for 2 months!! (all meals, snacks, everything) :touched:
She recorded the time i ate it and kept note of the ingredients in everything. these were the results:

i get Migraines from theses foods (in order of what causes the most severe migraine):
-Chocolate fudge
-a lot of Artificial colors

foods that cause migraines are different from one person to another.

Other stuff that give me Migraines. i guess these stuff are general and they give any person a headache, but i heard from my doctor that these cause me migraines (more severe with me).
-Exposure to direct sunlight for a long time
-a lot of stress
-when i get the flu
-watching TV for a long time

Things to stop the pain or reduce it:
-Take a very hot shower (as hot as you can handle, with only exposeing your head to the water)
-Wrap an old T-shirt around your head really tight.
-When my migraines were so bad that i couldn't even get out of bed, My mom used to do this and it helped: she used to rup "vasline" (spelling) in the area between the end of the eyebrow to the hair-line and closer to the hair-line to massage that area. once she started massaging you can feel the area that helped reduce the pain.(i'll post a pic later of that area)
-i dont like pills, but over the years i've tried: Panadol, Tylonol, Advil, Aleve, Excedrin, and Solpadene. The best by far for me is "Excedrin." it really reduces the migraine in less than half an hour.
-and of course: relaxing.


Junior Member
Apr 6, 2003
i also have my younger bro walk on me, it's a type of massage..it's kinda painful first but very nice once i got used to it//


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
About the food, I get it from salami. I didn't before but then when I was in Denmark and ate it I had a migraine every day and then I found out what was causing it.

Too much or no sleep at all also give me migraine.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I also get migraines, sometimes so bad I have to lie in a dark, cold, quiet room, as the light makes it worse, sometimes I feel really sickly with it as well....but luckily I don't get blurred vision and so on...

Have you had your eyes tested as the computer screens can give you migraine??...

Also female hormones can play a good part in Migraines as well!!

I always used Migraleave tables which are expensive, but the Pharmacist told me that the same ingredients (Paracetomol and Codine) are in boots own brand and are 75% cheaper....and they work!


Junior Member
Apr 8, 2003
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    thanks for your care, guys! i see it's kind of common problem...
    anyway, i'm much better today...

    actually, i've tried nearly all you've been talking about: massage, hot bath, tight wrapping, sort of balsam, different pills...even chinese medicine and acupuncture...but that awful ache just comes again at times...
    Majed, i agree with you, it's smth to do with allergy, in my case it's auto-allergy, as doctors say...
    anyway, thanks a lot for your sympathy and advise!


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by ex-rasp9 ] ++
    it might be a weird topic for football board but...

    the matter is i'm suffering from a terrible headache today, sort of migrain or so... i 've been having such attacks for ages... sometimes the pain is so dreadful...i'm sick of pills...

    guys, does anyone who has the same problem know ANY real way to get rid of the pain? i've already tried a lot, but who knows... i'd be very grateful...
    Perfect thread for me right now :down: I've got huge headache.

    About pills Elena: they always work better, if you take them just before headache: when you can feel it's coming and you take pills - that's much better. You don't have to take as much as later.
    I always feel when I get it, so I can stop it. But I'm talking about headaches, maybe it doesn't work with migrains...


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    And one more thing that can help: complete absolute SILENCE.
    Cause every sound is like kick in brain.
    Maybe cause I get headache when I become annoyed.

    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    -i dont like pills, but over the years i've tried: Panadol, Tylonol, Advil, Aleve, Excedrin, and Solpadene. The best by far for me is "Excedrin." it really reduces the migraine in less than half an hour.
    Excedrin - and a main ingredients is... what?

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