a migraine is a recurrent severe headache. in many cases it's caused by some type of allergie.
Anyway ex-rasp, I've been getting bad migraines since i was 5 years old.
i never knew what caused them, but a doctor suggested that it might be from food alergies (+ other stuff). Here's what my mom did: She kept a Journal of everything i ate for 2 months!! (all meals, snacks, everything)

She recorded the time i ate it and kept note of the ingredients in everything. these were the results:
i get Migraines from theses foods (in order of what causes the most severe migraine):
-Chocolate fudge
-a lot of Artificial colors
foods that cause migraines are different from one person to another.
Other stuff that give me Migraines. i guess these stuff are general and they give any person a headache, but i heard from my doctor that these cause me migraines (more severe with me).
-Exposure to direct sunlight for a long time
-a lot of stress
-when i get the flu
-watching TV for a long time
Things to stop the pain or reduce it:
-Take a very hot shower (as hot as you can handle, with only exposeing your head to the water)
-Wrap an old T-shirt around your head really tight.
-When my migraines were so bad that i couldn't even get out of bed, My mom used to do this and it helped: she used to rup "vasline" (spelling) in the area between the end of the eyebrow to the hair-line and closer to the hair-line to massage that area. once she started massaging you can feel the area that helped reduce the pain.(i'll post a pic later of that area)
-i dont like pills, but over the years i've tried: Panadol, Tylonol, Advil, Aleve, Excedrin, and Solpadene. The best by far for me is "Excedrin." it really reduces the migraine in less than half an hour.
-and of course: relaxing.