Hasan Salihamidžić (6 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Don't think he's the greatest player, but certainly a great guy.
Not the greatest player but certainly no worse than Pessoto & Birindelli ever were.

He's simply great to have in the team. And yeah, he's a great guy.


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Salihamidzic in his prime was one hell of a player. I mean that period when Bayern dominated the Europe with Hitzfeld in charge (1999-2001).

He is not bad today but he has slightly faded. Those injuries left a mark on him. But he is probably good enough to occupy RB spot and help Camo.
Jul 2, 2006
Happy 2008 and best wishes “Brazzo”
New Year's Eve is upon us and it's a double celebration at Juventus. Apart from the New Year, we also have the birthday of one of the new arrivals that have captured the fans' hearts more: on the 1st of January Hasan Salihamidzic turns 31 years old.

Juventus wish a happy birthday to “Brazzo” and a successful 2008 to all the fans, hoping it’ll be at least as successful as 2007.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Martedì sera, nella folle notte di coppa Italia, sul 5-3 (la Juve quindi qualificata), Brazzo sbaglia in modo clamoroso il gol del 6 a 3 e si dispera. Rabbia per l'errore? Non esattamente. Perchè a 2 minuti dalla fine, mentre Del Piero batte un fallo laterale senza troppa fretta, Salihadmizic gli sprinta davanti verso la porta avversaria gridando "Sbrigati alex che dobbiamo fare un altro gol!" - DP: "Torna indietro, che ne bastano 5 per la qualificazione" - Il bosniaco: "Porca misera, hai ragione....ho passato un quarto d'ora d'inferno, pensavo di aver fallito il gol decisivo".


:lol: Salihamidzic thought we had to win 6-3 against Empoli to qualify. He thought he had messed up the qualification with his miss.

- Brazzo: " Hurry Alex, we need another goal!"
- DP: " Go back, 5 is enough to qualify"
- Brazzo: " Porca misera, you are right!"

" I spent a quarter of an hour in hell, thinking that I had missed the decisive goal".



Juve Star
Dec 30, 2004
Martedì sera, nella folle notte di coppa Italia, sul 5-3 (la Juve quindi qualificata), Brazzo sbaglia in modo clamoroso il gol del 6 a 3 e si dispera. Rabbia per l'errore? Non esattamente. Perchè a 2 minuti dalla fine, mentre Del Piero batte un fallo laterale senza troppa fretta, Salihadmizic gli sprinta davanti verso la porta avversaria gridando "Sbrigati alex che dobbiamo fare un altro gol!" - DP: "Torna indietro, che ne bastano 5 per la qualificazione" - Il bosniaco: "Porca misera, hai ragione....ho passato un quarto d'ora d'inferno, pensavo di aver fallito il gol decisivo".


:lol: Salihamidzic thought we had to win 6-3 against Empoli to qualify. He thought he had messed up the qualification with his miss.

- Brazzo: " Hurry Alex, we need another goal!"
- DP: " Go back, 5 is enough to qualify"
- Brazzo: " Porca misera, you are right!"

" I spent a quarter of an hour in hell, thinking that I had missed the decisive goal".

:D Brazzo brazzo...


official nedved copy
Jul 15, 2006
Martedì sera, nella folle notte di coppa Italia, sul 5-3 (la Juve quindi qualificata), Brazzo sbaglia in modo clamoroso il gol del 6 a 3 e si dispera. Rabbia per l'errore? Non esattamente. Perchè a 2 minuti dalla fine, mentre Del Piero batte un fallo laterale senza troppa fretta, Salihadmizic gli sprinta davanti verso la porta avversaria gridando "Sbrigati alex che dobbiamo fare un altro gol!" - DP: "Torna indietro, che ne bastano 5 per la qualificazione" - Il bosniaco: "Porca misera, hai ragione....ho passato un quarto d'ora d'inferno, pensavo di aver fallito il gol decisivo".


:lol: Salihamidzic thought we had to win 6-3 against Empoli to qualify. He thought he had messed up the qualification with his miss.

- Brazzo: " Hurry Alex, we need another goal!"
- DP: " Go back, 5 is enough to qualify"
- Brazzo: " Porca misera, you are right!"

" I spent a quarter of an hour in hell, thinking that I had missed the decisive goal".

haha he's so funny :lol2:

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