Happy news people!!!!!! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
Everyone agrees that Montero had a shocker of a season, but he's been great for us for the whole time he was here, and he never lacked passion or commitment. I don't think we should let this season tarnish his status as a Juventus hero, and I hope he ends his career here too. Sadly to say, preferably at the end of this season
Yes, Montero WAS great, now he is just useless... Just few years ago he was one of our best players, now he's just a fringe player...
Oct 1, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
Everyone agrees that Montero had a shocker of a season, but he's been great for us for the whole time he was here, and he never lacked passion or commitment. I don't think we should let this season tarnish his status as a Juventus hero, and I hope he ends his career here too. Sadly to say, preferably at the end of this season
:thumb: can't agree more


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
When did Moggi say that Montero will stay??? I thought he said, that Montero would go after this season! To be honest, I've never heared Lippi say:"Montero will stay, he is not for sale!"

You have a link?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
When did Moggi say that Montero will stay??? I thought he said, that Montero would go after this season! To be honest, I've never heared Lippi say:"Montero will stay, he is not for sale!"

You have a link?
Juve, Brighi, Sculli e Montero verso l'Inghilterra: Bettega sta trattando

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Non solo mercato in entrata per la Juve. Il vicepresidente Bettega sta lavorando anche per trattare la cessione di quei giocatori considerati in eccesso. Matteo Brighi e Giuseppe Sculli, che rientrano rispettivamente da Brescia e Chievo, sono stati proposti al Fulham che deve però ancora saldare il debito per Van Der Saar. Sempre dall'Inghilterra, il Tottenham sta pensando a Mark Iuliano, difensore centrale reduce da una stagione deludente. Numerose richieste anche per Montero, ma l'uruguayano é considerato incedibile.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++

Sorry Eagle, I knew you were right!

However, I think Montero is not Juve material, at this form! He lacks everything! I don't want him here!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
However, I think Montero is not Juve material, at this form! He lacks everything! I don't want him here!
Oh come on, we're not even gonna get a decent amount of money for him, and he's been such a good servant to us.

Selling/sacking Montero because he's not good anymore is like chucking your grandfather out of the family because he can't do much anymore :rolleyes:
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by KeNgO ] ++
get rid of them and make some cash! that would be a dream come true!
actually getting rid of them would mean losing some cash. we would need backup players and i believe we would spend even more.

i can't see how montero is too bad for the bench. still better than iuliano.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2004
Monteo has said before that he would never leave Juve until he wasnt wanted anymore, and did not have anymore to give. After that he would return to his home club in Uruguay he said.
I think he can be needed one more bench year, and then it is over.
Aug 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
Everyone agrees that Montero had a shocker of a season, but he's been great for us for the whole time he was here, and he never lacked passion or commitment. I don't think we should let this season tarnish his status as a Juventus hero, and I hope he ends his career here too. Sadly to say, preferably at the end of this season
There's always a fifth bench warmer :p but yes, this is exactly my point. with the exception of this season I think he's great.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++

Oh come on, we're not even gonna get a decent amount of money for him, and he's been such a good servant to us.

Selling/sacking Montero because he's not good anymore is like chucking your grandfather out of the family because he can't do much anymore :rolleyes:
True, but this season, he had been a disaster, and I wouldn't play him in any kind of formation. Its time for a change and Montero had his time here, but I think its time to leave. Why should we bench him the whole next season?? He should go back to Uruguay.


Junior Member
May 1, 2004
Based on career performances montero and conte should be allowed to stay. But Iuliano- he is the shittest defender to play for Italy ever. The guy is so crap its not funny. Why he ever wore a Juve shirt is a mystery. Perhaps he's sleeping with Moggi or maybe his got a real hotty daughter. Who knows!!!
Solution:sell iuliano, make his wife/daughter a team doctor and erase his face from any Juve photos or history books.

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