Gym and fitness (16 Viewers)


May 27, 2007
HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this doco on nutrition -

A really interesting a quite inspiring documentary. Reveals the truth about how our bodies react to what we eat and why 'dieting' is flawed. This is the real way to be healthy. You can only watch it for free till tomorrow though so get on it.
I watched it but I forgot to reply. Nice movie :tup: thanks for sharing (eventhough I'd never go with that route).

Buy on


Grazie Ale
Nov 9, 2006
i weight 87 kgs with a 184 height...need to lose those 7 kgs 'till summer

i eat a lot of bread, eating like 2 days per week very very late, i don't really walk but i play 2 hours of football per week...seems it's not enough as it used too.. so how do i get in shape fast? i know eating late and with a lot of bread is the first step..


May 27, 2007
blʘndu;3608894 said:
i weight 87 kgs with a 184 height...need to lose those 7 kgs 'till summer

i eat a lot of bread, eating like 2 days per week very very late, i don't really walk but i play 2 hours of football per week...seems it's not enough as it used too.. so how do i get in shape fast? i know eating late and with a lot of bread is the first step..
Eating late has nothing to do with. You gain weight when you take a certain amount of calories. So if you didn't anything for the whole day then you will not gain any weight if you eat late at night, because you're still at caloric deficit and that's the problem... people eat a lot during the day and they, let's say, eat 1500 calories, while they need just as much to stay on their regular weight. So when they take an extra meal late at night, what happens is that they make a surplus of calories and eat 1800-1900 calories instead, so then and only then you gain that extra fat.

Bread? Yes, eat much less bread, that thing is a killer. One bread is like 2400 calories, which is way way too much while at the same time it has no nutritional benefits whatsoever. Cut down on bread and cut down on fats (especially if you're a mayo lover) that you're taking and that is very important. Considering that you don't have many activities that burn you fat, you should really pay attention on what you eat. There's also another way to lose weight fast, you eat everything like you used to till now, but eat half of that portion.

---------- Post added 09.04.2012 at 10:16 ----------



In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
blʘndu;3608894 said:
i weight 87 kgs with a 184 height...need to lose those 7 kgs 'till summer

i eat a lot of bread, eating like 2 days per week very very late, i don't really walk but i play 2 hours of football per week...seems it's not enough as it used too.. so how do i get in shape fast? i know eating late and with a lot of bread is the first step..
Eating bread actually makes you fat. If you really want to lose weight fast, check out paleo or primal diets. I use them from time to time, however every so often I do need a higher carb intake for sports.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
Any of you gym gods can suggest or point to a decent schedule for beginner to gain weight. I'm targeting to gain at least 5kgs. I would prefer if the schedule would consist of mainly compound exercises if possible, I kind of hate the isolated exercises.


May 27, 2007
Any of you gym gods can suggest or point to a decent schedule for beginner to gain weight. I'm targeting to gain at least 5kgs. I would prefer if the schedule would consist of mainly compound exercises if possible, I kind of hate the isolated exercises.
Whatever you schedule is, you will not gain 5kg if you're not taking a surplus of calories. You gotta eat more in order to gain weight.

@Nzoric post that schedule I gave ya. My inbox is loaded. And do you still workout anyway? :p


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
@Dule90 I have no schedule at the moment. And I'm not looking to gain it in few months, but within a half a year-year would be reasonable?


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
@Nzoric post that schedule I gave ya. My inbox is loaded. And do you still workout anyway? :p
i deleted the schedule when i cleared my inbox, i got it printed out somewhere but i can't find it.

i went through three weeks of it, dropped some weight and started drinking and smoking like a madman again. time to start again soon though :D


May 27, 2007
@Dule90 I have no schedule at the moment. And I'm not looking to gain it in few months, but within a half a year-year would be reasonable?
I recommend 3 day split, it gives great results and doesn't require much time. Set your weight so you do everything 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Day 1

1. bench press
2. incline bench press
3. shoulder press
4. skull crushers
5. triceps kickbacks

Day 2

1. pull ups (wide) 3 sets till failure/Lat Pulldowns
2. barbell bent over row
3. Single arm bent over dumbbell rows
4. Inverted Row
5. bicep curls

Day 3

1. squats/leg press
2. romanian deadlifts
3. lunges

It will give you great results. But it will burn you calories too, you must eat more in order to gain that weight, especially when you start working out.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
Cool, I will give it a try. And this is full workout? for eg in day three, just 3 exercises? What about sit ups or any other stuff for stomach?

And is there some exercise to subsitute Single arm bent over dumbbell rows, i hate that excercise.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
My friend started his deca cycle today. What are your thoughts on deca, guys?
Has he head of "decadick" ?

Whilst deca durabolin is one of the best longterm injectible steroids around, it has to be taken very seriously.

The Cons
- totally crashes testosterone production at higher dose then 200mg/week, whilst recommanded dose are far higher then that
- needs to be taken togheter with testosterone, to sustain sexual functions, and for optimal results. deca is known to cause impotence for as long as 1 month after the last dose
- water retaining, means you will bulk up, but lose 60% of the increase when the cycle ends
- requires strong post cycle treatment with tamoxifen and a testosterone booster or mesterolone, to kick the natural testosterone to its original levels after the cycle, or alot of the gains will be lost.

the pro's
- water retaining, means it gives a significant increase in power
- because non aromatiser, has a very good effect when used togheter with a mixture of long and short estered testosterones, for example sustanon
- extremely long half life, means increased nitrogen retention for a long peroid. with good post cycle, means you will keep most of the quality gains
- very good anabolic/endrogenic rate with 125:37

Steroids are expensive, and have significant impact on liver, kidneys, skin, hairgrowth, libido and your finances. tell him he is an idiot if he doesnt allready work out for a long time on a good schedule, rest and diet

---------- Post added 11.04.2012 at 01:45 ----------

Cool, I will give it a try. And this is full workout? for eg in day three, just 3 exercises? What about sit ups or any other stuff for stomach?

And is there some exercise to subsitute Single arm bent over dumbbell rows, i hate that excercise.
If you do them seriously, you are completely wacked after doing squad and deadlift. day 3 is by far your most intensive day, as its the two most exhausting compound excercises


Jun 17, 2011
Is there really a point in ingesting protein after working out? I know it's supposed to help with the recovery process, but I've heard different things. My nutrition professor said that it isn't needed if you get the recommended amount of protein in your diet, but pretty much anyone I talk to about building muscle says that you should eat/drink a protein bar/shake. One of my friends also developed kidney stones due to drinking protein shakes three times a week, which doesn't sound too fun. What do guys you recommend?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
been taking about 300grams of protein per day for the last 2 years, kidneys are just fine.
perhaps he didnt drink enough water.

or, used creatine, and didnt drink enough water

after workout, the body wants to repair. you need amino acids. the body will break down healthy muscle tissue to get so called "branch chain amino acids" or bcaa.
when you drink a shake shortly after training, you disencourage the body of doing this.

however, if you eat meat shortly after training, or take 5 grams of bcaa powerder, its not neccecary, and you can take the protein when it suits you, preferably spread over 5-6 portions


May 27, 2007
Is there really a point in ingesting protein after working out? I know it's supposed to help with the recovery process, but I've heard different things. My nutrition professor said that it isn't needed if you get the recommended amount of protein in your diet, but pretty much anyone I talk to about building muscle says that you should eat/drink a protein bar/shake. One of my friends also developed kidney stones due to drinking protein shakes three times a week, which doesn't sound too fun. What do guys you recommend?
One hour opportunity to drink protein after your workout is bullshit and nothing else. Just have a nice meal whenever you want after.


May 27, 2007
Cool, I will give it a try. And this is full workout? for eg in day three, just 3 exercises? What about sit ups or any other stuff for stomach?

And is there some exercise to subsitute Single arm bent over dumbbell rows, i hate that excercise.
I'm not really sure which is good enough to replace it. However, you should add rear delts there too.

Abs? If your stomach isn't flat then working out your stomach is kinda waste of time, as you need to lower your body fat %. If it is then you should add any decent but very intense workouts that last for like 15mins and do it 3 times per week (working abs on the empty stomach is the best way).


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
I'm not really sure which is good enough to replace it. However, you should add rear delts there too.

Abs? If your stomach isn't flat then working out your stomach is kinda waste of time, as you need to lower your body fat %. If it is then you should add any decent but very intense workouts that last for like 15mins and do it 3 times per week (working abs on the empty stomach is the best way).
What about Upright Row? To which day should I add it?

And about abs, I suppose I do those power 15 mins after I do my regular workout?

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