Gym and fitness (13 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Not a fan of powerlifting. I think it's the wrong way to build muscle, if you want that.

I can't see that pic.
i have followed bodybuilding training for two years, just changed to powerlifting.

bodybuilding is all about isolated training, making muscles individually grow larger. given that your body can tickle growt hormone just 1 houre per day, this is ideal for creating a big muscle

powerlifting is about "compound exercise". this are exercises that are stressing the entire body, instead of just one isolated muscle. deadlift, squat, bench, row and standing military press
the body grows better when working as a unit, so you will become bigger and stronger then compared to bodybuilding, however, alot less defined

if you want nice looking body, bodybuilding is great and diverse. i loved it very much for the entire time i did it

if you want the biggest power, and a massive block of a body, powertraining is the way to go

the best bodybuilders in history started in powerlifting, then switched and shaped the smaller muscle. for example, ronny coleman and arnold schwarchenegger.

powerlifting however, is extremely taxing on the body, more then bodybuilding

edit, you know a imagehoster that doesnt require signing up ? fucking imageshack >.<


Apr 14, 2005
In therms of progress, i dont know if its much use.

two years ago, i was undermuscled, and overweight. while training i improved in power and shape, but my fat% is still far to high, and at the moment, i switched to powerlifting because i am not satisfied with the power my muscle represent

in 2 years i went from

4x50kg bench
8x squat with only bar
no deadlift, but my lat pulldown was like 35 kg


2 x 120 kg benchpress (pushing for 3)
3x 140 kg squat (ass to the floor)
5x155kg deadlift (third time ever), or 105 lateral pulldown

this is a photo from early this month, before training

i like my progrss, but my fat% is far to high :-/

how much do you weigh?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
ya i'd say thats kinda weak :p but really good progress for only 2 years imo, you can definitely do much better
my biggest problem is beeing undermuscled due to diets while i was younger, got to do alot of catching up

and didnt squat untill august, making it pretty weak considering my weight and benchpress

same for deadlift, did it for the 4th time ever today.

i'm pleased about the size of my back/chest/shoulders/arms
but indeed, i dont like the weight's i'm doing, so thats why i switched to a bill star intermediate power lifting schedule


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
You can't say you're happy at this point. You have a lot of bodyfat and when you burn it off eventually a lot of it is gonna vanish as the majority of it is fat.
its going down, but very slowly, since i want to gain as much musclepower as i can
A good burner in the morning like dexaprine, helps alot tho

However, stuff is exhausting. after my 5pm shake, i tend to take a powernap from 6 till 7, take my preworkout, and train from 8 till 9.30pm


May 27, 2007
boss, but you really need to eat more :p
I have a problem. After reading million of pages and seeing tons of videos I have no idea how is muscle supposed to be built.

You know what I would love? To be 181cm and with 79-80kg, but to have like 10% BF at most. I have no idea how to do that. Some say (actually majority) that bulking/cutting works but to me that's just a myth as you're putting fat that you eventually cut off. Yet some people who did it are huge (and they were ectomorphs, not meso). On the other hand, there are people (Amer and Brad Pilon for example) say that muscle is being built slowly. Amer once said how one should be happy if he gets 500g of muscle per year while Brad said how it's optimal to gain only 8kg of muscle in your lifetime. So which is true? I can get bigger, but I will lose muscle fiber and look kinda round, I'll get some fat even if it's not a dirty bulk.


Apr 14, 2005
I have a problem. After reading million of pages and seeing tons of videos I have no idea how is muscle supposed to be built.

You know what I would love? To be 181cm and with 79-80kg, but to have like 10% BF at most. I have no idea how to do that. Some say (actually majority) that bulking/cutting works but to me that's just a myth as you're putting fat that you eventually cut off. Yet some people who did it are huge (and they were ectomorphs, not meso). On the other hand, there are people (Amer and Brad Pilon for example) say that muscle is being built slowly. Amer once said how one should be happy if he gets 500g of muscle per year while Brad said how it's optimal to gain only 8kg of muscle in your lifetime. So which is true? I can get bigger, but I will lose muscle fiber and look kinda round, I'll get some fat even if it's not a dirty bulk.

how much dedication and investment you want to put into this? because for sure you can reach your goals, and pretty quickly too, the only problem is having to maintain it, at least till your metabolism slows down.
I posted a video here of my workout buddy in chicago benching 4 plates. The guy was 145 lbs when we first met in college, but dude was super committed would wake up in the middle of the night to down protein shakes. last year he also started doing some cardio so he decided to run a half marathon, he did that too, and in the process cut to the point of having abs. so to answer your question, you bet your ass it works.


May 27, 2007
how much dedication and investment you want to put into this? because for sure you can reach your goals, and pretty quickly too, the only problem is having to maintain it, at least till your metabolism slows down.
I posted a video here of my workout buddy in chicago benching 4 plates. The guy was 145 lbs when we first met in college, but dude was super committed would wake up in the middle of the night to down protein shakes. last year he also started doing some cardio so he decided to run a half marathon, he did that too, and in the process cut to the point of having abs. so to answer your question, you bet your ass it works.
It's a hard question, especially the last part :p Not a huge investment for sure, since I'm still studying it's pretty tough to spend much. How much does he weight now?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I have a problem. After reading million of pages and seeing tons of videos I have no idea how is muscle supposed to be built.

You know what I would love? To be 181cm and with 79-80kg, but to have like 10% BF at most. I have no idea how to do that. Some say (actually majority) that bulking/cutting works but to me that's just a myth as you're putting fat that you eventually cut off. Yet some people who did it are huge (and they were ectomorphs, not meso). On the other hand, there are people (Amer and Brad Pilon for example) say that muscle is being built slowly. Amer once said how one should be happy if he gets 500g of muscle per year while Brad said how it's optimal to gain only 8kg of muscle in your lifetime. So which is true? I can get bigger, but I will lose muscle fiber and look kinda round, I'll get some fat even if it's not a dirty bulk.
for a starter, its allways the diet
lets look at what you need to grow

1) Calories

you need to eat to gain, but in the right way.

- convert your weight to daily calory intake, then add 10%

lets say it turns out to be 2500 calories, so you make it 2750

-turn it into grams carb, protein, fat in a 40%/40%/20% split, knowing 1 gram carb=4cal, 1gram protein=4cal, 1gram far=9cal

carb : 2750*0.4 = 1100 cal (1gram=4cal) = 275grams carb
protein : 2750*0.4 = 1100 cal (1gram=4cal) = 275grams protein
fat : 2750*0.2 = 550 cal (1gram=9cal) = 61.1grams fat

NOW, lets get the right kind

for carb, that means SLOW carb, not fast one. excellent slow carb is oak, brown rice, pasta.

for protein, eating meat twice a day , using whey as breakfast, as 4o clock, and before sleeping works, eat 2 eggs per day helps

fat, cook stuff with olive oil,dont touch butter you dont want trans fats. eat plenty of nuts, those r very good fats

try to split this all in more then 4 meals per day. shakes with oak and whey are very easy to get this

2) other nutrition

you need enough vitamins, for testosterone production, you want to have a good intake of vitamine C. because you excercise muscles, you also need magnesium and calcium.
try to get a vitamin that has values like

creatine and all preworkouts, are very expensive, and they dont grow the muscle for you.

3) sleep !

sleep 7 houres per day minimum, 8-9 optimal, when possible, take a powernap 2-3 houres before training if its an exhausting day

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