Gym and fitness (43 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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I'll try to answer that :D

That was just a home routine, I found it lazy to keep it going that eventhough I had a decent definition.. I needed more weights. It's not really a gym, it's where I go, garage I have but I have some equipment there and a lot of weights. So yea, it's basically like a small gym as I do pretty much everything that I need. So far it's going good, results are great. It's just that I pause way too much.. sometimes due to lectures and exams and sometimes due to illness and even injuries, but I had really long pauses.

As for bulking, eh... I have no idea. I wanna see if bulking/cutting works. The more stuff I read the less I know, so I wanna experience it on myself and see what happens. I don't think it's gonna be a 'dirty bulk' but yeah I'll start getting extra calories and gain some weight. There also one more reason why I'd like to do it, I wanna see how I look when I'm 'big'. But I'm not planning to be a fat ass. Eventually I'll cut it off, but I think I'll keep this up for a pretty long period.

And as for creatine... Well, there's no scientific fact that proves how people need anything more than 70-80gr of protein in order to get better results, so IMO it's just a waste of cash to go with Whey, I'll try to get my protein through food which is the best thing anyway. And out of other supplements I think creatine will help me get better results during the period. And it's not that expensive I think, but that's still in a waiting and thinking phase. :p

Are you still going btw, results, anything?

One more question for those who have experience: Have you ever tried caffeine pills? Effective, anything?
Nice, keep going and don't let pauses, whatever causes them, stop you or let you down. Pauses ain't half bad either, at least you'll shock your system and give muscles some rest(not if you're down with a flu though).

Of course it works, especially for you who obviously has good metabolism(looking at your definition and the amount of sandwiches you consume :p ) You have an athletic build so don't worry you'll end up too "big and round". You're also young and in the best years to be working out so you pretty much got everything going for you.

As for me, yeah I'm still going, about 2,5 years now...just coming of a 2-week pause because I strained something in my back and couldn't move my head for like 4 days. :p Overall it's going good, I'm not overly pleased how far I've come looking at the time and effort I put in, but all my friends say otherwise so it's probably just me. I look much better with 89kg on 185cm than 70kg say 4,5 years ago.

As for creatine, I just started taking powder about a month ago(5g before and 5g after workouts only). Maybe it's too little time and with the injury that set me back, but honestly I didn't see much of results, neither gain nor strength...the only thing I experienced is I have a much better pump in the muscles during workouts. They're rock solid and feel like they're gonna burst. :D But don't let me be the judge, I think I've reached my limit as far as bodybuilding goes and without a major lifestyle change(food, alcohol, cigarettes, weekend outings) I doubt I'm gonna improve much further beyond this point. But you're younger and if you're willing to take care of your diet, I think creatine can be great for you, so my recommendation is yes.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Creatine intake, increases the deposits in the body. and gives harder pump. Its not spectacular,but good if you train heavy.

The more you lift,the more us it has.

Same for protein. If you dont lift over 50kg in the base exercice,dont bother. Get a good diet instead.

Lifting heavy however, requires fast absorbing protein.


May 27, 2007
Nice, keep going and don't let pauses, whatever causes them, stop you or let you down. Pauses ain't half bad either, at least you'll shock your system and give muscles some rest(not if you're down with a flu though).
Yeah I know. I hate myself when I take like 2 months off because I'm a lazy bitch during the winter period. Funny thing, when most of the people can't workout during the summer it's when my period is and when I benefit the most cause I go hardcore lol. But right now I'm feeling a bit of pain in my lower back, so today I'll skip bent over rows.

Of course it works, especially for you who obviously has good metabolism(looking at your definition and the amount of sandwiches you consume :p ) You have an athletic build so don't worry you'll end up too "big and round". You're also young and in the best years to be working out so you pretty much got everything going for you.
Works in what way? From what I hear/read you basically gain weight which contains fat and not much of a lean muscle even if it's not a dirty bulk. I heard (kinda shocking) that people should be fucking happy if they gain 1 pound of lean muscle in a year. Muscle structure resembles of a balloon and not a brick. So I'm not even sure if you do gain any muscle during bulking. When cutting comes most of the people go back to their old weight, so it was like a waste of time. I really have no idea, and I don't think anyone knows for sure, so it's why I wanna experience it on myself. I guess it just depends a whole lot if you're an ectomorph or mesomorph. Why metabolism can be annoying, I hardly gain weight but I lose it damn fast. As for my genetics, I think I have potential to have nice shoulders and chest. At this point I'd like to gain weight and keep my stomach flat, so to see how that goes.

As for me, yeah I'm still going, about 2,5 years now...just coming of a 2-week pause because I strained something in my back and couldn't move my head for like 4 days. :p Overall it's going good, I'm not overly pleased how far I've come looking at the time and effort I put in, but all my friends say otherwise so it's probably just me. I look much better with 89kg on 185cm than 70kg say 4,5 years ago.
Yeah it's you. You can't notice much of a difference because you look at yourself pretty much every day. Your friends are right, though. Some people who didn't see me for a long time were like 'holy shit what happened to you' :D Your numbers look pretty big, that's a lot of weight (if you're not a fat ass), post some pic :D And how much do you bench press and squat at the moment?

As for creatine, I just started taking powder about a month ago(5g before and 5g after workouts only). Maybe it's too little time and with the injury that set me back, but honestly I didn't see much of results, neither gain nor strength...the only thing I experienced is I have a much better pump in the muscles during workouts. They're rock solid and feel like they're gonna burst. :D But don't let me be the judge, I think I've reached my limit as far as bodybuilding goes and without a major lifestyle change (food, alcohol, cigarettes, weekend outings) I doubt I'm gonna improve much further beyond this point. But you're younger and if you're willing to take care of your diet, I think creatine can be great for you, so my recommendation is yes.
Wait, isn't it only 5g throughout a day, how come you're getting 10? Or I just heard it wrong. And I think you're wrong, very wrong. You've been lifting for only 2 and a half years, there's a plenty of room for improvement. If you're still on progressive overload you'll see more and more results. People workout for over 10 years and still get results. But you should probably lose 5kg to see where are you at, that should drop a couple of % of your body fat and you should be able to see some muscle fibers. But there's no need to stop anyway, you'll keep getting bigger and stronger even if you don't fix your nutrition. As for cigarettes, I have no idea how that kills your progress.

Creatine intake, increases the deposits in the body. and gives harder pump. Its not spectacular,but good if you train heavy.

The more you lift,the more us it has.

Same for protein. If you dont lift over 50kg in the base exercice,dont bother. Get a good diet instead.

Lifting heavy however, requires fast absorbing protein.
Man, I still think protein is overrated. I know many people that take like 200g of protein daily and still look average while their training is good. And I'll never understand how prisoners are huge, because their food is fucking crap, it's like the worst food.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2009
I have question ??

Guys i have one creatine (Krea-Alkalyn) 1 protein(Gold Whey-ON) and Amino Acides,and i'm planing to start using them in this month,but idk if it's going to be good idea to use them in the same time,what do u think ?

Any suggestion ?!


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Works in what way? From what I hear/read you basically gain weight which contains fat and not much of a lean muscle even if it's not a dirty bulk. I heard (kinda shocking) that people should be fucking happy if they gain 1 pound of lean muscle in a year. Muscle structure resembles of a balloon and not a brick. So I'm not even sure if you do gain any muscle during bulking. When cutting comes most of the people go back to their old weight, so it was like a waste of time. I really have no idea, and I don't think anyone knows for sure, so it's why I wanna experience it on myself. I guess it just depends a whole lot if you're an ectomorph or mesomorph. Why metabolism can be annoying, I hardly gain weight but I lose it damn fast. As for my genetics, I think I have potential to have nice shoulders and chest. At this point I'd like to gain weight and keep my stomach flat, so to see how that goes.
I think you've always given too much credit for abs. :p Putting on some mass, yes, even with some fat, can be beneficial to one's appearance. You know a lot of people here teased you that you're malnourished :p , well try and put on some mass and see how that goes...and if you do put on some fat, don't think you'll lose your abs, they're still there, just the turtle shell isn't visible. :D So you'll go back to the old in a jiffy.

Yeah it's you. You can't notice much of a difference because you look at yourself pretty much every day. Your friends are right, though. Some people who didn't see me for a long time were like 'holy shit what happened to you' :D Your numbers look pretty big, that's a lot of weight (if you're not a fat ass), post some pic :D And how much do you bench press and squat at the moment?
Nah, I ain't a fat-ass, just not lean. :D I look pretty much the same as I did when I posted my pic about a year ago(at that time I was about 85, 86kg and that's my usual weight). I put on about 4,5kg in the last few months, since I started dating this girl who's an amazing cook(which is a first for me). I can't post one now as I don't have a camera anymore and my cell is running a custom software and the camera isn't functional yet.

Currently I squat 120kg and bench 90kg. That's in the 4 sets, something like 7,6,6,5 reps. Depends on how I ate, how tired, etc. I am. I've been at that weight for a while now and I find it hard to break plateus since I don't have a workout partner.

Wait, isn't it only 5g throughout a day, how come you're getting 10? Or I just heard it wrong. And I think you're wrong, very wrong. You've been lifting for only 2 and a half years, there's a plenty of room for improvement. If you're still on progressive overload you'll see more and more results. People workout for over 10 years and still get results. But you should probably lose 5kg to see where are you at, that should drop a couple of % of your body fat and you should be able to see some muscle fibers. But there's no need to stop anyway, you'll keep getting bigger and stronger even if you don't fix your nutrition. As for cigarettes, I have no idea how that kills your progress.
It's usually recommended to 5g before and 5 after, though some recommend only 5g after,'s not much of a difference really from what I've read, more of a preference. Though most people seem to not recommend doing the loading phase anymore(which was like 20-30g per day for a week, then 10g for some 10-15 days, than taking a break). Either way I think you won't go wrong with either 5 after or 5 before & after.

I'm gonna start doing early morning cardio in the next couple of weeks, just to get back to 85kg and keep it at that. Felt and looked great when I ran some 6km every morning last spring. Then I got fucking chicken pox, coupled with pneumonia and I basically didn't workout for 3 months(one whole month in bed, almost died, LOL), not fun. But really, I don't look much different with 85kg than with 89kg. On some people that's a huge difference, but no one really noticed it on me. Even my stomach looks the same.


May 27, 2007
(one whole month in bed, almost died, LOL), not fun.
Sorry but I was just :lol2:

Yeah those are nice numbers. Maybe you should drop it a bit and increase the volume. Try going like 12, 10, 10, 8. I think it's better for muscle building, especially if you're doing legs.

I see, so it's a girl :D 185 and 85kg is rather decent, pretty big. Take a jump rope instead!

I just had my shake, gonna chill a bit and go hit back and biceps. In the last month my workouts are pretty intense, never did it this way.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Sorry but I was just :lol2:

Yeah those are nice numbers. Maybe you should drop it a bit and increase the volume. Try going like 12, 10, 10, 8. I think it's better for muscle building, especially if you're doing legs.

I see, so it's a girl :D 185 and 85kg is rather decent, pretty big. Take a jump rope instead!

I just had my shake, gonna chill a bit and go hit back and biceps. In the last month my workouts are pretty intense, never did it this way.
Nothing funny about chicken pox when you're 26, let me tell you that. :D

Big numbers, don't look big at all...maybe a little with a tight t-shirt on. :p

How effective is the jump rope? Been looking into that for a long time...better than running for burning?


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Jump rope works really well. Especially if you do intervals or Tabata.

It's good if you're not much of a runner because you can burn a lot of calories without the strain that running gives you.


May 27, 2007
Nothing funny about chicken pox when you're 26, let me tell you that. :D

Big numbers, don't look big at all...maybe a little with a tight t-shirt on. :p

How effective is the jump rope? Been looking into that for a long time...better than running for burning?
It's great. I think it's a bit more effective than running when it comes to burning fat. The most effective one I think.

Do it for 1 min (rather fast tempo) and then rest for 30 seconds, repeat for 10 times. It does wonders. I did it before for a while and felt like dying.


May 11, 2004
For the first time since August I was able to squeeze four runs in a week, two of them 10k, one 6k with a jogging stroller and today a late run (I usually hate these) with 6k. Touch wood that my feet are feeling well, I felt some strain today in the left but it is far far far away from the pain the plantar fascitis was causing.

I am still very cautious to increasing my tempo but I am nonetheless satisfied about my stamina.

Next one on Thursday and my first race since the injury on Sunday.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Man, I still think protein is overrated. I know many people that take like 200g of protein daily and still look average while their training is good. And I'll never understand how prisoners are huge, because their food is fucking crap, it's like the worst food.
genetics, training before they got sentenced, and water retaining steroids like dianabol. dont forget that it takes many years for them to get so big

i eat 300g protein/day, and the progress i made in just two years is pretty nice.

but that mostly good diet, good training program, and the right nutrition.

sad part is people accusing of the easy anabolics way, not seeing the efford and sacrifice it takes each day.

I have question ??

Guys i have one creatine (Krea-Alkalyn) 1 protein(Gold Whey-ON) and Amino Acides,and i'm planing to start using them in this month,but idk if it's going to be good idea to use them in the same time,what do u think ?

Any suggestion ?!
thats buffered creatine, you can use 2.4 grams before and after instead of 5. this because bufferd creatine is absorbed better in the muscle then monohydrate

it will help you increasing creatine depots in muscle, and refill after training.

protein is diffrent. its all about muscle recovery, so you can perfectly combine. if you train multiple times per week, and you train rather heavy, whey protein is essential for muscle recovery and growth

amino acids, is vague, what kind ? if they are allready in the protein shakes, dont bother.


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
For the first time since August I was able to squeeze four runs in a week, two of them 10k, one 6k with a jogging stroller and today a late run (I usually hate these) with 6k. Touch wood that my feet are feeling well, I felt some strain today in the left but it is far far far away from the pain the plantar fascitis was causing.

I am still very cautious to increasing my tempo but I am nonetheless satisfied about my stamina.

Next one on Thursday and my first race since the injury on Sunday.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
It's great. I think it's a bit more effective than running when it comes to burning fat. The most effective one I think.

Do it for 1 min (rather fast tempo) and then rest for 30 seconds, repeat for 10 times. It does wonders. I did it before for a while and felt like dying.
high intensity interval training or HIIT

best way to lose weight, does wonders !

1 minute fast and 30 seconds rest, 10 times, takes an excellent condition. if anyone plans on doing that, start with the opposite to not die :p


May 27, 2007
I did it like that without any condition. It was very hard but not impossible. Add to that how I was doing it during the summer when it was 40 degrees.. I was dying.

Btw Zac, post your pic here. Cut your face off it bothers you, or if you think it's gonna be misused.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I did it like that without any condition. It was very hard but not impossible. Add to that how I was doing it during the summer when it was 40 degrees.. I was dying.

Btw Zac, post your pic here. Cut your face off it bothers you, or if you think it's gonna be misused.
In therms of progress, i dont know if its much use.

two years ago, i was undermuscled, and overweight. while training i improved in power and shape, but my fat% is still far to high, and at the moment, i switched to powerlifting because i am not satisfied with the power my muscle represent

in 2 years i went from

4x50kg bench
8x squat with only bar
no deadlift, but my lat pulldown was like 35 kg


2 x 120 kg benchpress (pushing for 3)
3x 140 kg squat (ass to the floor)
5x155kg deadlift (third time ever), or 105 lateral pulldown

this is a photo from early this month, before training

i like my progrss, but my fat% is far to high :-/

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