Greatest International teams (3 Viewers)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
I have been priviledged to watch some nationals both live and on videos and these are the finest i have seen

Bear in mind some of the national teams are before my time so peole much older and wiser than i am will argue but i am only going what i have seen

My all time favorite is Brazil 82

I know people will say they never won the wc but they gave me the most joy, Socrates, Zico, Cerezo, Eder, falcao, Luisinho, Junior, Tita, Leandro, Oscar and the rest were football at its absolute best

They played with panache, skill, style and as a team, but they were individualistic as well. Pity they didn't have a decent goal keeper and Careca got injured as did Reinaldo

But they met the best Italian team i have watched so no disgrace in losing to the masters of the counter attack in the game of any wc i have seen

France 82.84

I dare anybody to tell me a better midfield than that consist of the hardworking and skilful Tigana, the fearless and very hard working Fenandez, the absolutely skilful Girese and the master Platini. The way they tore Northern Ireland apart was so cool, and their match against W. germany was just sheer drama with some fabulous football,Tresor was fabulous, Amoros is one of the best Right full backs ever, Rocheteau was excellent as was Six

They did all this without a natural striker, if Papin was born earlier surely they would have been world champs

Holland 88

I never knew what orgasmic football was until i saw these guys, Van tigelen, Van aerle (spelling) Wouters, Keift, Erwin Koeman, and the superstars the supremely gifted Rijhkard, the greatest passer of a defender i have seen Koeman, who palyed freekicks you only dream of, the flamboyant superstar Gullit and the best centre forward bar none imo Marco Van Basten

they were just great

Holland 74

Where do u start with these guys, Krol, Resenbrink, Rep, Haan, and the conductor of the orchestra Cruyff, didnt ever see them live but the videos i saw they were magical

Brazil 70

Carlos Alberto, Coldorado, Tostao, Jairzinho, Gerson's left foot, Rivelino and the grand master Pele, didn;t see them live either but the videos i saw, they were fantastic even if i prefered the 82 squad

They could be summed up in the finals against Italym where Pele';s header was probably the best header in a wc, gerson's left foot shot summed him up and Carlos Alberto's goal doesn't need me to add anything to it

Pele's missed chances were sheer brilliance

France 96

Henry's pace, Trezeguet's finishing, Wiltord's finishing, the power of Desailly's defending, the elegance of Blanc, the finishing of Djorkaeff, the attacking potential of the full backs Thuram and Lizarazu, the grace of Pires, the leadership and workman rate of Deschamps all combined to dance to the tune of the puppet master Zinedine Zidane to make up one of the best teams ever

Pace, Power and Skill they had it all

Special mention to

Italy 90

Really should have been wc winners, The imcomparable Baresi(best defender ever imo), The best left back i have seen Maldini, with Ferri and Bergomi, the elegance of Giannini, the brilliance of Donadoni, and the emergence of a supreme talent in |Roberto baggio allied to the oportunism of Schilacci and they were the last Italian team i would have paid to watch

Pity Vialli had a bad time of it

Italy 82
From Zoff, to the elegant Scirea, Collovatti, hardest man Gentilegifted left foot of Cabrini, the hard working midfield of Tardelli, tough tackling and all rounder Oriali, to the grace of Antognioni, to the one of the best wingers i have seen Conti, and the hard running Graziani to the great poacher Rossi

They certainly played their part in my game of the century

Germany 74

Gerd Muller poacher goalscorer supreme and the greatest sweeper of all Beckenbauer, Maier, bonhof

Buy on


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
Italy of 1990 i cant believe why they didnt win it!

:( those damn penalties!!! why cant we just win them!

The passing that they showed was absolutly excellent.
Our Keeper was the best in the world
The Defence was rock solid!
Our mids were very skillfull and deadly accurate passing!
Italys Attack was Great...:D

i think the problem was Vialli. His scoring record for the azzuri is a shocker! why oh why was he chosen :( ....


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
Maybe another problem is that we have so many Talented Forwards that the manager at that time had so much to choose from , that he thought he had to please all of them! if he stuck to 3 main forwards : Schillachi, Baggio and one other backup, there would have been more Knowledge about eachother and how they play.... oh well .. maybe better luck in 4 years
Jul 12, 2002
Excellent choices, but I would include 1966 Russia. Any team with Lev Yashin is one of the best, and they finished a respectable thrid in the WC.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #5
    Poland 74 was a very good team as well with Lato

    Germany 88/90 played perhaps the beat football. i have ever seen from a German side inspired by one of the world's greats Matthaus, with Voeller, Litbarski, Klinsmann, Brehme, koller, Haessler and Moeller providing stellar support


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++Holland 88

    I never knew what orgasmic football was until i saw these guys, Van tigelen, Van aerle (spelling) Wouters, Keift, Erwin Koeman, and the superstars the supremely gifted Rijhkard, the greatest passer of a defender i have seen Koeman, who palyed freekicks you only dream of, the flamboyant superstar Gullit and the best centre forward bar none imo Marco Van Basten

    they were just great
    They weren't thát good in '88 IMO but it was better than the team we have now...

    Anyway, the spelling is like this:
    Van Tiggelen
    Van Aerle
    Erwin Koeman
    Rijkaard (You wrote down the German version!!!!!!!!)
    Marco van Basten

    Holland 74

    Where do u start with these guys, Krol, Rensenbrink, Rep, Haan, and the conductor of the orchestra Cruyff, didnt ever see them live but the videos i saw they were magical
    The best Dutch team of all time! :thumb:


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #12
    England 66 was told to me by a friend who cannot stand them to be the wosrt team to have ever won the wc, now i don't know if thats true but i will tell you this that Engalnd team of 1970 is said to be superior to their 66 squad and this is said my many an englishman

    I will not include either because its the teams i like not public opinion.

    I said from the start that its what i have seen live or on videos and these are the teams i enjoyed

    Pretty shocked that a dutchman does not like the 88 squad


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Pfff - They're just no bloody good compared to '74.... No Dutch team is... :down:

    I didn't really know England '66 but figured it must be a team virtually every Englishman likes since they won the WC.
    I don't know what that feels like... :groan:


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #14
    I f you notice my fave team was Brazil82, they may have not won the wc but i will gladly spend x amount of money to buy their videos more that i would spend on the Brazil94 and 2002, Holland 88 are probably like Brazil 82 but they won Euro 88, they were very entertaining and not many teams totally outplay a host in a major event but they took a very good German side to the cleaners
    Jul 12, 2002
    Truly, there is no team better than Holland '74. They were the absolute best with out a doubt. The Un-crowned champions.

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