Gonzalo Higuaín (92 Viewers)

How many Goals will Pipita score this season in all comp?

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  • 36+

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Senior Member
Jul 19, 2014
Chelsea, PSG, Bayern and even Milan could all do with him. It’s BS that he doesnt have a market and that we’ll struggle to sell him.
The question is not whether there are interested clubs, but whether any of these clubs will be willing to pay 55m€ or more, so we can make a capital gain. Higuain's book value is still high.


Senior Member
May 9, 2012
Really hope Higuain doesn't make his departure difficult. i think any chance of us making 1 more solid/huge signing like a Kovacic or SMS is entirely contingent on Higuain leaving for a 55-65 mil sum


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
I was going to stay out of the minefield that is this thread but I have received a considerable number of PM's from many Tuz members asking me for my opinions on Higuain and it is near impossible to reply to them all.

I would like to firstly say that as he is currently a Juventus player that he has my respect and that what follows is my criticism of him. It's nothing personal it is just football and I would be doing a disservice to my fans by sugar coating my feelings on the subject. So here it goes.

I remember the day I first learnt of Higuain's signing vividly. It was a beautiful summer's morning in the charming and lively city of Dublin. I believe I had a hangover that day. I also had a beautiful Romanian girl in my bed who I needed to get rid of so I could buy breakfast and eat in peace. From my sizable bed I switched on the news. Hilary Clinton nominated as the democratic candidate, a french priest had his throat slit by Islamic terrorists, Higuain signs for Juventus for a record fee of 90 million.

My jaw dropped and a cold shiver ran down my spine. My impressive physique froze in disbelief and in horror. I couldn't even speak to say 'definitely not' when the beautiful Romanian girl asked if I would pay for her taxi.

Eventually I got my act together. I scurried the Romanian girl out of my house telling her that I had no cash to hand and that she could walk to a non existent bus stop where non existent buses ran every 20 minutes to the city center.

With the girl gone I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water from my top of the range water filter system and stood there staring blankly outside the window. Without thinking I threw the glass at the wall. The waterford crystal made glass shattered into what seemed like a thousand pieces. Jasmine my Fillipino maid was not due in until later that day. I decided to leave the shards of glass there for her to clean up later. I was in no mood.

I needed to find out why I was so angry. Higuain had just broken a Serie A record for most goals ever scored and was a direct rival player. So why did I feel angry?

Higuain was labelled as a world class striker and his fee of 90 million euros suggested we had gotten our own Lewandoski, prime Suarez, Augero. He had just finished a stellar season. However I knew something was off and I am never wrong.

I thought to James Vardy. One season wonder, still a good player but not the lethal, world class striker he seemed to be after that season at Leicester. Higuain is definitely better than Vardy but like Vardy and his extraordinary season he definitely wasn't as good as that season suggested.

Higuain came as Juventus biggest ever signings and after just two seasons he leaves as someone who never justified the price tag. Did he score regularly? Yes. Was he a bad player? Definitely not, one of our more important players. However was he that 90 million euro striker that was going to get us over the line in Europe? Not at all.

Higuain came with a history of not performing on the biggest occasions for both club and country and at Juventus it was no different. In our big European games he went missing. The fact that people can only point to a single game against Tottenham in Round 16 as a big European performance says it all, a game where he also missed a penalty.

He was signed for European glory but he has never shown world class form in Europe. In the final he went completely missing and offered nothing. In that regard he failed.

I will say this though. He is lethal in the Serie A and scores a lot of goals and without him we wouldn't have won a Serie A. However if an offer has come in for 50-60 million then I would sell without hesitation.

Later that day Jasmine came to the house. She asked what happened with the glass. I looked down at the broken glass and saw the significance behind my act. The overpriced, awkward waterford crystal glass represented Higuain. Every shard of glass was a reminder that Higuain was overpriced and not fit for the purpose required.


Senior Member
May 9, 2012
I do feel that contrary to what a lot of people think, Higuain has stepped up for us on several big occasions. (most notably vs Napoli a few times, vs Monaco and vs Tottenham) He has also been a key part of the close run title defense in the last 2 seasons where without him, we might have lost it. For all that, I appreciate what he's done for Juve. However, the simple truth is, it's not wise to keep him if someone is offering 60mil Euros for him. Because even if we can financially afford him (i.e. the Ronaldo buy doesn't force us to sell), that 60 mil and his 7.5mil nett wages could easily be invested in SMS, Pogba or Kante who would be way more useful for us as we chase a UCL title.

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