Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (57 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2010
Seen a lot of people complaining about Sansa not telling Jon regarding littlefinger and the knights of the vale.

Pretty sure she wasn't 100% confident they'd arrive. Just watch that scene with her and Jon in the tent again. It's pretty obvious she wasnt sure if they'd show or not, she questioned him again on not waiting for more help and then looked conflicted when he pushed her for an answer.

The timing was very Hollywood of course :D


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
Don't come here and act like a film connoisseur, when you use a shit director - who doesn't even know anything about history - as an example of prime direction.
Stop reading false accounts for Apocalypto mixing Mayan with Aztec culture - postclassical Mayan culture did encounter the Spanish dudes and that's the period the movie is depicting. Learn some fucking history before you embarrass yourself next time.

Here, take a fucking clue:

Pay particular attention to 3, 4, 6, 10, 15, in particular.

Show me anything from LOTR that closely comes to the above - based on a thru and thru children's fairy tale (I was reading that Bilbo Baggins shit when I was 9, literally); the message is that of children's books - don't be naughty or the boogeyman will get, be nice and you will get a f*cking candy; and the execution is childish too - that clip Salvo posted basically covers the naive nature of the entire franchise.
Which brings me to its target audience - slow-minded adults or kids 12 and younger.

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