Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (39 Viewers)


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
Me while watching the last 5 minutes of this episode:

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Now what I think will happen based on previous experience about the show.

Tommen orders to kill all of the Sparrow's followers and Cercei personally kills the Sparrow because we all know how the good, or at least semi-decent, characters end up when they try to fight the 100% pure evil shits.

I think Daario spoilered this today. "All kings are either butchers or meat".


Oct 28, 2010
dem boobies indeed..pity couldnt see her other lady parts,season 1 GOT would have had all 3 of them sand snakes do an orgy to troll Bronn in there..

Solid episode,gave me goosebumps when Tyrion introduced himself to Khaleesi
True, a lot less sexy stuff going on in this season.

But yeah, that chick was hawtt


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Best episode of the season so far :tup:

Littlefinger convinced Lancelot to testify against Cersei? And that's what he was referring to when talking to Olenna?

united 2 characters in one or a character has taken some aspects of the story of another character .
I'm curious, could you elaborate those deviations without telling what it's gonna happen next in the story? thx man

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Best episode of the season so far :tup:

Littlefinger convinced Lancelot to testify against Cersei? And that's what he was referring to when talking to Olenna?
I was thinking Littlefinger would give that gay squire to OLenna but Perhaps you are right. Though it seems inconsistent that lancel would do shit to help littlefinger so perhaps they just seized the moment when Cersei was unguarded.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
I was thinking Littlefinger would give that gay squire to OLenna but Perhaps you are right. Though it seems inconsistent that lancel would do $#@! to help littlefinger so perhaps they just seized the moment when Cersei was unguarded.
I can't help thinking that Littlefinger is behind the Cersei setup. It is not clear whether he bought(unlikely) or simply conviced Lancel/Septon. Since they are neutral religious fanatics without a favoured political party I guess they go after all crimes, disregarding who committed them: Loras, Margaery or the person who brought them to power. So a little hint in that direction from Littlefinger might have been enough to trigger Cersei's arrest

some yumyumyum (nsfw)


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
Best episode of the season so far :tup:

Littlefinger convinced Lancelot to testify against Cersei? And that's what he was referring to when talking to Olenna?

I'm curious, could you elaborate those deviations without telling what it's gonna happen next in the story? thx man
So I personally haven't read the books , but i have read pretty much every spoiler there is plus bios and wiki pages of pretty much every character in the books and visit regularly the asoiaf forums so I know pretty much the whole story and deviations of the book . I will write most of what I remember below , but I may very well miss something seeing as the source material is very vast

I will put this on spoiler for those who have an intention to read the book , but this will in no way have spoilers of what happens in the show since most has already happened in a different way or should have already happened if it were present in the show . If I think something on the show may be spoiled I will put another spoiler tag inside this one .

Characters missing or whose storyline has been united with other characters

So there is a whole arc about another Targaryen in Essos called Aegon who claims to be the son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell . Supposedly he was not killed during the Lannister invasion of King's landing and he claims the throne . He has an army of about 10k men (Golden Company mercenaries) and he is the one who Varys originally supports . Many characters don't believe his heritage and many book readers thinks he is a false targaryen , not the real son of Rhaegar . Varys has been planning his rise to power since Aegon was boy and has aided to raise him as he thinks a king should be , hence his support for him . Tyrion spends time with him too during his travels with varys . He wants to have Danaerys as his queen . You could say that he has been partially merged with Danaerys since she got the Golden Company and she is the one who has Varys's support

This could contain a small spoiler , but I think it is something that should have been deduced from Season 1 so there shouldn't be any real problem reading this
He is actually the first to disembark in Westeros , in Storm Lands (Baratheon Grounds) to be exact , most likely this will be attributed to Danaerys in show if she actually starts her conquest there

Another one missing is Jon Conighton . He is from a Targaryen supporting house and left in exile after their defeat , he was believed by many to be dead . He became the leader of the Golden Company in Essos and when he became aware of Aegon he raised him in disguise as his son . Plan made by Varys and Iliryo Mopatis (same guy where Viserys and Danaerys were staying) who knew that Aegon was alive . When Tyrion met Aegon he was still with Varys and Jon Conighton and Jon is the one who actually saves him from the stone men and gets the Grayscale . He gets robbed by Jorah after .

This is something that has not happened in the book , but is a common theory among fans , may or may not happen . Up to you to consider it a spoiler or not .
Fans believe that Jon Conighton will spread greyscale on Westeros , in the show if this happens it will be attributed to Jorah .

From the Martell house there are a couple missing . One is Quentyn Martell , oldest son of Prince Doran who goes to Essos to ask for Danaerys's hand , she refuses . Not wanting to go empty handed home he tries to tame one of her dragons thinking that since he had dragon blood (not sure about this , probably from ancentry , arranged marriages between targaryens and martells he has a bit of targaryen blood) he should be able to accomplish this , but get's roasted alive by Rhaegal . Dies on bed after some days .

To finish Essos off , Barristan is still alive and well in contrast to the shitty death he got on the show :( .

To continue about Martells and Dorne . Prince Doran Has also a girl , Arianne Martell ,who is very capable of herself . Not gonna go through all the things she does because I don't want to convult the story for you and don't know how to make a clear connection with the show .

This is something that has most probably happened in show , but it happened so differently that I am still putting it in spoiler tags , should be pretty safe info though imho
To make this short there was an plan to Crown Myrcella and raise her banners by Arianne in an attempt to conquer . Ensuing this , shit happens they get caught a fight happens someone dies and a guy called Gerold Dayne who was actually on Arianne's side at first cuts Myrcellas ear off . Most probably this has been exchanged with "The Dornish Adventures" of Jaime and Bronn who in book go nowhere near in Dorne . Totally different like above , but kind of mimics a fight althrough the parties involved and reasons of it happening are totally different . I think most probably they skipped the ear cutting seeng as they skipped Tyrion's nose being chopped off in the battle of blackwater . In the book he leaves with more then just a scar .

These characters maybe introduced later althrough I highly doubt it , I won't spoil any of their deeds though , just gonna mention their names .
There are 3 brothers of Balon Greyjoy , Theon's father 2 of who are set to have some pretty cool plot points in book .

Another thing that doesn't happen in books is that Asha goes to save theon . Never actually happened in book , also Robert actually had another bastard , whose name I don't remember and whose mother was also a noble . He was the one who the Melisandre wanted to kill . The character was discarded and that part of his story went to Gendry .

Beyond the wall there is a guy called Coldhands who rides a Giant Elk . He aides sam and gilly in a part of their journey and guides bran's company to the three-eyed-crow . He is some kind of zombie or white walker , not explained and he refuses to show his face .

Also in the north mance is actually alive in the book , the one who they burned was another man disguised as mance by Melisandre . No problem of spoilers here since what he does in book after seeing how the show goes is attributed to other characters , so he is dead for real

There are also 2 Tyrells missing I thinkg , Loras has 2 bigger brothers , which look kind of interesting .

These are the last 2 and probably the biggest changes . First regarding Sansa . In book she actually never goes to the boltons , the one that Ramsey marries is actually believed to be Arya and is not even actually Arya . It's Jeyne Poole friend of the Stark girls who the Boltons recognize as Arya with Theon's testimony (he actually knows it's not her) . This is also one of the main reasons why a lot of book fans are angry about the sansa rape , never actually happens in book .

Second one is a big one and there are no signs of it happening , but I am gonna put this in spoiler tags just in case . Been written here a lot of times in spoiler tags , I wouldn't advise reading this .

Catelyn Stark is alive and leading the brootherhood without banners . She gets revived after 3 days and has a kind of zombie like appearance with white skin . Not going to add more

I am pretty sure I have missed some and I could say a little more about certain characters , but this could kind of spoil some things so I am not going to add anything .

Sorry for the long post .

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