Formula One 2008 (7 Viewers)

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Jun 7, 2004
I do but I can't stand Hamilton.

He's an incredibly talented driver, there's no denying that. But does that have to make me like him? I don't agree that he's not arrogant, he is, he just doesn't have the results behind him to broadcast it as much.

Most of all I hate him because of the way he's hyped up in England, I simply can't stand that. Even though he turned up to be good and was hyped for a reason, I wish he'd fail just so I can laugh at the English pundits.

Oh and I also can't stand his Dad. Everytime I see hm in the pit, he looks like he shat himself. And what the hell is he doing there every single race? I don't see other drivers' Dads in the pit for every single race. He's a 40 year old fart who's trying to make a career on his son.

To summarize, I hate Hamilton on a personal level. I'd give anything to still have Kimi or Alonso instead of him in McLaren.
I feel you there, on the English press hype, its so annoying that i cant stand it either, at all
And indeed, it was a reason for me, to dislike some drivers too,
Button for ex...
But Alonso was also ove-rhyped by the very same wagon and you dont seem to be bothered about that.
Alonso is a different case of course, because he really is worthy of some of this hype,
but so does Hamilton, i dont see a difference here, other than you just prefer Alonso for the known reason (he was able to beat Schumi at times)
And furthermore Alonso was crowned by that press, as the fastest pilot, when it was crystal clear that it was his car that made the difference and Schumi and even Raikonnen were, at least as fast, as him, when given the chance...
I ve always rated Alonso, from the first races, i ve seen him, nut his lack and the hype he got from the anti-Ferrari-English press, made me dislike him...

If that was aimed at me, let me just say, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
What, are you a Juve fan too?:sick:
Chill V, i am teasing you:spliff:
Congrats to Alonso, I'm really glad for him, he deserved it after the qualifying.
I'm really sad for Massa though, he really didn't deserve this, it's really sad.
Alonso 's blatant luck gave him tooooo many victories he didnt worth in his carrier, poor Massa lost a couple he shouldnt lately, it is the chance of his lifetime and Ferrari is wasting it...
I'm , That's okay , i can stand the pain , it's more painful to watching Juventus yesterday matches :sick:
As a Ferrari fan, i feel that we are not worthy of this title, i am only sorry for Massa's efforts and bad luck...


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


I feel you there, on the English press hype, its so annoying that i cant stand it either, at all
And indeed, it was a reason for me, to dislike some drivers too,
Button for ex...
But Alonso was also ove-rhyped by the very same wagon and you dont seem to be bothered about that.
Alonso is a different case of course, because he really is worthy of some of this hype,
but so does Hamilton, i dont see a difference here, other than you just prefer Alonso for the known reason (he was able to beat Schumi at times)
And furthermore Alonso was crowned by that press, as the fastest pilot, when it was crystal clear that it was his car that made the difference and Schumi and even Raikonnen were, at least as fast, as him, when given the chance...
I ve always rated Alonso, from the first races, i ve seen him, nut his lack and the hype he got from the anti-Ferrari-English press, made me dislike him...
See, now why are you bringing up Alonso? Weren't we talking about Hamilton? :p

I've never cared much about Alonso, other than the fact he won two titles of of Schumacher, that pleased me honestly, but I was never a fan of his. When he was winning championships, Kimi was my favourite driver(still is actually). I've only grown to like the guy after his one year in McLaren and mainly because he was obviously mistreated because of a young (brittish) driver and that made me sick to tell you the truth. Especially because it was happening in my favourite team. Me liking Alonso in the last couple of years is simply a blowback of hating Hamilton. Nothing would bring me bigger joy than to see Alonso rub it in Hamilton's face.

Aren't we a little similar in the matter actually? You like Hamilton as a blowback of hating Alonso and hate Alonso because of liking Schumacher. I hate Hamilton because of liking Alonso and like Alonso because of hating Schumacher. One might say Hamilton is your Alonso, or in other words the driver that screwed the #1 driver you hated. ;)

Alonso 's blatant luck gave him tooooo many victories he didnt worth in his carrier, poor Massa lost a couple he shouldnt lately, it is the chance of his lifetime and Ferrari is wasting it...
Oh come on...where was Alonso's blatant luck on Saturday? He was excellent in practice, only to be hugely UNLUCKY in qualifying. All in all he deserved to win this race.


Jun 7, 2004
I said in his carrier, not this weekend...;)

As for Hamilton, i dont like him because i hate Alonso,
since i dont hate Alonso that much,
the reasons i dislike Alonso is
-The hype (not his fault)
-His luck (partially his fault but i cant blame him for that, though he is taking more credit than he should some times and he would be fool to deny it)
-And lately his arrogance, he was a much more modest when he first arrived and i started to admire him, i can tolerate many things, but not arrogance. Alonso was disrespectful towards Schumi the legend, towards the superiority Renault provided him and towards his team drivers.
He became a champion too early, his confidence was boosted in a level he couldnt control his confidence. Hopefully for him and the sport this season will be a wake up lesson for him. Life will teach him to respect his teammate and his team. If he wasnt that arrogant he would accept the wake up call last season, but his arrogance blinded him and blamed all the others but himself...
He wanted to be the number 1 pilot, instead of earn that on the tracks, thats absurd!!

Hamilton was a poor kid, a promising driver, that came out from nowhere and delivered great performances and excellent consistency, for a driver of hi age. Thats admirable and despite the fact that he was English, the English press didnt support him, they didnt hyped him at the start, as they did with Button for ex. (actually i do believe that this was because of his color and thats an extra reason for me to feel some sympathy for this young gifted fellow)
And Hamilton did prove himself against a world champion, with the same car and always thanked the team for giving him he chance to compete with the best, praising their car first.
When at the same time Alonso was declaring that Renault was only good because he was driving for her and it wasnt because they had the most balanced and reliable car in F1...

Alonso was feeling the pressure for the first time at his carrier,
when he was at Renault, his teammate couldnt compete with him
and the other drivers couldnt compete with his car.
Now for the first time in his carrier he should prove himself and he actually proved what a low lifer he is. He demanded to be the no1 pilot,
he demanded that wins and titles will be delivered to him...
Like he was afraid the competition...
He rubbished the mechanics or Renault by declaring that he and only he was the reason they won smth and not their work and then, when the budget of Renault was decreased and realised they wont provide the best car for him,
he abandoned them for Mclaren, right after they increased their budget great deal, with that Vodafone deal and ensured that they will be the team to beat (not to mention stealing tech from Ferrari too)
Alonso respected nothing but himself, but he still failed to deliver despite having the favorable condition at his side.
He can only perform at ideal circumstances, no wonder he chose to quit Mclaren because they dint delivered just yet, Alonso proved he is an arrogant prick, an egoistic mercenary that respect no one
and is afraid of real competition,
he proved all that by himself, with his very own actions and choices.
What kind of sins had Hamilton committed to be put in the same bag with him?
Hamilton, was loyal, quiet, modest and talked through the performances on the track first. He was only started to defend himself, when he was cornered and repeatedly publicly accused by his teammate. Alonso actually forced the kid to open his mouth and the press firstly buried him and then when Alonso was proved an empty promise, they made him the new symbol of the anti-Ferrari campaign and the vessel English superiority,
despite the fact that his skin is darker than Button, Prince William, Beckham and Justin Timberlake...:disagree:
Hamilton turned the odds to his favor, mostly because he delivered on the track while being shot from every side and being a nobody,
now thats smth you dont get to see every day!!
Hating him only because of what other ppl said is silly, he was been loyal to his cause, modest/calm, consistent and delivered great performances on the track.
On the other hand Alonso was a mercenary, arrogant/explosive, a quitter and always failed to deliver when the odds were against him.
V, i would you to state the reasons you hate Hamilton, describing his deeds,
as i described Alonso's...
I understand thats its kind of early to judge Hamilton 100% and you might as well use some assumptions.
I was fortune enough to see Alonso's reaction in the depth of time,
providing a much more complete view of his being, than we currently have on Hamilton...


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


Wow, that's a whole lot of information...from a completely biased view. Admit it or not, you hate Alonso, hate everything about him because he owned Schumacher in his last two seasons. And I find absolutely hypocritical for you to mention how Alonso won the two world titles because he had the best car, when Schumacher had BY FAR the best car for like 5 years in a row. Give me a break...

Anyway, I see where this is heading and I'll end it here, I'm not starting another debate about Schumacher.

As for my arguements of disliking Hamilton, I already told them. They may not be as exhausting as yours, but they work for me.


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
kimi doesn't like finishing races does he? four races now without a point...
massa was horribly unlucky... and so was kimi coz he got stuck behind massa in the pit lane... the green light thingy is a disaster really...
Nico Rosberg had an excellent race... even with the 10 second stop go penalty he did an excellent job... the team has to be congragulated for keeping him on track for the 3 laps they had to enforce the penalty...


May 11, 2004
Wow, that's a whole lot of information...from a completely biased view. Admit it or not, you hate Alonso, hate everything about him because he owned Schumacher in his last two seasons. And I find absolutely hypocritical for you to mention how Alonso won the two world titles because he had the best car, when Schumacher had BY FAR the best car for like 5 years in a row. Give me a break...

Anyway, I see where this is heading and I'll end it here, I'm not starting another debate about Schumacher.

As for my arguements of disliking Hamilton, I already told them. They may not be as exhausting as yours, but they work for me.


Jun 7, 2004
Wow, that's a whole lot of information...from a completely biased view. Admit it or not, you hate Alonso, hate everything about him because he owned Schumacher in his last two seasons. And I find absolutely hypocritical for you to mention how Alonso won the two world titles because he had the best car, when Schumacher had BY FAR the best car for like 5 years in a row. Give me a break...

Anyway, I see where this is heading and I'll end it here, I'm not starting another debate about Schumacher.

As for my arguements of disliking Hamilton, I already told them. They may not be as exhausting as yours, but they work for me.
I dont like hating Alonso, i hate the hype on him and his arrogant embrace of it, among with his blatant luck, but i believe the sports need him
and if he fixes this attitude problem, he van become one of my favorites once again!
I really mean that! I only stated the true reasons i have to dislike Alonso and these were direct hits, not indirect ones, (press hype and admiration for Schumi)

I really want to hear some direct issues addressed to Hamilton,
as a Ferrari fan, the normal attitude would be to hate Hamilton as i dislike Alonso and maybe even more because he posses a greater threat to my team.
I have always been a Ferrari fan first and then Schumi fan, i ve been a Ferrari fan before Schumi joined this team and i will always will be a Ferrari fan. Schumi was the last great pilot this sport has seen and i can only see Hamilton able to come close to him and yet i dont hate him for that.
I had no intention to turn this into a Schumi debate, as i am in peace with it. History and the even the last races proved that Ferrari has liability issues and despite being faster, they are not as reliable and balanced as the old Renault and the new Mclaren are!
You dont have to mention Schumi, i only ask you to mention Hamilton and the reasons you hate him, i dont think that your hate on him has anything to do with Schumi.
I sympathize this young fellow (Hamilton) and i believe the real problem and main of point of criticism, is racism and thats just sad...
Thats why i really do seek some sane arguments against him,
i value the other points view on this V, a lot,
your point of view, as a Mclaren fan, can be essential to understand things.
And have a better image and understanding of this F1 world as a whole,
i intent to tease you (now), or to provoke you, i just want a sincere answer when everybody else refrains on giving one...


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2005
This year its for hamilton no doubt,, Ferrari excuse me its gonna be tough to you this season.

Maclaren won't make the same mistake last year !

Waiting for the Race.


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
Haha..Hamilton again with the bad luck and mistakes by the end of the year...

Too bad Massa wasn't able to make more places...

I just wonder how many more points should Massa & Kimi both have should they avoid all these mechanical problems/issues/mistakes....unbelievble...

still Massa has a shot,6 points,2 races,possible;)

Btw,Alonso just proving again what agreat sriver he is,i would really like to see him drive for Ferrari.

Forza Ferrari!!!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2007
good race from alonso, he owned that track.
Glad to see that we will be in for one hell of a finish. Massa needs to take advantage of his race in brazil.


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
Massa got one more point.

Bordais got penalty and droped from 6th to 10th place.
So Massa finished 7th:)

Massa needs 1 time the help of Kimito finish 1st and not let Hamilton be 2nd.
and 1 time just be infront of Hamilton.
it's possible.

I love Kimi more,but team is a team,so common Massa no more mistakes,it's your chance!

Forza Massa,Forza Ferrari!!!
Apr 15, 2006
Massa makes me sick! it's unbelievable how he blamed Bourdais for that incident! the way i see it, Massa was ALL to blame for that incident!

and the stewards are worse! they have really lost it! all these years of watching F1, and i've never seen such terrible decisions take place! unbelievable! seems like there is still too much favouritism for Ferrari in F1!


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
Massa makes me sick! it's unbelievable how he blamed Bourdais for that incident! the way i see it, Massa was ALL to blame for that incident!

and the stewards are worse! they have really lost it! all these years of watching F1, and i've never seen such terrible decisions take place! unbelievable! seems like there is still too much favouritism for Ferrari in F1!
IMO Massa fro sure was guilty in Hamiltons accident but about Bourdais's?...maybe...
it wasn't also Bourdais fault,he had nowhere to go,but what could have Massa done when he was coming on high speed?maybe he could have taken abit more wider turn(left part of the road)...
May 22, 2007
Massa makes me sick! it's unbelievable how he blamed Bourdais for that incident! the way i see it, Massa was ALL to blame for that incident!

and the stewards are worse! they have really lost it! all these years of watching F1, and i've never seen such terrible decisions take place! unbelievable! seems like there is still too much favouritism for Ferrari in F1!
What other decision in that race didn't you agree with?
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