For Bes, Martin and others (2 Viewers)

Apr 12, 2004
MikeWilliams: I'm trying to understand
MikeWilliams: but this is all so new
Jeezus_FreeK: you said you've been to church
Jeezus_FreeK: did you learn anything there?
MikeWilliams: Only that church keeps you away from house fires.
Jeezus_FreeK: have you ever read a Bible?
MikeWilliams: I learned that God sent his brother Jesus to fight the devil
MikeWilliams: that's what I mostly remember
MikeWilliams: I saw this thing on the news on CNN where they found his brother in a box
Jeezus_FreeK: whos brother
MikeWilliams: jesus
MikeWilliams: there was this box and it had 'here lies James, Jesuses brother'

MikeWilliams: the truck pinched his spinal neve thing
MikeWilliams: he can't move his legs
MikeWilliams: only feel them
Jeezus_FreeK: it would have needed to run over his back then
MikeWilliams: I think he's alcoholic
MikeWilliams: he's had 6 beer bottles tonight.
MikeWilliams: should i get him another?
MikeWilliams: All i know is that the doctor said he won't ever walk again.
Jeezus_FreeK: oh
MikeWilliams: I'm only 11
MikeWilliams: I don't pay that much attention.
Jeezus_FreeK: ooo, I thought I was talking to someone older then that
MikeWilliams: why?
MikeWilliams: how old are you?
Jeezus_FreeK: 37
Jeezus_FreeK: you don't talk like your a kid
MikeWilliams: I've had to grow up.
Jeezus_FreeK: yeah
MikeWilliams: I'm the only one in the family with a job
Jeezus_FreeK: what do you do?
MikeWilliams: I work in a farmer field 14 hours a day
Jeezus_FreeK: where are you from?
MikeWilliams: Arizona
MikeWilliams: its hard because nothing grows here because its so dry
Jeezus_FreeK: i'm sorry, i find that hard to believe, labor laws
MikeWilliams: It's probably not legal
MikeWilliams: but I'm the only able-bodied kid
MikeWilliams: able-bodied person in my house
Jeezus_FreeK: you couldn't afford a computer with the internet to
MikeWilliams: library
MikeWilliams: thansk for a good talk

Apr 12, 2004
THis is another one, these are great....

Check this:

mikewilliams27: Come on. You look like you're 35 at the most.
lauralarouchecpa: Why thank you darlin.
mikewilliams27: You're welcome.
mikewilliams27: I think you're really pretty.
mikewilliams27: I would love to take you out on a date.
lauralarouchecpa: Really? Where would you take me?
mikewilliams27: We could go over my friend Harlan's house and watch XFL

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