Financial Problems? (2 Viewers)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I have read in ESPN (the spanish version), that juventus is having monetary losses in comparison with the last year.

IN JUne 30, 2002 juve had a (i dont know how to translate this word to english) lets say, a capital of 99.5 millions, and in december 31 2002 it was 93,6 millions.

The juve crew said that this loss of money is the result of the flexibility in the transfers and paying matters.

I dont know a thing about the financial status of juve,
who knows something??
and this loss could affect the club so much? or this is normal?.

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #3
    Well i hope that this is a normal loss,
    but what concerns me, is that i have seen the same news twice this mont in espn, the first time i ignored it, but they posted the same news today so...


    Senior Member
    Oct 9, 2002
    well , as my information for this matter aren't that good , i hear from time to time that the FIAT-Bussiness is under crisis these days & this has a direct relation with Juventus Budget !!


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    fiat is almost bankrupt i think.....

    juve should have a seperate budget, but i think that the bit extra that juve spends in the transfer market every year won't be seen again.

    Hopefully, the club is healthy.
    i hear that juve is the healthiest club in terms of independant wealth.

    but i think Teams like Milan (known as the government team which is backed by many government officials) and Inter (backed by the oil-rich Moratti) are the richest clubs.


    Junior Member
    Aug 26, 2002
    Hydde: I think you need to find such a text in English for those of us who have had some economic schooling to shed any lght on it.

    The numbers you mention could refer to a number of things, and there are almost infinite variables to consider.

    One thing that is certainly true however, is that TV revenues dropped this season compared to last year (just remember why the season was delayed and all the RAI business). Looking at the numbers you gave here- that drop in revenue could hypothetically account for this difference. As opposed to last year- Juventus has progressed further in CL however, and depending on our results against Barca there's ample time to recover what's apparently 'lost'.

    What should be considered is that Juventus unlike any other team in Italy and unlike all bar 2 or 3 of our direct European competitors have actually been making profits over the last number of years. At the same time we have a very, very solid vault and net capital even remembering FIAT's problems. Juventus DOES have separate accounts from those of FIAT. IFI (the Agnelli family's holding company) owns the majority of the Juve shares, and as such Juventus stock value has an impact (although absolutely tiny, tiny tiny) on FIAT's value in the sense that IFI is among others a gurantee of FIAT's survival. Juventus shares are somewhat influenced by how FIAT is doing, but only (even if that's not unimportant) by the the expectancy of FIAT/IFI's willingness to fund Juve. Juve isn't bankrolled by Agnelli. It used to be.

    As such- we have a very substantial turnover (dwarfed only by Man.U, Real Madrid and perhaps Bayern München I believe) and thus we can accomodate large scale transactions in the short term regardless. We also have the NIKE deal, which sets a new benchmark for Italian sponsor contracts, and we are set to profit long term from getting our new stadium.

    Juventus like everyone else bar possibly Man.U suffers from the deflating TV market. The fact that Juve is better equipped to counter this problem is what will still make us one of the most powerfull players in the market. As majed said before- some teams among our direct rivals do not work under market conditions (like Milan, Inter, Real Madrid and Barca especially) hence we cannot and will not compete with them in transfer wars (well- Barca are pretty much through with that I think). I do think there's a dawning realisation that gross overspending can't continue even with these clubs, and the slightly puritan approach of Juve will be paying off when our diract rivals have to start facing the consequences.

    Still- just because Juve is possibly taking a drop in revenues (still- not sure if that is how it is) it doesn't mean we won't have leverage to move in the market. These are tough times for everyody, and while Roma and Lazio and just the other day Chelsea are reporting HEAVY operating losses to mention a few, we're just not seing as much profit. The difference is substantial to say the least.


    Senior Member
    Dec 14, 2002
    for me loss on capital is not a big's a normal scenario in business....Capital actually is a combination between asset n liability....n it doesn't show the true monetary value

    The important is cash flow ... coz we will know how Juve spend and gain their money...if we have negative cash flows may be we are in big problem...


    Senior Member
    Oct 28, 2002
    don't worry guys!!!!

    juventus is a big football club! and after what happened to fiorentina and what is happening to lazio i am sure they won't do a stupid mistake!


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #12
    ++ [ originally posted by Glen ] ++
    Hydde: I think you need to find such a text in English for those of us who have had some economic schooling to shed any lght on it.

    ok.. look, i paste the text in the "hablas español?" topic, (in the hang out forum).

    But iil try to translate it to english ok,,,, the problem is that they use some polite words that i dont know,,let me try.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #13
    An Old Lady whom she gives Lost! (jeje i think the title is so bad translated =P)

    The club of Turin registered a negative balance of 4.2 million euros during the first semester of present campaign 2002-03 TURIN
    -- The Juventus of Turin registered a loss of 4.2 million euros during the first semester of present campaign 2002-03, although their income were more of a 14.2 percent than in equal period of last season 2001-02. In the first semester of campaign 2001-02, the Juventus had had gains of 37.3 million euros.

    The negative economic result of the first semester, according to has informed the club, must mainly "to the flexion registered in the management of the players, that has been negative in 19,5 million euros, against the positive balance of 96.8 million of the previous campaign".

    The income of this first semester have ascended to the 96.8 million euros (84.8 in the same previous period), thanks to the greater collections (8.1 million by 7.8 of the precedent) and to the greater income by the televising, wireless rights and telephone and of the UEFA Champions League. Also they increased to the income by sponsorship and marketing research.

    The net patrimony, that to the 31 of December 2002 was of 93.6 million euros, by 99.5 million to the 30 of June of 2002 has descended.

    Well i translate it with altavista =P.. but i think that is very clear


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    i heard rumours from my cousin, who lives in milan, that juve had to make it black in the books as they were going on the stock exchange. and who would buy shares into juve if they were in the red, just like every other italian club seemed to be. my cousin's boss is one of the owners of AC Milan, his name is Gianni Nardi......and thats what he told my cousin.

    so now, maybe things are normal but it comes up as a loss as juve made sure they were in the balck last season...hence, false information.

    thats just a thought.........

    one thing juve has on there side is players......juve could survive on the loaned out players for a season or two. we have many good young players and we dont really have to invest big. and we of course can sell many players to find funds as well.

    i dont see it as a major concern, although fiat is obviously a worry.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    Fiat is indeed worrying....the money behind two of the greatest sporting institutions in the world is disappearing...and fast...


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #20
    of course is a serios thing, and is very sad ,

    i even dont have the money to buy a bike right now. =(

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