FIFA Master at Juventus Stadium (1 Viewer)


Jul 2, 2005
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<p>Juventus Stadium has once again proved to be the perfect venue for educational purposes. Since opening last September, the Bianconeri’s new home has been in demand to host various meetings, courses and workshops. And today was no exception, with students from England, Italy and Switzerland travelling to Turin for an unforgettable experience.</p>
<p>The highly-regarded FIFA Master degree aims to prepare its students for the world of sport and is taught at three educational centres: De Montford in Leicester, Bocconi in Milan and the University of Neuchatel.</p>
<p>Today’s visit formed part of the ‘Sport Event Management’ module and was attended by three club directors. Alessandro Sorbone (Human Resource and Organization Director), Francesco Calvo (Commercial and Marketing Director) and Francesco Gianello (Venue Director) were on hand to answer questions and explain the steps taken to organise the opening of the stadium.</p>


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