FIFA 2006 World Cup Qualifiers Group 7 (sponsored by the massive B&H-S&M clash) (2 Viewers)



Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #44
    A shame really, we were by far the better team. We had 4 excellent chances and a few more half chances. There was this one shot from the edge of the box that the keeper somehow saved. I already saw it in the goal. S&M didnt really seem focused, didnt have any real chances and mostely resorted to long balls on Savo Milošević. Bosnia on the other hand played the ball on the ground, short passes, switching from side to side, excellent passing, but that turned out to be a problem: too much passing. We unneccessarily complicated some situations where we could have shot instead of passing. Still, excellent play by us nonetheless. We completely dominated the match, Serbia didnt even manage to get off their half for the first 30 minutes of the second half. A real shame, we deserved the win. Still, if we continue playing like this I think we can clinch at least the second place in the group.

    The match itself didnt have big incidents, a small-ish clash between the police and the Serbian fans, stoned busses, a few hurt Serbian fans, etc. The security was just too strong, 800 fully equipped (shields, helmets, body protection, tear gas, attack dogs, etc...) specially trained police men, so there was no way of fans crossing from one stand to the other.


    Junior Member
    Sep 24, 2004
    I heard that many of Bosnia's stars like Salihamidzic were missing, is that true? What about Barbarez, did he play? Unfortunately I couldn't see any matches of yesterday, except Austria-Poland and I didn't really enjoy it. (Austria lost 1:3)

    But I'm really surprised, that there weren't any big incidents...The last friendly match wasn't that peaceful... I hope that there won't be any big incidents in Serbia...and maybe B&H can return home from Serbia with a surprise - a good one :) !


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #46
    Yeah, some of our best players were missing, namely Musić, Konjić, Bajramović and Salihamidžić. There are two stories about Salihamidžić's absence. The coach said it was because of injury, while rumours say he hada fallout with the coacha nd some of the players.

    Barbarez did play, he played sweeper. He's been instrumental for this NT in the last few years, he always does his best and he's been played out of position many times and has never complained. He's played as striker, playmaker, central midfielder, defensive midfielder, centre back and sweeper, and he always does well.

    The fact that there werent any major incidents are due to the police protection, 800 fully equipped (shields, helmets, body armour, teargas, attack dogs...) policemen were protecting the away fans, plus 500 stewards from private security agencies.


    Junior Member
    Sep 24, 2004
    I think, that they don't really need Salihamidzic... Sergej Barbarez for example, he gives 101% every time and he's a real fighter and he's proud to be in the national team...
    Salihamidzic is a bit different...He always needs some exceptional treatment and I don't like that. He always complains about something, instead on concentrating on the game! But maybe I'm wrong...
    But B&H SHOULD HAVE WON!!! I haven't seen the match, but I'm sure they played well...and they deserved it! I want to see them in the World Cup...Would be cool! Sweden & B&H!!!! (and Austria, but they won't manage it...)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #48
    Yeah, Hasan has always been a bit high maintainance, especially before. But he's calmed down lately and began to play for the team, so we can definately use him and we're a better team when he plays, but we can certanly manage withouth him. We're short on some positions, so we have to play some players where they're not used to. Barbarez as sweeper for example and Salihamidžić as right wing back.


    Junior Member
    Sep 24, 2004
    I don't know the team very well because I don't have any chance to watch the matches here in Austria... But I watched both matches against Austria (one of them live)! They have a great team, really! We can be proud of them! :)

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