FBI Raids Christians... (1 Viewer)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
There's nothing wrong with having your own militia. It's protected under the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

The media and government loves to demonize these groups when most of the time they're harmless and serve the community. Such groups were targeted in the infamous MIAC Report which also basically said that Ron Paul supporters and anti-Federal Reserve activists are terrorists. And all of this is nothing but the government trying to target political enemies and assaulting civil liberties.

It's almost as if the government wants its citizens to become violent.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
No, because the Neo-Cunts and Glenn Becks hijacked it. But I do agree with the party's stance on the Federal Reserve and government debt problem.

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Agreed, Its a shame that it is rotten from the top, being the fiscal conservative that I am I agree with their stance on certain issues but they are being dragged down by the idiots who are promoting and speaking for the group publicly. Another sensible conservative policy that is ruined by the far right themselves.


Sep 23, 2003
Nah. That whole Tea Party concept is screwed because its run by people who failed grade school social studies.

Alienating the party in power is one thing. But then alienating coalition forces in the same party for not being "true enough"? Call them sellouts because they don't 100% overlap with your pet issues? Demonize people who seek consensus and tradeoffs to get things done?

Any political organization that seeks to alienate itself from potential allies as well as foes is doomed because it marginalizes itself by definition. Any kid with a basic grasp of grade school social studies knows that. Any organization that operates like this has failure and political irrelevancy built into its very DNA.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Nah, that's why it's a decent movement. You don't have phonies and liars in there like the Democrats and Republicans.

I've never seen such a huge group of liars in this government than this one right now.


Sep 23, 2003
But it exhibits a complete ignorance of how politics works.

Read a little Machiavelli and come back when you're no longer some idealistic amateurs about it.


Sep 23, 2003
Welcome to the real world, folks. This is how humanity and human social psychology works. Master it and potentially get something done, or whine about it and be marginalized to irrelevancy.


Sep 23, 2003
Nah. I just don't like stupid people who think they've discovered something new instead of their own ignorance.


Sep 23, 2003
There's nothing wrong with having your own militia. It's protected under the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

The media and government loves to demonize these groups when most of the time they're harmless and serve the community. Such groups were targeted in the infamous MIAC Report which also basically said that Ron Paul supporters and anti-Federal Reserve activists are terrorists. And all of this is nothing but the government trying to target political enemies and assaulting civil liberties.

It's almost as if the government wants its citizens to become violent.
But then maybe plotting to kill a police officer and then all of his fellow officers at his funeral might be kinda wrong...


But maybe that's just me. :D

As for the Tea Baggers, all I gotta say is, "Nader in 2000!!!!" ;)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
That's one lone nut job group, not all.

And if you want to go on this route, I think all Obama supporters and Liberals are liars and murderers because one Obamanoid was charged with killing his coworker in our area.

But hey, that's just me.

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