Explitive editting (3 Viewers)

Jul 12, 2002
Um, I have a question as to why the posts are now automatically editted to exclude explitives by substituting some ***'s. I don't get it, was there some kind of problem with the former system?

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Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #3
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    That always was the system, filtering banned words into ***...
    No way! I know that I've writen some pretty colourful expressions on this forum in the past. Maybe you've changed the system to filter more words?


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Nope, from the moment we installed vBulletin things have been exactly how they are now. Mind you the list of banned word is pretty short so..


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Way back in the days the list was longer and the forum worked in a different way, replacing one word with another. So for some reason I put "hell" on the list, resulting in "heaven-o".. :D

    Though it should be said Ikonboard was pretty buggy compared to vBulletin, this stuff is much more stable. :strong::cool:
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Way back in the days the list was longer and the forum worked in a different way, replacing one word with another. So for some reason I put "hell" on the list, resulting in "heaven-o".. :D

    Though it should be said Ikonboard was pretty buggy compared to vBulletin, this stuff is much more stable. :strong::cool:
    Right, um, I haven't the foggiest what you are talking about, but I guess my point was that the rules go a bit like this:

    "2. Foul language
    You are not permitted to use foul language for shock value, or to attack a fellow poster, or in such a way that it is totally out of context and unnecessary. Occasional outbursts will not be acted upon, you will not be penalized for the occasional "damn" or "hell". Should continuous use exist, however, action will be taken accordingly. "

    So why can't I occasionally be colourful?


    Formerly known as Ali
    Jul 15, 2002
    Those were the days when you never knew what would appear after typing an expletive. :nostlagia:


    Formerly known as Ali
    Jul 15, 2002
    There I was reminiscing ..... :LOL:
    Do you still have the substitution list Martin ... Makes for a good laugh.
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #16
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    You can be colorful, just not use foul language :D
    Well **** that, this is total ****, nothing could be more ****** ***** ***** stupid. ;)

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