wow another lowest point ! first siena now against the wonder team from fulham,man Juve sucks.
Kick out Melo, Diego,Salihamicic, Chimenti,Zebina...USELESS. man what a long list....
Stupid Zac, in 2-1 situation all we need was a second goal. 2-2 and this match is over...instead will let them do whatever they want. fuck...juventus lose 4-1 against fulham. what the fuck is that?
worst match of my life. Discusting in every possible way from the injurys, the ref to the tactics and performance. Fuck it all im going back to the pub.
Honestly, after Dempsey's goal I could stop laughing. This is so sad, I don't know what to do. Zebina's red card and his finger, Melo's double kick on Duff, pure tragic comedy. This is a new low. I'm definitely not going to school tomorrow.
4-1 against bayern in turin and now even fuckin fulham raped us 4-1, Fuck the board, the directors for making such a great club a joke FUCK THEM those fags.