Euro 2004: Italy - Sweden (Group C) (5 Viewers)


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Art^ ] ++

I still dont know were you are going with this.

I have never said or implied anything about stats or personality. Even you know that if DP isnt a captain against bulgaria, something has gone wrong in both of your theories.

And talking about stats? You said that Vieri scored more goals in the NT than DP! And DP have played 4 games more than Nesta according to my source...
I will stop here because I think English is not your first language or second or third....or any because you are twisting this shite into something uncomprehensible.



Del Piero 2-3 More than NESTA.


If Del Piero WAS NOT Captain it meant someone had more appearances than him...there was nothing WRONG.

CLEAR ENOUGH?? Probably not for you but then again I'm all out of patience.

Buy on


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
Someone mentioned that if Italy goes out they won't blame the players or something along these lines?

Gattuso who like him or not says it like it is put made it clear: In the end of the day whether you are offensive or defensive minded whether a fast player, etc. YOU/WE are on the field and not Trap. It is up to us at a certain point. (I agree AND disagree).
More compelling is what he said if they don't pass the first round: If we don't pass we have no excuses...we prepared we were ready. Stress? The real stress is the worker who is finding it hard to pay his bills and feed his kids at the end of the month. This is not real stress.
If we don't pass this round we are an embarassment to the shirt.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

I will stop here because I think English is not your first language or second or third....or any because you are twisting this shite into something uncomprehensible.



Del Piero 2-3 More than NESTA.


If Del Piero WAS NOT Captain it meant someone had more appearances than him...there was nothing WRONG.

CLEAR ENOUGH?? Probably not for you but then again I'm all out of patience.
Nick and patience can only go together in a sentance with "has no" in between.


StrikerMania Champ 2004
Jan 11, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

I will stop here because I think English is not your first language or second or third....or any because you are twisting this shite into something uncomprehensible.



Del Piero 2-3 More than NESTA.


If Del Piero WAS NOT Captain it meant someone had more appearances than him...there was nothing WRONG.

CLEAR ENOUGH?? Probably not for you but then again I'm all out of patience.
I don't know why i even try...

The point is; i have never said anything about DP being captain because of his characteristics of appearances. And therefor i don't care about your theori, and why you still trying to reply when i made i clear that i didnt care, is still a mistery for me.

I hope i made my self clear, and i dont expect an answer.


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Someone mentioned that if Italy goes out they won't blame the players or something along these lines?

Gattuso who like him or not says it like it is put made it clear: In the end of the day whether you are offensive or defensive minded whether a fast player, etc. YOU/WE are on the field and not Trap. It is up to us at a certain point. (I agree AND disagree).
More compelling is what he said if they don't pass the first round: If we don't pass we have no excuses...we prepared we were ready. Stress? The real stress is the worker who is finding it hard to pay his bills and feed his kids at the end of the month. This is not real stress.
If we don't pass this round we are an embarassment to the shirt.
Does he always make these normal life comparisons?:D


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

I will stop here because I think English is not your first language or second or third....or any because you are twisting this shite into something uncomprehensible.



Del Piero 2-3 More than NESTA.


If Del Piero WAS NOT Captain it meant someone had more appearances than him...there was nothing WRONG.

CLEAR ENOUGH?? Probably not for you but then again I'm all out of patience.
Are you proud/happy that Del Piero will be captain?


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Azzurri fear Scandinavian fix
Saturday19 June, 2004

Alex Del Piero, Gennaro Gattuso and Andrea Pirlo admit they fear that Denmark and Sweden will play out a high-scoring draw to knock out Italy.

“The international press and especially the Danes have picked on us over the last few days due to Francesco Totti’s spitting incident,” noted Del Piero. “They all talked about a lack of fair play. Now it’ll be interesting to see what their version of fair play is.”

A score-draw of 2-2 or above would automatically qualify both teams and eliminate Italy from the competition, regardless of their result against Bulgaria.

“A 2-2 would be truly a dirty result,” added the suspicious Juve captain, “but I am certain that both teams will go out there looking for the win.”

The rules for Group games in major tournaments were changed after the scandal of 1982, when Austria and Germany played out the only result that would qualify both teams, choosing not to go past the halfway line for 70 minutes of the match.

Now all the final Group ties must be played simultaneously to avoid a similar incident, except in this case Italy’s result is potentially irrelevant.

“I am still confident we’ll go through,” added Del Piero. “Sweden and Denmark can draw 0-0 or 1-1, because that can happen, but a 2-2 is such a strange result that it would mean there was some sort of agreement. It would be undignified and a shameful blight on both nations.”

Andrea Pirlo (pictured) is also concerned that a high-scoring draw will raise major question marks over the two neighbouring nations.

“I have experience at the highest level,” said the Milan man, “and therefore know that to agree a 2-2 draw or higher is very difficult indeed. If it was 0-0 that could qualify them, we’d be much more worried as that’s surely much simpler to play out.”

Some newspapers even asked Pirlo if he was going to call his Rossoneri teammates Jon Dahl Tomasson and Martin Laursen.

“It would be ridiculous for me to do such a thing. They are professionals and already know how to behave.”

But the toughest warning came from Gennaro Gattuso, who will be suspended for Italy’s match with Bulgaria.

“Let’s put about 50 TV cameras on the Sweden-Denmark game to capture it if anything untoward happens,” said the midfield warrior. “If there’s something I can’t stand, it’s all these Swedes and Danes trying to teach us how to play fair, so now I want to see what they’ll come up with.”

Gattuso also harked back to the controversy that followed Italy’s exit from the 2002 World Cup – a tournament that saw five valid goals disallowed for a variety of refereeing errors.

“I think we Italians aren’t too popular nowadays. They say UEFA respect us, but in every tournament recently something strange happens.”

The most reassuring Azzurri voice is Christian Vieri, who missed several great chances to kill off the game against Sweden.

“The Scandinavians have always been a model of civil behaviour and sporting fair play,” said the Inter striker. “I really doubt there will be a fix.”

Would they? :d


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

I will stop here because I think English is not your first language or second or third....or any because you are twisting this shite into something uncomprehensible.



Del Piero 2-3 More than NESTA.


If Del Piero WAS NOT Captain it meant someone had more appearances than him...there was nothing WRONG.

CLEAR ENOUGH?? Probably not for you but then again I'm all out of patience.
Thats really how they decide the captain for the Italian team? :clueless:

Seems weird. Shouldnt the captain be chosen by the manager?


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
After watching the game a second time I modified some original comments:

1. Pirlo and Del Piero were not as impressive as I thought.
Pirlo did well in his playmaker role in MIDFIELD but struggled at the end defensively probably because of Gattuso's absence. I think Totti's terrible game 1 made Pirlo's game seem better than it was.
2. Del Piero actually missed some opportunities to nail the game...he struggled to put the ball in the net and was not as much of a force as I thought the first time. Probably because we are accustomed to seeing the 'invisible' Del Piero in the game and this time seeing him even take shots on net was more than he ever did. This was not the superstar performace everyone waited for from Alex from so long...he also was not the best player on the field. Not by a longshot.

Then I saw the ratings...

Gazzetta dello Sport: 6.
Il Giornale: Del Piero: 5.
Repubblica: Del Piero 5.5
Corriere della Sera: 6.5

I still stand by my statement that Cassano and Gattuso were the best. Incidently they received the best ratings in every publication.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2004
According to aljazeera sport channel (euro2004 host)
their correspondant said that during the second half of italy and sweden match, Trap had a talk fro a few seconds with vieri excusing him to get replaced but vieri refused and then trap decided to replace DP

if it is true i think totti should have spat on them both instead of spittin on the denes player


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
:LOL: yeah

Trap shouldn't be such a pushover; if a player disagrees with your decision to sub him, bench him for the next game to teach him some discipline :boxing:

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