Eto'o (3 Viewers)

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The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
As a finisher,yes.With the chances he gets,he should score twice as many goals as he does,but he doesnt.Someone like Trezeguet or Nistelrooy would be twice as deadly if they were at Barcelona.
exactly i think that eto'o is a fantastic footballer but in not very prol;ific in front of goal, he wastes more chances than he takes and trezegol would score twice the goals he does in that team

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The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Suazo is a cheaper Eto'o and already plays in Serie A.

I'd take a chance on Reggina's Bianchi. A Bianchi/Palladino duo for the future would be great!


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2006
I haven't heard such transfer rumours surrounding one team since I became a football fan like what has been happening with Juventus since our demotion.

Even though, we shouldn't be harsh and sarcastic anymore. Let's leave the idiot media having some fun before our expected promotion. :weee:


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
As a finisher,yes.With the chances he gets,he should score twice as many goals as he does,but he doesnt.Someone like Trezeguet or Nistelrooy would be twice as deadly if they were at Barcelona.
perhaps as a finisher, but I doubt Barcelona as a team would be more efficient with trezeguet or rvn in the team. he does so much more then just the goals.

imo you cant even compare etoo to those classic strikers. He likes to get the ball on his feet while he is cutting into the penalty area while those two wants to stand there and score with one touch.


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2005
Agree. Eto'o is fantastic, i really like him but on the other hand maybe Serie A wouldn't suit his style of playing. Plus I doubt Barcelona would let him go so easily. 40M euro is too much considering the financial situation.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2007
There's more than one article. It could happen but might just be rumours but whatever happens, happens, it's gonna be an interesting June transfer market for Juventus, let's see who comes we'll get a big laugh if only like 2 players come, but a big team if more come.

Ambitious Juventus go for Barcelona rebel Eto'o

Juventus are lining up a shock bid for Barcelona striker Samuel Eto'o.
The Cameroon international's blow up on Sunday during Barcelona's victory over Racing Santander has alerted Juve management. Eto'o refused to enter the field late on and was criticised by coach Frank Rijkaard and Ronaldinho for his behaviour yesterday.

Juve are determined to land a big-name striker for their return to Serie A and after last week's revelation that Fiorentina's Luca Toni is on their radar comes news from Corriere dello Sport that Eto'o is also on their short-list.

Eto´o abala Barcelona

O avançado camaronês Samuel Eto´o veio a público criticar «meio Mundo», depois das declarações de Frank Rijkaard no final do jogo com o Racing onde afirmou que o avançado se havia recusado a entrar a cinco minutos do fim. Eto´o não gostou das críticas de que foi alvo e não poupou o técnico holandês, não poupou Ronaldinho e até o Presidente Joan Laporta viu o seu nome envolvido nesta polémica.

O primeiro alvo da «fúria» de Eto´o foi Rijkaard: «É má pessoa aquela que vai a uma conferência de imprensa e diz que eu me neguei a jogar... é ele que quer meter a imprensa no balneário», acrescentando: «Só darei explicações ao clube, não ao treinador».

Quanto a Ronaldinho, que declarou publicamente que os jogadores têm de pensar sempre no melhor para a equipa, Eto´o não foi suave: «Não ajudo o grupo? Cada um sabe o que tem de fazer para ajudar o grupo e como actuar. Eu já treinei à chuva, ao frio e até lesionado. Perguntem ao treinador o que fiz para ir a Pamplona... Se um companheiro de equipa diz que temos de pensar no grupo, quem deve fazê-lo é ele... Eu treinei sempre no máximo, mesmo lesionado, com golpes e tudo!». Segundo o avançado blaugrana, o balneário encontra-se dividido: «No balneário há dois grupos: o do presidente e o de outra pessoa...».

Eto´o finalizou: «Há coisas que não tenho de aguentar... Não sou um lunático nem mal-educado, e não sou um problema para o Barcelona.»

Declarações polémicas que poderão levar à saída do jogador, para rumar a outro campeonato, com a Juventus a encabeçar a lista e clubes na corrida pelo avançado. Para já a sua participação nos jogos do Barcelona está posta em causa, inclusivamente no confronto da próxima semana diante do Liverpool.

2nd Portuguese:
Abraço entre Etoo e Ronaldinho pode ser prenúncio de paz no «Barça»

Samuel Etoo e Ronaldinho Gaúcho abraçaram-se efusivamente esta manhã a meio da sessão de treino que foi dirigida por Frank Rijkaard. A paz (aparentemente) poderá estar de volta ao Barcelona mas o técnico Rijkaard vai ter ainda hoje uma reunião com o director desportivo.

O camaronês regressou aos trabalhos do «Barça» depois da polémica provocada pelas suas declarações que atingiram o treinador e o médio brasileiro embora o camaronês se tenha apressado logo de manhã a negar declarações que lhe foram ontem atribuídas.

Antes do treino de hoje, Etoo falou primeiro com Rijkaard e a seguir com todo o plantel, dando um ambiente de «perfeita normalidade» rematada por um abraço que fez as delícias dos fotógrafos.

O camaronês reuniu-se em privado com o «capitão» da equipa do Barcelona, Carles Puyol, para dar explicações pelo seu comportamento, juntando-se-lhes depois Ronaldinho e Xavi, momento em que Etoo e Ronaldinho aclararam os seus pontos de vista.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Eto'o is not as lethal of a finisher as Trezeguet, however he still is a fantastic player. I believe he could light up Serie A as any defense in the world would have trouble containing such a quick and speedy player while being so adept with the ball. If we could somehow obtain him for a decent price I would certainly agree to the deal, but I would suspect other clubs will be in the market for him and will offer more as well.

But having Eto'o in the side will give us a facet of football we have not really had in a long time... world class speed up top. Although we might have to compensate for Eto'o and play at a quicker pace to make him even more deadly, but that's another matter.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Eto'o is not as lethal of a finisher as Trezeguet, however he still is a fantastic player. I believe he could light up Serie A as any defense in the world would have trouble containing such a quick and speedy player while being so adept with the ball. If we could somehow obtain him for a decent price I would certainly agree to the deal, but I would suspect other clubs will be in the market for him and will offer more as well.

But having Eto'o in the side will give us a facet of football we have not really had in a long time... world class speed up top. Although we might have to compensate for Eto'o and play at a quicker pace to make him even more deadly, but that's another matter.
Spot on. But im sure we would agree to Juve playing at a higher tempo.

However with the way the team struggles to complete 90 minutes now at our slow pace, how it could could handle playing a quicker game is beyond me.

But he would offer something we dont have, the quickbreak counter attack.


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Eto'o is not as lethal of a finisher as Trezeguet, however he still is a fantastic player. I believe he could light up Serie A as any defense in the world would have trouble containing such a quick and speedy player while being so adept with the ball. If we could somehow obtain him for a decent price I would certainly agree to the deal, but I would suspect other clubs will be in the market for him and will offer more as well.

But having Eto'o in the side will give us a facet of football we have not really had in a long time... world class speed up top. Although we might have to compensate for Eto'o and play at a quicker pace to make him even more deadly, but that's another matter.
I agree. Eto´o would be for us something like Shevchenko was for Milan.
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