Emerson Once Again ! (1 Viewer)


Dec 16, 2003
05/20/2004. The deal that will take Emerson from Roma to Juventus seems to be nearing its final chapter as the giallorossi have declined a Real Madrid offer, thus all pointing towards a transfer to Turin.

Inter are also in the run for the player, however the bianconeri have taken the lead and with a 12 million Euro offer should be able to land the services of the Brazilian midfielder.

So in the next hours, Luciano Moggi is expected to sign another Roma player after succeeding in bringing Jonathan Zebina on a free transfer yesterday.
SA Europe

Moggi Is Working :cool:

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the phoenix

Junior Member
Aug 8, 2002
Wow ww're gong to give Roma some needed cash so they can go further in debt and best of all they are probably going to get the player we want i.e Mexes and Ferrari to name a couple.


Dec 16, 2003
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    Nah i think they will bring some classic players this year , Or else Mr. totti is gonna Leav to Madrid !


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by the phoenix ] ++
    Wow ww're gong to give Roma some needed cash so they can go further in debt and best of all they are probably going to get the player we want i.e Mexes and Ferrari to name a couple.
    Yes, they will use this money to get Mexes in particular.


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2004
    Do you really think that €12 mln can rescue roma? :D
    They are in sh*it
    They would sell Emerson and buy nobody for his position. Roma will try to use De Rossi.
    Let Moggi do his job, he is on right way


    Senior Member
    Apr 5, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by the phoenix ] ++
    Wow ww're gong to give Roma some needed cash so they can go further in debt and best of all they are probably going to get the player we want i.e Mexes and Ferrari to name a couple.
    Some people never gets satisfied!, now its wrong that we get Emerson, what exactly do you want? -to kidnap him instead? and put the Zebina jersey on him.


    Senior Member
    Sep 21, 2002
    Emerson is a great player. He got injured right when he moved to Roma.

    If he hadn't got injured, his price would be much higher right now. he is a fantastic player, with bad luck (very very bad luck!)


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
    I don't believe this one, just 12million euros for Emerson!!! That's what I call cheap, that would be just brilliant... But I can't believe it, white porks paid £17.8M for Samuel, so why would Emerson be that cheap... At least Chelsea, real and Moggi are willing to pay more... I don't carem I just hope that Emerson comes...


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Poku ] ++
    I don't believe this one, just 12million euros for Emerson!!! That's what I call cheap, that would be just brilliant... But I can't believe it, white porks paid £17.8M for Samuel, so why would Emerson be that cheap ... At least Chelsea, real and Moggi are willing to pay more... I don't carem I just hope that Emerson comes...


    Senior Member
    Aug 21, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by delpiero10 ] ++
    Some people never gets satisfied!, now its wrong that we get Emerson, what exactly do you want? -to kidnap him instead? and put the Zebina jersey on him.


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    Ore decisive per Emerson

    Emerson resta uno dei giocatori più ambiti sul mercato: con il Real Madrid ormai fuori gioco, il brasiliano resta tra in bilico tra Juventus e Inter.

    Fino a poche ore fa sembrava che Emerson fosse vicinissimo alla Juventus, con i bianconeri che, forti dell’accordo già raggiunto con il giocatore (quadriennale da 4 emilioni di euro a stagione), avevano proposto alla Roma 12 mlioni di euro per il suo cartellino.

    Nelle ultime ore, però, la situazione è tornata nuovamente in bilico: Sensi si sarebbe deciso ad evitare fino all’ultimo di cedere un giocatore così importante agli acerrimi rivali torinesi e avrebbe cercato di stringere i tempi con l’Inter, anche su suggerimento di Fabio Capello.

    Nell’incontro di ieri a Roma, infatti, il tecnico giallorosso avrebbe chiesto al suo presidente delle garanzie “minime” per poter allenare anche nella prosima stagione una squadra competitiva e in questo senso, l’offerta dell’Inter sarebbe più allettante, con circa 10 milioni di euro più un giocatore, che, secondo la richiesta di Capello potrebbe essere Cristiano Zanetti, da sempre un pupillo del tacnico di Pieris, con il quale ha vinto anche uno Scudetto nell Capitale.

    A questo punto la Juventus potrebbe essere costretta anch’essa ad inserire una contropartita tecnica nell’operazione: il nome giusto potrebbe essere quello di Enzo Maresca.

    ok Real Madrid are no longer in the running for Emerson, which is a good thing. Juve and Inter are the 2 teams fighting for the signature of Emerson with Juve being very close to a deal. Juve have offered 12 million euro (what a bargin)

    BUT now Inter have offered 10 million euro plus Cristiano Zanetti, and as Roma are in a bad financial position they would prefer a player swap. it now means that may have to offer a player to beat off Inter and the name which is more likely to be is.........wait for it.......


    it just looks so likely that this player will leave Juve as his name is always mentioned in a swap deal

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