++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++
i dont understand why Taliban won the power if they were that higly hated?
:LOL: dude if only it were that simple. Many such regimes don't come to power through voting.. it's not a popularity contest... these guys have strength, and anyone who opposes them gets :skull: It's like in communist countries... nobody likes what's happening to them because of the government, but everyone's too afraid to speak out. It's so sad, because I'm sure everyone in those countries opposes the government, but because the people have no voice and they're too afraid to speak out, they get nothing...
the situation is...
if someone doesn't like the government, and his friend doesn't either... they won't say anything, because they think they'll just both get killed by people who agree with them, but who won't say anything, because those people think they'll just get killed by people who agree with them, but who won't say anything, because those people think they'll just get killed by people who agree with them, but who won't say anything, because those people think they'll just get killed by people who agree with them, but who won't say anything, because those people think they'll just get killed by people who agree with them
it's a sad situation... as a Korean whose grandparents are from the North, I can sympathise with people under such an oppressive regime...
btw htf did a DP discussion turn into the Taliban?