Difference in tactics, from zlatan to trezi (1 Viewer)


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
Well i have to put this topic cuz its just sees the immediate future, which is when trezi comes back from injury.

Now lets see the style of play from when eith trezi or zlatan are playing or when they are playing together.

1)First we start with TREZI, well he is a top class finisher and has skills in the air and can shoot very well.
In that case the defence and the 2nd striker will have to work very hard to provide him , cuz he doesn't move alot. This is why the mifield with trezi will have to work more offensively and provide for, BUT they can trust him as 80% of the chances he gets , he will score.

2)now to zlatan, this kid has been in fantastic form, he can everything in a game. he also drives the defence crazy with his skills. His only problem is that he is not a top class finished like trezi, BUT the midfield wont have to work alot to provide for him , as he makes much of his chances.He is also provides assists to his teamates. The thing about is that he doesnt score every chance he gets.

Now what will capello do when he has three world class strikers ,what combination would start ?

All three strikers can combine together and with the midfield and score.

so guys what do u think ?

p.s i know there will be a rotation system there, but i'm just asking which combination would the best effective

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Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
I think that using the 4-3-3 tactic is too risky + offensive. Right now we r using the 4-4-2 formation, with Blasi + Appiah/Emerson as defensive midfielders. That's 1 of the reasons y Juve conceded so few goals as we r more defensive. Even though our 2 strikers r considered mainly as "weak" to the media, they r actually very productive. Never mind if we play "boring football", the most important thing is that we score and don't concede any goals.

Ok back to the topic. So wad will happen to DP + Zlatan when Trez returns? I think that we can choose between Zlatan and DP to see who is more competent. Until Trez returns, Capello can select who to partner with Trez and this keeps on forever and the 3rd striker replaces Trez/Zlatan. This way the top 2 strikers will feel assured that there will be some1 to replace them even if they r injured.


Use squad rotation between Trez/DP/Zlatan like wad Capello did at the start of this season. But wad worries me is that all 3 will be unhappy.

I'm also worried the Trez return may affect the present DP - Zlatan partnership.


Dec 16, 2003
you guys are so worried about Trezeguet, he's a proffesional he will be back like he was, and he'll continue his melody scoring


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
4-3-3 looks interesting, but instead of

Camo - Emo - Nedved

like what Qaterminator suggested, I would go for

Blasi - Emo - Nedved

and with Zlatan and DP playin slightly behind Trez :p


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
4-3-3 would be suicidal. Don't mess with a winning formula.
Exactly. Juventus is not Barcelona. We do not have the style of play to make this lineup work, and it would be very risky. The formation we use now is perfect for home and abroad.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Desmond ] ++
woah,three forwards?

i haven't seen that since lippi tried once it once 3 years ago.
Salas Trezeguet

----Del Piero----

Didnt last more than two games tho before Marcelo got injured.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++

Salas Trezeguet

----Del Piero----

Didnt last more than two games tho before Marcelo got injured.
Actually Salas had free roam on the right, and Del Piero usually controlled the left with Trezeguet roaming in the box. I remember that great defensive outing against Celtic that year. :lazy:
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by sateeh ] ++
Well i have to put this topic cuz its just sees the immediate future, which is when trezi comes back from injury.

Now lets see the style of play from when eith trezi or zlatan are playing or when they are playing together.

1)First we start with TREZI, well he is a top class finisher and has skills in the air and can shoot very well.
In that case the defence and the 2nd striker will have to work very hard to provide him , cuz he doesn't move alot. This is why the mifield with trezi will have to work more offensively and provide for, BUT they can trust him as 80% of the chances he gets , he will score.

2)now to zlatan, this kid has been in fantastic form, he can everything in a game. he also drives the defence crazy with his skills. His only problem is that he is not a top class finished like trezi, BUT the midfield wont have to work alot to provide for him , as he makes much of his chances.He is also provides assists to his teamates. The thing about is that he doesnt score every chance he gets.

Now what will capello do when he has three world class strikers ,what combination would start ?

All three strikers can combine together and with the midfield and score.

so guys what do u think ?

p.s i know there will be a rotation system there, but i'm just asking which combination would the best effective

i say we keep the rotation like we were doing before Trezeguet got injured

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++
Did ever capello tried at roma the trio attack, as far as i remmber yeah...
he used 2 attacking forward(totti and cassano)but in the matches that he really wanted 3 pointes he played cassano-totti-montella trio at the same time.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
could try 4-1-2-1-2





---------------------------Del Piero


although I dont think Capello gonna use this tactic......which means either Zlatan or Trez will be bench


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Sid, that formation is probably the best we can manage if we try to play 4-3-3, but it's much too attacking for Capello, who insists on using 2 (if not 3!) defensive midfielders.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Sid, that formation is probably the best we can manage if we try to play 4-3-3, but it's much too attacking for Capello, who insists on using 2 (if not 3!) defensive midfielders.
I know, thats one of the reason why our defence is really strong this year, it's a brilliant tactic, pure italian classic(maybe not that pure cause azzurri play 5-3-2, but almost the same)

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