Diego DONE DEAL(read posts #1 & #4786) (6 Viewers)

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  • Secco

  • Blanc

  • Badass Devil

  • Moggi

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Junior Member
Jun 20, 2006
Juventus, Diego smorza gli animi: "Non ho ancora firmato nulla"
20.05.2009 00.20 di Alessio Calfapietra articolo letto 119 volte
L'affare Diego, il grande colpo di mercato che dovrebbe risollevare il morale dei tifosi juventini, a quanto pare è ancora lontano dal concludersi. A poche ore di distanza dalle dichiarazioni del ds del Werder Brema, Klaus Allofs, circa i dettagli (non di poco conto) tuttora da definire con la Juventus, arrivano le parole del diretto interessato che, rispondendo alle domande dei tifosi sul sito ufficiale della Uefa, si limita a scrivere: "Non ho ancora firmato niente e comunque preferisco concentrarmi sulle partite che mancano per finire questa stagione". Una frase rituale, quando ci sono ancora delle gare da disputare, anche se Diego, la finale di Uefa ad Istanbul contro lo Shakhtar, potrà vederla soltanto dalla tribuna (accanto ad Hugo Almeida e Mertesacker ) in quanto squalificato.

can somebody translate this please ?


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
He says he didn't sign anything yet. It now kind of looks as if the entire affair is far from over. He also says he wants to concentrate on the remainder of the season which is the usual bollocks.


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
Did Diego play as a MC (Tiago role) for Porto or as an AMC? I read that he flopped there because he was playing as a MC.
oh no,

so even when we get him, we are doomed if we don't change our system !

this money talk and greedyness from werder really makes me rethink this deal. i would rather settle for d'agostino and someone for our right side (rb or rm) to have a team that can actually pass better and does destroy the opponent with quick exchange of passes which is harder to shut down than a brazilian one-man-show

Sad Statue

wannabe Bart Simpson
Mar 28, 2006
oh no,

so even when we get him, we are doomed if we don't change our system !

this money talk and greedyness from werder really makes me rethink this deal. i would rather settle for d'agostino and someone for our right side (rb or rm) to have a team that can actually pass better and does destroy the opponent with quick exchange of passes which is harder to shut down than a brazilian one-man-show
No, no. Last year we signed Poulsen and everybody here said that we needed someone world class and not Just him. Now we are trying to sign a world class player and everybody wants another Tiago in our team. Diego is not a show man. he can play for the team. If we end up with d'agostino, that means that nothing has changed...


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
No, no. Last year we signed Poulsen and everybody here said that we needed someone world class and not Just him. Now we are trying to sign a world class player and everybody wants another Tiago in our team. Diego is not a show man. he can play for the team.
but we are talking about the same diego here, right ?
the one whos father is a bum, yeah ?

If we end up with d'agostino, that means that nothing has changed...
if we take d'agostina we would have enough money to buy another right back or right midfielder (perhaps even a starter ?)

upgrading two starting spots over one in this scenario (even if this one upgrade would be bigger)

Sad Statue

wannabe Bart Simpson
Mar 28, 2006
but we are talking about the same diego here, right ?
the one whos father is a bum, yeah ?

if we take d'agostina we would have enough money to buy another right back or right midfielder (perhaps even a starter ?)

upgrading two starting spots over one in this scenario (even if this one upgrade would be bigger)
Man, buying d'agostino will lead us nowere. For doing Juve big again we need worldclass player. I hope our managment know that we should buy Diego AND some rb and mr. D'agostino is no better than Tiago. We should aim at world class players...

Forza Diego, hope he comes...


É la erede al trono!!!
Sep 8, 2003
Its funny how a few pages back he was certain to come and now he 'MIGHT' come...man fvck this!!! im not looking in this thread until i see something OFFICIAL on juventus.com


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2008
Man, buying d'agostino will lead us nowere. For doing Juve big again we need worldclass player. I hope our managment know that we should buy Diego AND some rb and mr. D'agostino is no better than Tiago. We should aim at world class players...

Forza Diego, hope he comes...
i don't think that overpaying (if that man city sum of 36 m € is true) will make juve big again ;)

don't get me wrong. if the first transfer fee of 25m € something is right, than i would take him anyday ... but i would not be hold ransom by some german bum that just wants us to overpay by more than 5 m € !

Sad Statue

wannabe Bart Simpson
Mar 28, 2006
well I thougt I could be calm about this deal but no no..

Hope Secco and Blanc finish this deal fast..
I told Secco and Blanc to fail to complete the transfer of the retard (meaning Canna). He should misunderstood and thought i was talking about this transfer...

Seriously now. THings may just be OK but they don't want to say it cause Werder is in the Uefa final. If the players knew that their best player is sold, it could have effect in their performance. It's what i want to hope...


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
I don't understand all this panic. If €25m is not enough to get us Diego, it will surely land us some1 else just as talented (Cassano, Lavezzi, G. Rossi, etc)

Not that these rumours are to believed. This transfer is following the path of every other transfer which is made semi-offical long b4 it's made official. Typical media bs.
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