Describe Your Night Out (1 Viewer)


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Everyone here likes to go out right? You know what I mean. Tell me the stories of your best and most importantly worst nights out. Where you went, what you drunk, who you met ;)

All the gory details. :)

I'm gonna start with last night (monday) but since i can't remember most of it I need to ask a few people what happened before I post it. :D

Buy on


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Here's one event I'd like to share (the part that I remember anyway)

Me and a couple of mates (I think we were with around 7 people) went to an education/profession conference two years ago. We were in our last year of uni and we went there to see what options we had after our current university.

It was in the city of Utrecht so we went there by train (a 2,5h journey) and had loads of fun.

By the time we got there, it was 11am. We went inside, got ourselves some brochures and decided to hit the pubs.

At about 1pm (time is important here) we entered our first pub. We played a card game called '21' and the looser had to drink a two glasses of Jenever, which is a national drink here in NL, like Vodka in Russia. Rounds are really short in 21 so we all got wasted really fast :D

After a while we decided to go some other place and we entered a Casino. We made some bets and played some snooker (I lost about 50 bucks :wallbang: ) and again drank a lot

We went on to another pub and decided to do a little race. Drink as much as you can and whoever falls of his chair first, looses (this is actually a game that can lead to a heart attack or liver failure I found out later so don't try this at home). I think I came in third but I don't remember as you will understand :D

I don't know how we made it to the train station (we took the last train at 10PM, 9 hours later :eek: ) or how we transfered trains in Rotterdam Central Station but we got home somehow. I woke up the next day in my bed (fully dressed still) with a HUGE hangover and fine for trashing public property in my pocket. :D


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Oh no... should I really be doing this??? Screw it, you guys consider me as the forums clown anyway :D

The typical night out
I am truely blessed. I have many good friends. You will find most of these dudes by my side on a night on the town.

Usually we meet up somewhere. All 25-30 of us packed inside some crummy appartment. Well, you know how it goes. We start drinking, having fun. Then there's the usual argument, about which club/pub to go to. After a good hour of beothing and moaning about that, we always end up going to the place nearest the appartment :groan:

By now it's past midnight and when we eventually reach our destination, the place is packed. Then we bust in like we own the freakin' place. The guys rush to the bar, while I'm already in the process of getting rejected by the coat-check-girl and the ladies in the bathroom. After a few slaps in the face and some dude wanting to kill me for grabbing his gf's ass, I meet up with the dudes in the bar.

We get more and more drunk and then we transfrom ourselfs into a pack of horny dogs. Some get lucky, others don't. Those who don't goes to another club/pub and start over.

Most of us are pretty cocky when drinking. After some drinks, the size of my mouth gets pretty big. I'll punk everyone in sight, which can be a problem. Guys the size of texas doesn't usually like being called a "fat tub of crap" or something similar ;)

Here's when I usually black out... I always wake up with absolutely no idea what I was doing the night before. Sometimes it's pretty nasty... especially when you wake up in Sweden, or in some strange girls bed....

"So you'll call me later right?"
"Yeah... sure... later..." :D

I could write about the best night out, but that would be to long. I could also write about the worst... but that would be to embarrasing. So I'll leave you with this photo...


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Well heres my night:

Beer, trying to get a women, more beer, kareoke singing, more beer, dancing, even more beer... you get the point:D


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
Well, you know how it goes. We start drinking, having fun. Then there's the usual argument, about which club/pub to go to. After a good hour of beothing and moaning about that, we always end up going to the place nearest the appartment :groan:


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8
    Last Night (monday)

    At about 6pm, when I knew that most of my mates were back from work, I started the organising. As always, it was me that had to do it :groan:

    Took me numerous phone calls and round trips but eventually I got seven other people that wanted to go so it was going to be a pretty good night. Or so I thought. During this process I managed to also drink three cans of Fosters, my favourite beer ;)

    Half of us went by taxi and the others got a lift (one of my mates -an accountant - had work the next day so he was coming back early). Anyway we got into town and first stop as always was the bank. Having blown £60 two nights earlier, I drew some out. Then we went to "The SPAR" a shop open 24/7 selling convenience goods, to get some fags for one of my mates. We then made our way to "Standing Order" my favourite pub/bar in the entire world. Bought a bottle of wine a Smirnoff Ice and Two shots of something or other :D

    By about 11 most of them went straight to a club, but since i wanted to get well and truly battered I took one of my mates and we went to a luxury bar which was virtually empty! We got first choice of sofas and got the drinks in straight away. Since there was an offer on (3 vottles for £5) we drunk about 12 bottles of Red Square between us then set off to meet the rest of them in "Zanzibar"

    On the way there I gave a tramp a fiver. I don't know why but there you go. The bouncer observed I was walking in zigzags but kindly let me in anyway. Went upstairs, met up with my mates and then the fun began :D According to my mates I picked up, chewed and spat out a fag end, spilt seven pints all over the dance floor and smashed a bottle with my foot. The girls were in hysterics the guys were ashamed.

    Two of them met this girl, they both wanted a piece but one of them was as bad as me so he didn't get anywhere :D Eventually I started dancing with this fat girl :redface: who then nearly choked me with her tongue. It was at this point I ran up the stairs in shock, but tripped up and fell half the way back down again.

    Eventually I got back on the dancefloor, just in time as Paul Van Dyk's classic For An Angel came last! My dancing style was akin to a school boy playing tag in the playground I was told :howler: Anyway me and the other drunk guy went to the toilet, where he told me that he'd just kissed another of my male friends. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! When we got back down they'd all vanished (probably on purpose :groan: ). We couldn't find them so we got a taxi home, but forgot to stop the driver, paid an inflated £15 fare and then had to walk about half a mile :D

    I was woken up lying on the field near my house by one of the other mates who we'd lost. I stumbled into bed and was woken up by my cat at 6AM. I looked at my watch and thought it was half eleven (my driving lesson was at half eleven). Tried to get up, fell over the TV and went back to sleep.

    What a night :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    nothing compared to mine........consider's practically legal to smoke marijuana and alcohol while driving....while on the streets......while in the clubs and so on........

    i will have to give you my own later on.......


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #11
    well it was lovely at the time, now they keep calling me pisshead :irritate:


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #12
    ++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++
    nothing compared to mine........consider's practically legal to smoke marijuana and alcohol while driving....while on the streets......while in the clubs and so on........

    i will have to give you my own later on.......
    sounds like paradise :cool:


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Sounds familiar :D

    ++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
    well it was lovely at the time, now they keep calling me pisshead :irritate:
    Ah, don't worry. Go out again later this week and I'm sure someone else will do something stupid. That's how it goes over here anyway ;)


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #14
    Well today I vowed to quit drinking :eek: How many hours it will last i don't know :D

    Anyhoo we're going out again on Saturday, I'm buying a disposable camera and staying completely sober so i can remember their antics :D


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #16
    well today i ordered at the pub

    "a lemonade please" :scared:

    the landlady looked at me like she'd seen a ghost :D

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