Describe 2007 from your viewpoint... (15 Viewers)


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
What did you like about it??

The birth of my son, little more than an hour after new year. His first birthday will be in exactly 24 hours and 20 minutes ( probably less than that when i'll finsih writing this post)

What did you hate about it??

Nothing at all...except that i am an year older than i was in 2006 and that i have double more gray hair than i had in 2006

What was your most important achievement?
Status-quo at work, status-quo in my sexual life so the only achievment must be that my kid looks like me and it's safe to say that he's mine !
Oh, and i quit smoking for 4 days. That's 4 days more than the last time i tried to quit smoking.

What was your worst day??
October 26th when my neighbour started ringing on my doorbell, shouting that her husband is dead. The next thing i saw was a naked 58 years old giant dead (the man was over 200 cm tall) in his bathtub. I think this image will hunt me till the moment i die.

Buy on


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Yeah, exact same thing happened to me in '05. Trust me, you are lucky that you were with him, because I was in a different country and never got to say goodbye to him. :moan:

RIP to yours.
Thanx same for you, I couldn't speak to him btw, he was in a coma. His death was very very surprising, none of us expected it, and it happened in less than a half day.

What did you like about it??

The birth of my son, little more than an hour after new year. His first birthday will be in exactly 24 hours and 20 minutes ( probably less than that when i'll finsih writing this post)

What did you hate about it??

Nothing at all...except that i am an year older than i was in 2006 and that i have double more gray hair than i had in 2006

What was your most important achievement?
Status-quo at work, status-quo in my sexual life so the only achievment must be that my kid looks like me and it's safe to say that he's mine !
Oh, and i quit smoking for 4 days. That's 4 days more than the last time i tried to quit smoking.

What was your worst day??
October 26th when my neighbour started ringing on my doorbell, shouting that her husband is dead. The next thing i saw was a naked 58 years old giant dead (the man was over 200 cm tall) in his bathtub. I think this image will hunt me till the moment i die.
how old are you?? and congrats for having a son! your life will suck after his birth, trust me :D


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
What did you like about it??

Made loads of new friends, felt i got closer with friends i already had, proved to my parents that the money they spent on me for education was well spent money

What did you hate about it??

The death of one of my best friend's brother, friends of mine fighting between themselves, people double-crossing you

What was your most important achievement?

Getting into University on my first try

What was your worst day??

The worst days i had were when i found out my friend's bro died and his funeral.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    your life will suck after his birth, trust me :D
    Those who will read this sentence will think you are sixty years old with around 45 grandsons...

    the only achievment must be that my kid looks like me and it's safe to say that he's mine !
    I loved this achievement. Belated congrats, Alen;)

    I'm 28
    He was born 1 year ago, you don't have to tell me about it :D
    28 and grey hair?? Why??:frown:

    I'm 28 but I'm getting more fresh with time:weee:


    Ѕenior Аdmin
    Apr 2, 2007
    was he an accident? :D
    Yes and no.
    We were married already and we planned to have children but we didn't plan to make children that night :D

    28 and grey hair?? Why??:frown:
    People around me hardly notice it but i get obsessed with it whenever i spot another gray one.
    Only on the sides , above the ears, though. And i hide them pretty well with hair gel :p
    Beh, as long as i have hair (and thanx God i didn't start losing it yet) i can live with it being gray.
    May 22, 2007
    Thanx same for you, I couldn't speak to him btw, he was in a coma. His death was very very surprising, none of us expected it, and it happened in less than a half day.
    Thanks man. Same here, we were surprised about it because the morning before, he was speaking to his wife and he was in good health (he had a pancreas failure) in hospital. Then hours later he went.

    What did you like about it??

    Go karting, Juve in A and piano grades completed generally. The best thing was the holiday I had in October when I went to see my relatives near Napoli. Beautiful part of Italy.

    What did you hate about it??

    My lazy attitude on occasions. The weather. Constant bitching (I was not involved in this).

    What was your most important achievement?

    Getting my Mum back to the way she was before she had cancer.

    What was your worst day??

    A day in November.

    What would you have done differently (I added this on for more info on above info)??

    Work harder in the second half of the year, not to get easily led.
    Apr 15, 2006
    What did you like about it??

    found a job, finally i didnt have to go to that horrible college of mine and meet those horrible friends of mine... juve got back into Serie A.... and best of all... I WATCHED IRON MAIDEN LIVE IN CONCERT BABY YEAH!!!! :weee:

    What did you hate about it??

    i still couldn't finish my graduation, and seeing most of teh others finish it is not a good think to look at...

    What was your most important achievement?

    got my first job, and it's in a great company too (Hewlett-Packard) nevermind what the job itself is (though im kinda happy with the job, i shud say...)

    What was your worst day??

    When most of the job interviews i went to were useless and i thought that i wont find a job and waste my next 8-10 months doing nothing!


    Senior Member
    Jun 8, 2005
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    What did you like about it??

    It passed rather quickly.

    What did you hate about it??

    I changed nothing meaningful in my life.

    What was your most important achievement?

    I stole 2 girls from two different guys, in 2 months. Never done that before, it feels good, destroying relationships and all that.

    What was your worst day??

    When one of thos two guys threatened me with my life. I felt like shit, what can I say, I'm a pussy.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    What did you like about it??

    had my parents come over to cairo in the summer, my girl friend gratuaded from uni and working, finally getting to watch the god father triology, juve back to seria A.

    What did you hate about it??

    i'm still in bloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooody uni :sick: , my best friend left back to his family in the states, i sill hav'nt quit smoking!!! :spliff: made no new friends at my new uni apart from one. not being able to go to hurgadah this summer to meet up with gio again for the second time but hopefully in 2008 it could be gio and bozi over at cairo.

    What was your most important achievement?

    passing at uni courses, being there to support my special some one, driving alot and gaining confidece that i can be a better driver in cairo's streets ( aint no f-1 driver yet but on my way just need to get my own car for that) started having reading books as one of my hobbies.

    What was your worst day??

    march 16th when i turned 23 and realisized i should've been a working man a year ago!! but hey as bozi would usually say " what can u do?!" and probably the day my best friend left, i dont really remeber the date but it changed lot of things.

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