Del piero's shirt number (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
His first official number was #10, I believe that was the 95/96 season. Before that there were no registered numbers, they were handed out 1-11 for each game.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2002
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    I never knew that they didn't have standard shirt numbers:eek:
    Thanks Alex for helping me improve my knowledge about football...


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    Del Piero started to play in Juve in 1993 so he didn't start with #10 cause in seasons 1993/94 and 1994/95 # 10 was Baggio.
    I don't remember which one was his number and also I didn't find it on the net. If you are really courios to know it, maybe you can look for his old pictures or goal videos, there will be one of his first seasons, I'm sure ;)


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    P.S.: At the time they had the numbers printed just in the back and not in the front (now is also in the schorts)... so also from the pics, is difficolt to figur out his number...


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    I will take my eyes open too...
    I'm curious! Now it's challage ;) actually I found some pictures of him in his firsts years but he's always photographed from the front, and the number is not schown...


    The Grimreaper
    Jul 12, 2002
    Same case here, I found a picture of him in the first years but he appear from the front :(...
    We should make a contest about this matter! ;)


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by snoop ] ++
    i think it was 16
    I've booked him in a video with Baggio and he was wearing #9, but actually I'm almost sure it was not his first number.
    16 may be the one! Looks possible... wheare did you find it?


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Since numbers were not registered at the time, they could vary. Handed out 1-11 before each game he could only get 16 if he was coming off the bench, only get 9 as a starter etc.


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    That's why I tought that 9 is impossible... cause usually was Vialli number.
    But maybe he had a "proper number" like 4 Baggio was 10, Vialli 9, Ravanelli 11, ecc... Anycase it's very difficolt to find out which one it was the first he weared.
    The only way it will be to figure out wich was his first match and to find a picture or a video about this match...


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
    If you have played CM Italia 93/94 you know that you can give the players all the numbers from 1-16.
    Yeah, and 1-11 are outfield players, 12-16 is the bench. So you can't give a starter #16.

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