Del Piero's injury (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Do you guys think we will be able to cope with DP's injury? If it is as lengthy as it is said to be (1 month) Ale will end up missing both of the CL clashes with Man Utd and these 2 games may very well decide our fate in Europe. State your opinions here.

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
it wouldnt surprise me as Man Utd always seem to play us when we are missing many players. eg. that 3-2 famous win in turin, we had no del piero and half the team played there first game since they were all injured. That 3-2 win at old trafford, we have pecchia and tacchinardi on the wings as we were missing our regulars.....

so this time, we will probably miss del piero again.....

i was looking forward to meeting Man Utd with Del Piero, Trezeguet and Nedved firing on all cylinders!!



Senior Member
Sep 2, 2002
the team really suffers without dp's leadership and finishing abilities. i really hope he'll be well by the time we face MU, if not for the first match then for the second.

and not only because i lose major face with my whole family if MU win.

how are they looking as far as injuries go? it'd be nice if they were down a key player or two as well


Junior Member
Dec 29, 2002
Even with DP, I wondered if we win over MAN U. They are really on top form now and their offense lines are superb.

And now, it's likely that we will not have DP for the 2 matchs against MAN U. I dare not imagine what we are going to be!!!

Let's pray for our capitano to recover the soonest possible.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
If 2 months is for real, it must be hard for Juve, for Ale as well. I dunno but last time when we met Man Yoo 4 years ago, Ale couldn't play because of injury.
and now Nedved must working soo hard for the team, Juve count on him.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2002
Yeah, Nedved is now our hope. But not our only hope. We also have Camoranesi, and Davids could push forward on the left side if required. In attack we won't have any creative player, but we do have some in midfield. Thuram will also be useful.

So if DP won't be able to play against MU it will be a major problem, but not a crisis. He's the inspiration of the team and with him we would be alot more dangerous, but we do have other great players too that could "replace" him.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Camo, I love his skill very much. Davids, such a :cool: man in mid, Tacchi/Conte as well, plus Nedved, as a Juve's spirit I hope they can compete with Man Yoo's mid. btw, they could play 4-4-1-1 with 5 midfield players (Becks, Butt, Keane/Veron, Giggs, Scholes).


Juventus FC - Philippines
Dec 20, 2002
Well, let's just hope the final analysis of DP's injury will provide us with a little bit of comfort.

It's a good thing DV is getting some playing time along with DP & DT. He could fill the void DP will leave while recovering. Let's just hope it's not a very long period.

Initial injury analysis have a high percentage of being exaggerated most of the time. Teams like to take it the conservative way. For example, if a player gets injured, they will assume the player to be out for a period worse than the usual recovery time. This is to be able to prepare the squad mentally to fill that void and be ready to take a greater challenge. They kind of like Psych their players to step-up.

But if DP does miss the CL league, and this affects our chances of qualifying (which i'm pretty sure will), I assume that Juve will be changing priorities and switch their attention to Serie A.

~my opinion.


StrikerMania Champ 2004
Jan 11, 2003
OMG! i just cant take it.
DP out against ManU and Inter, that is realy BULLSHIT, ohhh noo!

This is simply REALY BAD NEWS.

Once we are playing well in CL, dp gets injured.

Praying that he will recover ASAP!


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
Ok i posted this elsewhere, i'll put it here now that i saw there is a topic on it

Two months means he will lose both Man Utd matches and the Inter game.

I personally trust the other players, the reason i'm so sorry is that i wanted soooo much to see DP dribbling and scoring and kicking Manchester's a$$. I mean the guy is the king while he's holding the ball. It's like he's an aristocrat and the others are peasants. Ok you might think that that's too much but his controlling dribling and shooting are remarkable.

Anyway we'll survive. And there's still hope that he'll come back sooner. Patience. And at the end of the year who knows we might be looking at Alessandro lifting the CL trophy :D


Juventus FC - Philippines
Dec 20, 2002
How long does it usually take to recover froma muscular injury?
What type of muscular injury is it anyway? Is it a tear in the thigh muscle?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
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    Guys,to be frank,I don't think we stand a chance against Man Utd in our current condition. We will certainly miss Del Piero's influence,leadership and everything else that he brings to the pitch,along with the fact that Nedved has been overworked and is without a doubt tired. Our only hope is that we can work our strong counter attack and supply Trez as best we can. God bless Ale and help him recover soon.

    P.S Even Beckham is playing well for Man Utd!!:scared:


    Junior Member
    Jul 27, 2002
    i don't expect the worst...
    the tests are sheduled for tomorrow and then we know more... i think the 2 months are just speculations by the media... (i might be wrong of course)
    and if we would miss him, we still have a strong squad that can beat any team... and it would be wrong to step on the pitch of old trafford thinking that we'll loose anyway...
    and there have been already much weaker teams that have beaten manu... + they have barthez ;-)

    and don't forget:
    la juve non molla mai...



    Junior Member
    Aug 7, 2002
    Del Piero Set For Lengthy Layoff

    Atalanta - Juventus | Latest News | News Archive

    A major blow (GETTY IMAGES)
    02/03/2003. Juventus striker Alessandro Del Piero could be set for eight weeks on the sideliners after sustaining muscle damage against Atalanta yesterday.

    It was earlier thought that the 28-year-old would be out for around half that time, but reports now suggest otherwise.

    "The ultrasound scan will be postponed by one day, and thanks to this rest the exams will be more reliable," said a Bianconeri official. "However, it's quite likely that the player will be out for two months."
    SA Italy


    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    The tests have been delayed for 24 hours to give Del Piero some rest. Everything will be clear by tomorrow (Tuesday). Let's hope the injury isn't as serious as stated before (2 months). I'll try to keep you updated.


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    he didn't look like he was in a terrible amount of pain so it might not be a tear (hopeful face here)

    hey lac, is that karl marx?


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    since when does it take f*cking two months to recover from muscular strain??? what did he do, rip the thigh off the bone???

    I can understand crespo's situation as he looked like he was going to die, but del piero shouldnt be out for more than a few weeks.

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