Del Piero smiles (1 Viewer)


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Il capitano della Juve ha partecipato alla partita di solidarietà per le vittime dello tsunami. Diario di una giornata lontano dai soliti problemi.

BARCELLONA, 16 febbraio 2004 - Bisogna sorridere di più, ha detto Lapo Elkann, e Alessandro Del Piero, che pure in questo periodo avrebbe assai poco da ridere, lo prende in parola. Entra nella hall affollata dell’Hilton (campioni, giornalisti, tifosi, turisti, tutti centrifugati in pochi metri) dopo essere arrivato direttamente da Torino insieme a Thuram e Montero — la Fifa aveva chiesto un aereo unico da Milano, ma gli juventini hanno preferito partire da casa loro — si piazza davanti all’immancabile cartellone con loghi-simboli-sponsor dell’evento e fa subito un po’ di cabaret. «Giocherò contro il mio compagno Montero ma ci sono abituato. In partitella siamo sempre contro, lui dà un sacco di botte e così mi abituo ai calci». I presenti forse non apprezzano pienamente lo sforzo umoristico di Del Piero perché:a) non sanno praticamente niente della polemichetta Elkann-Giraudo («meglio vincere o sorridere?»); b) non sanno che Del Piero potrebbe starsene giustamente immusonito nel suo metaforico angolo e pretendere di non essere scocciato con richieste di positive thinking.
Invece Del Piero più di uno sforzo lo fa: certo, non ciondola nella hall come altri suoi colleghi meno conosciuti, ma non si tira indietro se c’è da parlare della partita del Camp Nou e della causa che lo ha portato qui insieme a tante star del calcio mondiale. Perché Del Piero è una star del calcio mondiale: chiedere a qualsiasi suo collega o a qualsiasi giornalista non italiano per credere. «Ci sentiamo spesso, anche se in questi giorni non è successo. Ma con Del Piero e Montero i contatti sono costanti», ha spiegato Zidane al Marca. In Spagna, in Europa, Del Piero è il capitano della potente Juve e l’uomo simbolo della nazionale italiana; un simbolo che spesso è stato messo in discussione, d’accordo, ma non è che a Raul sia andata molto meglio. Del Piero è un membro dell’aristocrazia del calcio e se glielo ricordano magari recupera davvero i sorrisi che piacciono a Elkann.
Intanto i cronisti italiani guatano la folla inquieti e qualche temerario vorrebbe addirittura fargli una battuta, giacché siamo in clima adatto. «Magari provo a dirgli: vedi che Lippi per queste cose ti convoca?». Occhiatacce degli altri. «Vuoi farlo scappare subito?». Così, quando ricompare nella hall dopo il veloce riposino, Del Piero si trova davanti un gruppetto di interlocutori compostissimi: «Possiamo farti una domanda, Ale?»; «Ci dici qualcosa della partita, Ale?». Lui si piazza docilmente davanti a un microfono e a un paio di taccuini. «La cosa importante è parlare della causa che ci ha portati qui: non è vero che sia difficile raccogliere tanti campioni se c’è una buona causa. Quando il motivo è valido, non ci sono impegni che tengano, basta trovare la data giusta e nonostante i tanti impegni ci presentiamo tutti». Henry, per fare un nome, ha voluto partecipare nonostante abbia giocato l’altro ieri sera, e infatti i giornali catalani lo davano per assente giustificato: invece è qui a parlare di tsunami, beneficenza, solidarietà, lotta al razzismo. Del Piero si associa. «Il razzismo è da stupidi. Trovo stupido qualsiasi giudizio che parte dal colore della pelle, dalla regione di appartenenza, qualsiasi forma di razzismo insomma. E noi giocatori la pensiamo tutti allo stesso modo».
Calciatori sempre presenti per una buona causa, ma forse al Camp Nou ci sarà poca partecipazione di pubblico rispetto a quello che una simile parata di stelle avrebbe richiamato nello sport americano, gli fanno notare. E ci scappa il paragone sulle culture. «Ah, di cultura dello spettacolo potremmo parlare a lungo...», fa Del Piero. Aveva cominciato dicendo: «E’ bello giocare per cercare di dare un po’ di serenità a chi ha subito dei danni, pensare di poter portare un sorriso». Almeno in questo caso, nessuno troverà niente da ridire.

Could someone please translate the entire article for me? I understand most things, but not everything I need to understand.

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Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
The captain of the Juve has participated in the game of solidarity for the victims of the tsunami. Diary of a day away from the usual problems.

BARCELLONA, February 16 th 2004 - it Needs to smile more, you/he/she has said Lapo Elkann and Alexander Di the Peter, that also in this period it would have a great deal few to laugh, he/she picks him/it up in word. It enters the crowded hall of the Hilton (champions, journalists, fans, tourists, all centrifuged in few meters) after having directly arrived from Turin together with Thuram and I will Climb on—the Funk had asked an unique airplane from Milan, but the juventinis have preferred to depart from their house—it places him in front of the inevitable placard with loghi-symbol-sponsor of the event and it immediately makes a po of cabaret. «I will play against my companion I will Climb on but I/you/they have accustomed there. In partitella we are always against, does he give a lot of blows and so I get used me to the kicks». The presents don't fully appreciate perhaps I strive him/it humorous of Of the Peter perché:a) they don't practically know anything of the polemichetta Elkann-Giraudo («better winning or to smile?»); b) they don't know what Of the Peter could justly be him of it immusonito in his/her metaphoric angle and to pretend not to be bored with applications of positive thinking.
Instead of the Peter more than an effort him ago: it doesn't certainly hang in the hall as others his/her less known colleagues, but he doesn't throw back if there is to speak of the game of the Camp Nou and the cause that has brought here it together with so many stars of the world kick. Because Of the Peter is a star of the world kick: to ask to any his/her colleague or to any non Italian journalist to believe. «We often feel there, even if in these days has not happened. But with some Peter and I will Climb on the contacts they are constant», you/he/she has explained Zidane to the Brand. In Spain, in Europe, Of the Peter is the captain of the powerful Juve and the man symbol of the national Italian; a symbol that you/he/she has often been put in discussion, of accord, but it is not that to Raul has been all right. Of the Peter is a member of the aristocracy of the kick and if they remember even him to him you/he/she recovers indeed the smiles that Elkann likes you/they.
Meanwhile the Italian reporters guatano crowd worries and some reckless person would like even to make him a wisecrack, since we are in proper climate. «Even I try to tell him: do you see that Lippi for these things summons yourself?». Occhiatacce of the others. «You want to make immediately to escape him/it?». So, when it reappears in the hall after the fast one does rest, is Of the Peter found before a gruppetto of composed interlocutors: «We can ask you a question, Ale?»; «you tell Us something of the game, Ale?». He docilely places him in front of a microphone and to a pair of notebooks. «The important thing is to speak of the cause that has brought here us: it is not true that I/you/he/she am difficult to pick up so many champions if there is a good cause. When motive is valid, there are no appointments that hold, all it takes is finding the correct date and despite the so many appointments we introduce us all». Henry, to reveal a name, has wanted to participate despite has played the day before yesterday evening, and in fact the Catalan newspapers gave him/it for absent justified: it is here instead to speak of tsunami, beneficence, solidarity, struggle to the racism. Of the Peter associates him. «Racism is from stupid. I find stupid any judgment that departs from the color of the skin, from the region of affiliation, any form of racism in short. And us players we think of her/it all equally».
Present soccer players always for a good cause, but perhaps to the Camp Nou there will be little share of public in comparison to what a similar parade of stars would have recalled in the American sport, they make him notice. And it escapes us the comparison on the cultures. «Ah, of culture of the show we could speak for a long time...», ago Of the Peter. You/he/she had started saying: «And beautiful to play for trying to give a po of serenity to whom has suffered some damages, to think about being able to bring a smile». At least in this case, nobody will find nothing to repeat.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ramin ] ++

lol @ alexander the peter.

Could someone make a summary of the translation?
i used a translating program :D

and concerning the summary you're requesting, i didnt understand a word of the translated document either :D


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
(It’s not always the perfect translation, because one would take more time)

Juve’s captain has taken part to the charity match in favour of the tsunami victimes. Journal of a day away from the everyday problems.

BARCELONA, 16 Feb. 2004 – They have to smile more, Lapo Elkann said, and Alessandro Del Piero, even if in this period he has little to smile, has taken his words literally. He enters in the Hilton’s hall (Champions, Journalists, supporters, tourists, all in a few meters) after being arrived from Turin with Thuram and Montero – Fifa had asked them to take a plane form Milano, but the juventini have preferred to fly from Turin – and positiones himself in front of one banner with all the logos-symbols-sponsors of the event and starts with a bit of “cabaret”. “I’ll play against my teammate Montero, but I’m used to it. In the trainings we play always against each other, he beats a lot and I get used to kicks”. The people there don’t seem to appreciate entirely the humoristic effort of Del Piero because: a) They don’t know anything about the Elkann-Giraudo argument (“better to win or to smile?”); b) they don’t know that Del Piero would have every right to stand in a corner with a frown on his face asking not to be bothered with demands of “positive thinking”.

Instead Del Piero makes more than an effort: sure, he doesn’t go around the hall like many of his less famous colleagues, but he doesn’t refuse to talk about the Camp Nou match and the reason that has taken him here, along with other football stars. Because Del Piero is a football star: ask one of his colleagues or a non-italian journalist to better believe it. “We (often) keep in touch, even if in the last days we didn’t talk. But with Del Piero and Montero I have frequent contacts” has explained Zidane to Marca. In Spain, in Europe, Del Piero is the captain of the powerful Juve and the symbol of the Italian NT; a symbol that has often been put in discussion (?), sure, but it’s not like it has gone differently to Raul. Del Piero is member of the football aristocracy and if someone reminds him that, maybe he will put again on his face one of the smiles that Elkann likes.

In the meanwhile the Italian journalists watch restlessy the crowd and some brave ones would want to “joke” with Alex, since the situation is the right one. “Maybe I can try to say to him: Have you seen that Lippi ,for this kind of games, calls you?”. He gets “bad” stares from the others “Do you want to make him run away?”. So when he comes back in the hall, after a quick nap, Del Piero finds a little group of very behaved interlocutors: “Can we ask you a question, Ale?”; “Can you tell us something about the match, Ale?”. He goes docilely to stand in front of a microphone and some block notes. “The important thing is to talk about the reason that has brought us here: it’s not true that it is difficult to unite a lot of champions, if it is for a good reason. When there is one, it’s only necessary to find the right date and, even with all of our commitments, we’ll be there”. Henry, for example, has wanted to take part to the event even if he had played the day before yesterday (Monday), in fact the journalists thought he would be a justified absentee: instead he’s here to talk about tsunami, charity, solidarity, racism. Del Piero agrees. “Racism is stupid. I think is stupid every judgment that is based on the skin colour, the religion, every kind of racism. And we all (the players) agree”.
Players always present for a good reason, but maybe at the Camp Nou there will be little crowd than the amount that a similar event would have brought at the stadium in the US, they make him notice. “Ah, we could speak a lot about show culture…” He answers. He had started with saying: “It’s beautiful to play to try to give some serenity to those that have had damages, to think that you can give them a smile”. At least in this case, no one will disagree.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14
    ++ [ originally posted by isha00 ] ++
    “I’ll play against my teammate Montero, but I’m used to it. In the trainings we play always against each other, he beats a lot and I get used to kicks”. The people there don’t seem to appreciate entirely the umoristic effort of Del Piero because: a) They don’t know anything about the Elkann-Giraudo argument (“better to win or to smile?”); b) they don’t know that Del Piero would have every right to stand in a corner with a frown on his face asking not to be bothered with demands of “positive thinking”.

    I don't get it. What has Montero, or actually Del Piero receiving kicks got to do with the Elkann-Giraudo argument and positive thinking?


    vBookie Champion
    Nov 18, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++

    sorry for asking, but im not in a mood of reading, who is Elkann and what is his problem?
    Actually, i didnt even get much from what the hell they were talking about, after the summary of the trasnslatiuon.

    Elkann is Giraudo's nephew ( i think), and will take ovre Juve after him.


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Ramin ] ++

    Actually, i didnt even get much from what the hell they were talking about, after the summary of the trasnslatiuon.

    Elkann is Giraudo's nephew ( i think), and will take ovre Juve after him.
    oh, i thought he's another Zeman-like idiot


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++

    I don't get it. What has Montero, or actually Del Piero receiving kicks got to do with the Elkann-Giraudo argument and positive thinking?

    It's not clear also in Italian.
    I think the journalist wants to say that even if Alex would have every right not to smile, he tries to joke and to smile anyway, as Elkann suggested :confused:


    vBookie Champion
    Nov 18, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by isha00 ] ++

    It's not clear also in Italian.
    I think the journalist wants to say that even if Alex would have every right not to smile, he tries to joke and to smile anyway, as Elkann suggested :confused:
    Why doesn't Del Piero have the right to smile??? .. what kind of retarded reporters are they:dontcare:

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