
Junior Member
Jul 20, 2002
That's what I feel about them....
I watch Juve matches a lot. Man, we had a good start a very very good start.
But since del piero cameback and took DV's place, Juve seems can't do anything.
Remeber when we won 4-1 against Udinese? that was our last winning and the goals came out for our team right after Lippi pulled DP out. And you know what, we never win after that!
Last night we've lost 2-0! 3 defeated in a row!!!!
Besides it's very easy to score on Buffon's net, our defence's like a hole, especially our center back, Nicola and Paolo Montero.
What's happen to our team exactly?
Sorry, for me DP is just overrated!!! He needs times, yeahhh...but I am enough with him.
I am not satisfied with his performance at all!:fero:

Opinions Anyone?

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003

you guys have no patience whatsoever.

what do u you expect ? Juve to win every game 5-0 ?

listen... Juve are in a good position in all 3 competitions they are taking part in. They have been solid for the most part this season and 2 losses agasint Inter and Lazio will not make a difference when all is said and done.

sure we all want Juve to win week and and week out- but thats not always going to happen.

You think you have figured everything out ? guess what - i think a man known as Marcello Lippi and another man known as Luciano Moggi know a little more than us.

Ok our defense isn't at its best... but its not too late to fix it. An injection of a new player into the back line will sure things at the back come January.


f*ckin unbeleivable.


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
Legro have done a job as a defender but Montero:yuck: always give away free kicks in dangerous position and teams score from there eg.When juve play Inter,Cruz scored from the free kick where Martins was foul.
Trezeguet is overrated:skull:

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
milan and roma have won shit in the last 2 or 3 years. while were competing for our third serie a trophy in as many years.

many of the puchases made in the season lippi came in were short term. nedved, thuram, salas, etc

predictably, they are getting old. and crap. if they havent already become crap

and the advanced-in-age players we hade before that are now fading out. this includes conte, ferrara, iuliano, pessotto, birindelli, montero, etc. davids is quite old but shows no sign of fading.

now we were stupid enough not to realise this previously, and banked on these oldies for one season too many. if we had made smart investments before we wouldnt have had to face this.

the only solution is the hasty yet effective implemetation of a gradual fade-in-fade-out process where we bring in players to replace the ones we have.

we already should have had young players stealing playing time from the likes of montero and pessotto 2 or 3 seasons ago, who by now would have been capable of a regular first-team spot.

its our mistake. we thought they were good enough for another season when they werent.

lets wait till the end of the season before judging players effectiveness though


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by riza ] ++
That's what I feel about them....
I watch Juve matches a lot. Man, we had a good start a very very good start.
But since del piero cameback and took DV's place, Juve seems can't do anything.
Remeber when we won 4-1 against Udinese? that was our last winning and the goals came out for our team right after Lippi pulled DP out. And you know what, we never win after that!
Last night we've lost 2-0! 3 defeated in a row!!!!
Besides it's very easy to score on Buffon's net, our defence's like a hole, especially our center back, Nicola and Paolo Montero.
What's happen to our team exactly?
Sorry, for me DP is just overrated!!! He needs times, yeahhh...but I am enough with him.
I am not satisfied with his performance at all!:fero:

Opinions Anyone?
I'm, just so sick and tired of things like this.

:wth: every couple of weeks a hate thread appeared about our players.

Yeah, some of our players have been screwing up and they do deserve some critisism. But it seams to me that the people here are just attacking every litttle slip up. Most of these players play fine in 95% of their matches and they've done heaps of things well for us. But all their mountain of good work is just dumpued down the drain once they make a few mistakes. Where's the gratitude for all they have done???

It's not even as if we are going to loose the scudetto or something. We've only lost 2 matches and yes we've been wobbly in defence at times. but overall we've done very well and we're in a great position in CL and Serie A. And there's a whole 5 more months to play! Come on......

I'm sori, but honestly, i just feel really pissed after reading your post. How can a true blue juve fan think like this???

But since del piero cameback and took DV's place, Juve seems can't do anything.
Remeber when we won 4-1 against Udinese? that was our last winning and the goals came out for our team right after Lippi pulled DP out. And you know what, we never win after that!
Pls look at the bigger picture. There have been so many matches played in Cl and Serie A. DP comeing back from injury and playing has only been a small fraction of the total number of matches.

It seams easy to put the blame on DP but it isn't his fault. So many things influence this game and ther are 11 players in our team, not 1. The entire team attitude seams wrong for these recent matches and more than just DP has been playing poorly. Stop pin pointing him.

Last night we've lost 2-0! 3 defeated in a row!!!!
once again, could you look beyond individual matches??? :rolleyes:
Aug 1, 2003
Like I said, this is just a bad phase for us. Roma and Milan's bad phases will come later in life, don't worry :D

On a more serious note, I was never up for any Del Piero bashing, all I can say is he's our captain, we as Juve fans dutifully should stick by him. Give him time and all the support he needs.

As for Legro, the guy's new, it takes time for him to blend to be in such a world class club like Juventus. Chievo is of course an excellent team but Juve's professionalism and all is very high.

Montero, breaks my heart to admit, his age has caught up with him. He shan't be in the first team anymore if we find a suitable player to replace him. This does not mean I hate him, I appreciate everything he's done for us but he just has to go.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
here comes another Dp basher....:down:

chill out riza, obviously u're upset, who's not? its not the end....last season milan were top b4 christmas, and remember who won the scudetto? i have faith in my juve....dunno bout u.

never underestimate the heart of champions.....


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
Like I said, this is just a bad phase for us. Roma and Milan's bad phases will come later in life, don't worry :D
Yeah, maybe that's what riza's wanted :D

But as for me, AS Roma is very good, I think they had a good preparations this season.
Chivu and Carew are their best buy, plus their youngsters Mancini and De Rossi, they're click with Capello's team.
While AC Milan is getting 'mature' on Ancelotti's hand. They're not really impressive so far but they could be dangerous, slowly but sure.

But serieA is just like a long and winding road. So when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.


Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IceBlu ] ++

you guys have no patience whatsoever.

what do u you expect ? Juve to win every game 5-0 ?

listen... Juve are in a good position in all 3 competitions they are taking part in. They have been solid for the most part this season and 2 losses agasint Inter and Lazio will not make a difference when all is said and done.

sure we all want Juve to win week and and week out- but thats not always going to happen.

You think you have figured everything out ? guess what - i think a man known as Marcello Lippi and another man known as Luciano Moggi know a little more than us.

Ok our defense isn't at its best... but its not too late to fix it. An injection of a new player into the back line will sure things at the back come January.


f*ckin unbeleivable.
please guys we are fed up with your talk about being paciance about dp this guy this an overreated player who is being giving an image he does not have ,if he score a nice goal once every 15 game ,please stop giving excuses to dp :(


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
the fact is we havent played great all season. we have been leaking goals a lot but our forwards have saved us many times.

Udinese we were 2-0 down and in 15 mins we scored 4 goals...great come back yes, but realistically, not a great result over all.

Real Sociedad in turin had their best players on bench. we went up 4-0 and then struggled in the second half when those players came on.

we drew with milan and roma...drew to sociedad away, even if it was with our seconds. we just beat gala at home.

facts are, we havent been playing as well as our results suggest. these past few games were eventaully going to happen.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
it's not the players who suck, but the disgraceful forum members who keep saying this shit about our players are the real suckers. :groan:

I really can't bother checking this forum anymore.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
sometimes i really wonder whether some of you actualy watch us play at all.

You blame 3 straight defeats on del pieros return.... please, are we really so shit that if one player is underperforming we are completely useless.... Our problems are much deeper than that.

As adrian said we havent played well in a long time... we have been riding our luck eversince the very undeserved draw against roma.... it was jus a m,atter of time til our luck ran out.

On top of that , those that have actually been watching our games have been pointing out our defensive problems and our innability to deal with the counter attack for some 2 years now... yet you blame dp

Oh the glory hunters raise there heads

Back to the 3 defeats.... oh yes they are dps fault... even though he only played in 2 of them... but yeah why not blame him... hes our captain after all.... please get a grip and watch our games

No mention of current favourite nedveds abysmal form, di vaio's horrible finnishing (with his chances we could have won at gala and lazio), camos awful displays, the entire defenses frailty, or even gigis poor positioning of late..... nah **** that its all dps fault

I wonder how many of you will still be regulars after we finnish 4th in serie a and are knocked out of the cl at the quarters....


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Febrina ] ++

Yeah, maybe that's what riza's wanted :D

But as for me, AS Roma is very good, I think they had a good preparations this season.
Chivu and Carew are their best buy, plus their youngsters Mancini and De Rossi , they're click with Capello's team.
While AC Milan is getting 'mature' on Ancelotti's hand. They're not really impressive so far but they could be dangerous, slowly but sure.

But serieA is just like a long and winding road. So when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
may i add Cassano.
although i know you wont agree to this addition.

oh and i forgot to tell you i've decided to skip the lecture about Cassano-overrated.:D

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I agree that DP needs time to to recover from injuries (he's taking 6+ years to recover form cruciate knee ligaments)

and he'll have all the time iin the world in another team


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
Hey Riza

i know dp isnt playing well, but u said that when dp plays juve loses, this is true, but the problem is in the defence, when 7 goals are scored in juve's net in 3 matches, then this is a big problem.

one more thing, imagine urself as a forward, and ur playing a match where ur defence is weak, and goals are scored in ur goal, will u play well??.......the problem is the defence....


Senior Member
May 20, 2003
well , i agree not to attack the players, cuz after all they all give
what they can . BUT,,

i always kept wondering, why Lippi kept Trez for all
the past matches while we hardly could hear his name???

this guy still couldnt find his self again...
and while Di Vaio is on his best period we use him
as a sub? :confused:

i think he should be in a place of Trez ,
also why he doesn't play with Miciolli while he is very effective
and when ever he is in , make big deffernce in our attack..

but this is not out problem , the problem is our deffence.....
spcially in the middle, cuz thuram and Zamborota covers there places..
there is something wrong with LEGROTTAGLIE, i never seen
anything special about him..

2 goals from inter and lazio the players were standing along in the box,
and shot very comfortably.... come one , help boffun , he is not superman...

our midfield is doing great , but they cant hold the whole match
alone, they need to be supported by other members..

so we recieved 8 goals in three matches and scored 1....
this is not juve, we've been recieving many goals since the bigening of the season, there is something wrong with our deffence..

we all remember 3 seasons before, when we scored very few, but we were on the top of the table , cuz it was veeeeeeeeery difficult to score against us.. so most of out matches were ending with 1 goal for us..

also sometime i think its lippis mistake , cuz its very clear that out deffence is open , and easly to get through, but he is noe doing something serious to fix it...

other thoughts which i think its more logical , that its normal that
a team pass bad period, it happens for every team in the world,
sp just lets hope to pass that persiod fast...

its not del peiro , or any other playr,,,, we were just singing his name
b4 he got injured, and now he became the curse on our team?....

come on, think with ur brain not with ur heart.... and lets hope that period pass fats

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