Decision looms in Microsoft-EU row (3 Viewers)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
By Alex Ritson
Business reporter, BBC News, Brussels

The long-running dispute between Microsoft and the European Union will finally be decided on Monday.

Three years ago, the European Union issued an anti-trust ruling against Microsoft for what it said was an illegal abuse of Microsoft's near-monopoly in the computer operating system market.

It ordered the company to change its business practices.

It also imposed the highest fine in European history - almost half-a-billion euros.

On Monday morning, Europe's second-highest court will deliver a ruling that could shape the rules of competition law in the bloc for decades to come.

The two sides are agreed it's a landmark case. But they agree on little else.

Commercial secret

According to Jonathan Todd of the European Commission, the case is a classic example of dirty tricks by a powerful company.

He says: "The basic question is, do we allow a company which has 95% of the market to make choices for us - or should consumers and users of computers have the possibility to make their own choices."

Not surprisingly, Erich Anderson, Microsoft's chief European lawyer, sees things rather differently. He says there are two key issues in the case.

"The first involves the ability of leading companies to improve their products," he says. "The second issue in the case is really about whether leading companies are required to share the innovative technologies that they have developed with their rivals."

The case is about Microsoft Windows, the operating system used on nine out of 10 PCs.

The technology that Microsoft doesn't want to share with its competitors is secret computer code with the less than catchy name of "server interoperability protocols". These are vital in any modern office, where computers need to talk to each other and share files or printers.

Microsoft's rivals say that without these protocols, computers running rival server operating systems are not able to communicate properly with Windows.

Core technology

The European Commission's Mr Todd says it is like a telephone company refusing to give other telephone companies the necessary technical information to allow the routing of calls to its customers.

"At the moment," he says, "rivals like Linux can't make products that work properly with Windows, because Microsoft withholds the information that they need for computers to talk to each other."

Microsoft rejects that completely. Mr Anderson says Microsoft's rivals would not be in business if their computers did not talk to Windows.

He says different companies' servers - or applications that perform services for connected clients - are working together with no problems.

"There have been no complaints from customers to the commission, or to Microsoft, about server to server interoperability," he adds.

"What's at issue here is that competitors want access to core technology developed by Microsoft so that they can use that technology for free in their products."

But Microsoft's rivals in the operating system market reject any suggestion that they are trying to freeload. They point to Microsoft's own marketing material - which says Microsoft products "work better together".

Media wrangle

Thomas Vinje is the lawyer for the European Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS), a group of technology companies which gave evidence in the case.

He says Microsoft's competitors were selling software to link computers together long before Microsoft adapted its desktop Windows program for use on computer servers.

"Microsoft's competitors were the pioneers in this market. They had all the functionality - they had the functionality before Microsoft had it," says Mr Vinje.

"What Microsoft has done is to cut off the information which they need to be able to achieve interoperability with Microsoft's products."

The case is not just about computer servers. When you pay several hundred dollars for a copy of the Microsoft Windows operating system, you are also buying a copy of Windows Media Player.

This is a program which Microsoft developed to allow PC users to play CDs, DVDs or watch video files on websites.

Mr Todd says that by bundling them together, Microsoft destroyed the global market for rival media players with a single stroke.

"Essentially, Microsoft started including Media Player with its operating system, so that millions of people had it on their computers, irrespective of whether it was a good product, or whether people actually wanted that product.

"But the fact that it was there on their computers meant that alternative suppliers were unable to sell their product any more."


But Microsoft argues the European Commission is missing the point. Mr Anderson says the reason Windows Media Player is supplied with Windows is because it has become an essential part of Windows.

To buy Windows without Windows Media Player, he contends, would be like buying shoes without laces.

"Microsoft began adding media capability to the Windows operating system in the early 1990s and has steadily improved that technology over time. Our position is that this has been very valuable for consumers - and today, indeed, consumers around the world rely on this technology in Windows."

The dominant media player in the late 1990s was Real Player, made by the Real Networks company.

Mr Vinje of ESIS says Real Networks' business was largely destroyed by Microsoft's action.

"They went from a position of pioneer with a leading market share before the bundling occurred to being, for all economic intents and purposes, forced out of the market," he says.

"That's despite the fact that all of the objective reviews at that time rated Real's Real Player product as being substantially better than Microsoft's Windows Media Player."

Both Real Networks and Sun Microsystems, another original plaintiff, have since settled the case with Microsoft and withdrawn from the European Commission's case.

Mr Todd says Microsoft's monthly profits of more than $1bn give it a strong position when facing a legal challenge.

"Microsoft's rivals are in a very difficult position, trying to survive in the market with all the obstacles that Microsoft is putting in their place," he says.

"Some of them decide that it is better to reach a settlement with Microsoft to drop their objections, in return for financial compensation. In short, some of them are bought off."

'Avoiding precedent'

Not surprisingly, Microsoft has a different view. Mr Anderson says settling such cases simply makes commercial sense.

"I think it's important for any company that is subject of litigation to look for reasonable, constructive alternatives to that," he says.

"So, with any company that we might have a dispute with, we're always going to look for ways to have a reasonable conclusion to that kind of a lawsuit. So Real Networks is an example of that.

"Rather than continuing to litigate, we sought a business way to resolve that dispute, and we're very happy that we were successful in doing that. And Real Networks has had many business opportunities as a result of that settlement."

Microsoft says it has tried very hard to settle the outstanding issues with the European Commission. It offers European customers a version of Windows without Media Player - although sales have been tiny.

It also makes some interoperability information available to competitors - as long as they are prepared to pay a fairly hefty fee.

As far as Brussels is concerned, Mr Todd is unimpressed. "Microsoft wanted a settlement in order to avoid having a decision that set a precedent for the way the antitrust rules are applied - and would have set a precedent for its business model," he says.

"Thus far, everything Microsoft has offered as a way of settling the case was unsatisfactory and did not meet the concerns that the Commission had about their abuse of their dominant position on the market."

Question of choice

A defeat for Microsoft would force it to make major changes to the way it conducts its business. Mr Anderson says companies around the world which innovate and employ thousands of people will be watching the case closely.

"Leading companies in any country need to have confidence that when they make investments in new products, new technologies, that they will have the ability to recoup the benefit of those technologies," he argues.

The European Commission, in the eyes of many observers, has staked its reputation as an anti-trust regulator on the case.

If the case goes against the Commission, Mr Todd says the real losers will be consumers around the world. "We want people to be able to choose for themselves which products they use on their computers, rather than have it imposed on them by a super-dominant company."

Whatever the decision of the court, an appeal on points of law to the European Court of Justice is all but certain. After all, the parties involved can afford to employ the best competition lawyers in the world.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/09/14 11:48:57 GMT

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Sep 27, 2006
But I like my shoes without laces ??

Though I hope the commission win this trial .. and down to Microsoft ...


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
But Microsoft argues the European Commission is missing the point. Mr Anderson says the reason Windows Media Player is supplied with Windows is because it has become an essential part of Windows.

To buy Windows without Windows Media Player, he contends, would be like buying shoes without laces.
That tells you something about Windows doesn't it, that that piece of crap has become an integral part of it.
Zé Tahir

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #6
    Microsoft has lost its appeal against a record 497m euro (£343m; $690m) fine imposed by the European Commission in a long-running competition dispute.

    The European Court of First Instance upheld the ruling that Microsoft had abused its dominant market position.

    A probe concluded in 2004 that Microsoft was guilty of freezing out rivals in server software and products such as media players.

    Microsoft has two months to appeal at the European Court of Justice.

    "The Court of First Instance essentially upholds the Commission's decision finding that Microsoft abused its dominant position," the court's statement said.

    Microsoft's top lawyer said it was important now for the company to comply with EU competition law, but that it had not yet decided on its next legal steps.

    Trustee rejected

    It threw out just one small part of the European Commission's ruling, which had established an independent monitoring trustee to supervise Microsoft's behaviour.

    "The Court criticises, in particular, the obligation imposed on Microsoft to allow the monitoring trustee, independently of the Commission, access to its information, documents, premises and employees and also to the source code of its relevant products," it said.

    Microsoft has now been ordered to pay 80% of the Commission's legal costs, while the Commission has to carry a specific part of Microsoft's costs.

    The Commission welcomed the verdict. It will give its competition commissioner Neelie Kroes a much needed boost, after her office lost several high-profile anti-trust cases.

    Sharing information

    The 2004 ruling ordered Microsoft to ensure its products could operate with other computer systems by sharing information with rival software companies.

    It was also ordered to make a version of its Windows operating system available without Microsoft's Media Player software.

    Monday's ruling upheld that order, saying it was "beyond dispute" that Microsoft obliged customers to buy its Media Player software along with the operating system.

    Last year, Microsoft was told to pay daily fines adding up to 280.5 million euros over a six-month period, after it failed to adhere to the 2004 decision.

    Michael Reynolds, of law firm Allen & Overy, said the important thing was "that these principles of the judgement will not just apply to the Microsoft case".

    "They will apply to any dominant company that engages in the same behaviour. It's not just about Microsoft," said Mr Reynolds.

    "It provides legal certainty now as to what you can and you can't do in relation to information you have to make available to companies who compete in your environment to enable them to be a viable competitor," he added.

    Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2007/09/17 08:28:23 GMT


    Sep 27, 2006
    I wonder if the ruling applies outside Europe ? I mean computers here in Saudi Arabia will they have shoe laces with their shoes ?


    Sep 27, 2006
    First consequence Microsoft shares falling through out Europe .. 30% in Northern Rock of the UK .. and some here and there ..

    source CNN


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    Thats like buying a toilet with the shit inside it :D
    More like buying a car with a particular brand of radio. Which isn't a problem unless you've one car company with 90%+ of the market, killing off all brands of radio other than their own. Then that's a monopoly, which is illegal.

    How many millions of euro were spent coming to that particularly obvious conclusion?


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000

    What immediate changes do you think we'll see if this holds?
    Probably nothing much. Face it, it's a calculated risk. Corporates like this know the risks and it translates into sums of money. It's still much cheaper for them to remain a monopoly than to comply (apparently).

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